Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2050: broken

Dao Xin, knowing the sea, the beating sound in the soul space meets and merges in the body of the piano, and a more vigorous beating sound is erupted.


As passionate as a drum!

The sense of Qin double is concentrated, and there is no burning feeling. Instead, the spirit of war is high, and the fighting spirit is rushing!


Qin double pushed the door completely and stepped out. Presented in front of her is no longer a green lawn, there are flowers, green trees, in the flowers, under the green trees, there is a swing, a woman sitting on a swing, head down, swinging on the side, side Sing a song.

Countless flowers swayed with her singing, as if they were dressed in bright costumes, and danced with the song.

"The dark sky... Ah... the dark earth... ah... the dark river..."

Qin double looked at the woman, the woman seemed to have not found the piano double, still humming the song. Qin double removed her gaze from her body and began to observe the entire garden, seeing a door across her.

Qin double stepped on the lawn, walked toward the door, walked in front of the woman, she could not help but glance at the woman, the woman suddenly raised her head, pale skin, a pair of eyes did not have pupils, It was all white, staring at the piano double, and the beautiful song was heard from the pale lips.

"Ah... the dark soul... ah... I long for the light..."

When the piano doubled up, the hair rose, and a cold air rose from the foot, straight to the top of the head, making the top of the head numb.

The woman was still swinging on the swing, and her eyes were all staring at the piano, and singing a beautiful song in her mouth.

"Ah...what time is going... In this dark time, I can’t feel the passage of time...ah..."

Qinqin hurriedly removed his gaze and ran towards the front door.

"Ah... lapse... ah... it passed my memory... ah... I left someone else's memory..."

Qin double suddenly felt that the song was behind her, she suddenly stopped, and turned around.


The sweat is like a pulp, and the entire clothes are soaked!

She saw the woman standing behind her, singing a beautiful song in her mouth, a pair of white-eyed eyes, staring at her.

Qin double felt that he was numb all over his body, and he could not go back step by step, and the woman followed the pace of the piano double, step by step.

"Who are you?" Qin did not ask.


In this opening, she felt that the fire-fighting **** of the body suddenly became sluggish, and then she flew out to the knowledge. Her eyes saw a strange smile on the woman’s face, her singing. Stopped, but it opened his mouth, as if waiting for the double-fired Fengfeng Yuanshen to fly out of the sea and swallow the fire and the gods.


From the meritorious monument, she fell off a symbol, and turned into a silk-like pattern around the Huofeng Yuanshen, forming a mask. The stagnation of the fire and phoenix gods restored the agility. Regained control of the body and stepped back.

The woman’s strange smile changed obviously, and it seemed to be an accident, and then she sang a song in her mouth.


Unconsciously, she had already retreated to the end. Her back hit the door and knocked the door open. She hurried back two steps and the body retreated into the door.

The woman’s footsteps stopped at the gate and seemed to be inaccessible. Her pair of eyes were all white eyes, staring at the doubles, and the mouth of the opening and closing was closed.


The piano double closed the door and isolated the strange sight of the other party.

She turned and saw a staircase.

Raised his hand and wiped a cold sweat on his forehead, gazing on the stairs, and finally stepped on the stairs.

"Treading step..."

The piano stepped on the stairs and made a hollow sound.

The piano stood on the stairs and looked into the inside. The look was another.

She returned to the previous room. The Terran and a Yaozu also showed a pair of chess. The Yaozu held a chess piece in the air, and the Terran was a smirk.

"How can I get out?"

Qin double stood there quietly, his eyes swept over the remaining two doors, and wanted to see what was inside the two doors. However, in the end, her gaze fell on the two people who played chess, and then walked toward the two people, walking carefully and holding the fire sword in her hand.

She went to the front of the case. The one person still had no reaction. The eyes of Qin double fell on the board. Only in an instant, the piano double fell into the world inside the board. She became a soldier and wore white clothes. A, fighting with the enemy of the black armor.

Her feet began to petrify a little bit.


Qin Bianzhi’s meritorious deeds in the sea sent out a humming sound, and a symbolic scorpion fell off and turned into a four-dimensional god. After that, the petrochemical was dissolved.


There is still a trace of the gas field rising from the chessboard, entering the body of the piano double, let the piano double understanding of the sea, Ling and Yang Shen once again began petrification, this time turned out to be petrochemical from the inside out.


Gongdebei vibrates and finds the root of petrification. A symbol is floated out of the sea of ​​Qinqin, coiled around the board, then abandoned the board and hovered around the room.


The plaque swayed in the air, and the vibration formed a mysterious wave that directly entered the sea of ​​the piano.


The merits of the monument were shaken, and one after another, the scorpion fell off and rushed out of the sea. In the end, there were a total of thirty-six plaques around the body of the piano, hovering around the body of the piano, the speed of the hovering The sooner you come, the more you form a light, and the piano is covered in it. At this time, the piano double has been completely awake, and the petrochemical body has completely disappeared.


The piano double rises like a light egg, breaking through the ceiling and straightening up.


A series of roaring, the piano double feels like a shuttle through countless space barriers, and the hard, radiant light around the egg begins to fade.


Qin double can feel the pressure of the road is broken, as if it has broken a space barrier, suddenly it seems that the pressure disappears, the light egg accelerates into the sky, the piano in the light egg looks down through the light curtain, I saw a huge island-like thing floating in the black ocean. As the light egg lifted up, the island gradually became smaller in the field of vision, and the piano double finally saw what it was.


I am very grateful for the rainy night looking forward to snow (1000), dcc_closely (500), Zhao Yilin Zi Yan (500), serious study and serious study (200), a gust of james (200), cloud dance flying silk fairy (100), Bai Zibing (100 ), seaphay (100), earnestly study and study hard (100) reward!



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