Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2049: Not good enough

The piano doubled his pale lips and looked at the huge head with vigilance.


Suddenly there was a crisp sound coming from the foot. The eyes of the piano swept away, his face changed dramatically, and the light belt under his feet broke. The light belt took the piano in both directions and the head fell down and extended toward the huge head.


When the piano and the feet were on the ground, they wanted to rise to the sky, but they found that they were still moving, and they were firmly stuck on the light belt.


The light band landed on the huge head, and then the vibrating, the piano could not help but fall on the huge head.

"Oh..." a sigh came from the ear: "Why can't you obey? Should you come in this way?"

The sound seemed to be at a very fast speed. When the last word appeared, it seemed to be extremely far away and weak.

"Drink Ha..."

Qin double found that the scene around him has changed, a very familiar and strange environment, swaying her dusty memories.

That was the happiest time she had ever had.

The kingdom of the string moon.

Royal Garden.

The three-year-old Qin double is practicing, her qualifications and talents are the first in the Zhouyue Kingdom, and many brothers and sisters do not have her. The mother invited the best warrior in the kingdom to be her master. She was surrounded by a group of people who loved her and lived in praise every day.

Her side is always surrounded by laughter, people's praise, what she wants, will always be sent to her.

Four years old!

Five years old!

Six years old!

At this time, Qin double stood on the head and looked at everything in front of her eyes. Her face burst into a happy smile. At this time, she had forgotten herself, forgot the time, and forgot the space. She is the six-year-old who is happy in her eyes. Little girl, she was intoxicated during.

Qin double is about seven years old...


Space is another turn, she returned to the age of three, the moment I started martial arts, surrounded by pets, admiration and laughter...

During the intoxication of the piano doubles over and over again, the face always has a happy smile and a childlike smile.

Her feet have turned into stones silently, and they are gradually spreading upwards...

However, Qinshuang is still intoxicated in the most happy time before the age of three to seven years old, intoxicated and unable to extricate himself. Her waist has turned into a stone, and she lost her feelings. The petrochemical is spreading to her chest. Gradually reached the chest, her neck turned into a stone, her mouth turned into a stone, her nose turned into a stone...

She is about to become a statue...

Her heart, her magic, her soul space are completely petrified, at this time the petrochemical atmosphere invaded her sea!


Know the sea.

A lot of merits and demerits have suddenly shook up. As it vibrates, a piece of symbol has fallen off the merits and has been printed toward the petrochemical. The petrified gas seemed to have encountered great fears and hurriedly retracted, but the ones that continued to fall off were chasing the petrochemical gas and rushed out of the sea.

The nose of the piano double recovered, the mouth began to recover, the neck began to recover, and the chest began to recover...

One by one, the symbols are constantly consumed, and the ones of the symbols are constantly detached from the merits. Finally, when the symbols on the merits are only ninety-nine, the piano is not only fully recovered, but not a petrified one. The whole person has completely awakened.


As if there was any cracking, there was a crack in the scene in front of the piano. The crack cracked quickly and spread like a spider web. The only one in the eyes of the piano was a three-year-old piano pair. The innocent smile of the child dissipated with the broken pieces.

Qinqin looked at the pieces and disappeared, and his face was full of a childlike smile. The smile gradually converges. When the last piece disappears, the face of Qin Double has no smile and turns into a sigh.


Looking down at the huge head, the head has turned into a planet, no longer a skull.

"Thank you!" Qin double whispered: "While you almost made me fall, it reminded me of the happiest time."

The piano double turned and set foot on the light belt. The light belt floated toward the sky.


Re-integrating with the other half of the light belt floating in the air, the cracks can not be seen at half point, as if it had never broken half.

"Treading step..."

The piano double walked again on the light belt and walked up quickly. With her walking, the surrounding scenery was changing. First, the starry sky under the foot became the floor, and the endless voids on both sides became the wall. Running in a corridor.


The piano double stopped, and there was a door in front of her, a closed door.

The piano did not hesitate, and reached out and pushed open the door. A touch of green appeared in the eyes of the piano.

That is a garden!

The entrance was a green lawn, and the voice of an elegant woman passed from the outside into the door.

"The dark sky... Ah... the dark earth... ah... the dark river..."

"Ah... the dark soul... ah... I long for the light..."

"Ah...what time is going... In this dark time, I can’t feel the passage of time...ah..."

"Ah... lapse... ah... it passed my memory... ah... I left someone else's memory..."

The consciousness of Qin double began to be chaotic again, as if the sea and soul space were known, and the heart was burning. It's just that this kind of burning isn't really hurting the piano. It just makes her feel burning, so her consciousness can't concentrate and show chaos.


Behind the piano double, the exquisite sword rang, and the consciousness of Qin double was concentrated. Then Yang Ling's voice passed into her ears.

"Qin double, this song spurs your negative emotions, you only have to take your negative emotions now."

“Don't go to my negative emotions?” Qin said: “As with some monks like the old ones, take all the negative emotions away? Let negative emotions become the soil of the birth demon?

Going to negative emotions... Is that still me? ”

"Do not!

That is not me, I want to be complete! ”

Qin double stood at the door, clinging to the gods, resisting the elegant singing voice.

"Oh..." The seeds of the metaphysical heart at the heart of the four great gods began to jump.

"Oh..." The seeds of the metaphysical heart at the heart of Yangshen began to violently jump.

"Oh..." The heart of the spirit also violently jumped.


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