Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2051: Start

That is a big fish!

Like the big fish on the island, Qin Double has never seen such a big fish.

"Oh la la..."

Like the sound of running water, the light egg that shrouded the piano double broke, and turned into thirty-six characters, although it became dim, it still exudes great power, and fell to the big fish below.


The piano looked at the scene below, and rose from the big fish's body to thirty-six mushroom clouds, followed by the scream of the big fish.

"Puff puff……"

The fierce cry made the piano double spurting blood and pale. The figure is crumbling in the air.

It turned out that the base I built didn't know when it was eaten by this big fish. So, the statues inside were the monks that the big fish once swallowed. The gods and souls were swallowed up by them and eventually turned into statues.

This darkness is a spiritual world. The spirit of every creature is very powerful. The minds of those monks who have been confused have become statues without knowing it. If you don't have a meritorious deed, you may become a statue.

"It's not dead yet!"

In the field of Qin double, the big fish positively swayed its tail slowly and dive toward the water. The piano doubles the mind and moves all the blood refining scorpions and ordinary symbols of the refining of the piano to the big fish. The sky seems to have a squid.


Countless mushroom clouds suddenly lifted off, and the black ocean swelled into huge waves. After about a quarter of an hour, the dark secluded space was quiet again, and the big fish floated over the sea on the belly. The piano doubled his mouth and twitched. At this time, I felt a little heartache. Only then, under the anger, I dropped all the plaques, and the **** sacred symbols were also turned into ashes.


The shape of the piano double dive toward the big fish, and one palm pressed against the big fish.


The big fish disappeared instantly and was taken into the town demon tower by the piano.


Falling into the ocean in the town demon tower, the piano double extended left hand food pointing to the space, the space appeared a black vortex, the piano stepped in step by step.


Qin double a **** sitting in the peach forest, breathing heavily in the mouth. About a quarter of an hour later, Qin double stood up and walked out of Taolin, flying towards the lotus space.

In the Dongfu House of Qinqin, the flower is too fragrant outside the door. From time to time, a medicinal medicine is taken out from the storage ring and thrown into the mouth. At this time, his cultivation has reached the ninth floor of the nine-day Xuanxian, even the piano. When you take a medicinal herb, you have to run the refining method for a while, but the flower is too fragrant but like a jelly bean.

“Well?” The flower was too fragrant, and looked at the empty space. Then the gods swept the storage ring and whispered:

"Eat the food? Oh, it’s eaten up, and then with my sister."

Then he called to the piano in the town demon tower: "Sister, I don't have any medicine!"


A storage bag suddenly fell in front of the flowery incense claws, and the flower was too fragrant to close the storage bag, and then began to lick the remedy.

Inside the town demon tower.

Qin Shuanghe and Lingling Town stood by the sea and looked at the sea with shock. I saw that the body of the big fish was gradually melting. A vortex was born from the big fish like the island. The big fish disappeared a little, and the vortex expanded a little. Gradually, the vortex began to bulge and form on the sea.工具 squash, and the sleet, the sleek, the squad,


The sound of the sea water stirring roared in the ear, and the double shocked look of the piano became stronger and stronger. Whispered in a low voice:

"Old town, I feel that this water column is familiar, I should have seen it."

"Have you seen?"

"Well! It seems to be..." The piano was suddenly and suddenly, and excited: "I remembered it. I used to see it in the dark world. It is such a rotating water column that can eject a dark corner. Is it a dark corner? Is the generation of powerful dark creatures after death?"

The old town thought for a while, nodded slightly: "very likely!"

Qin Shuangxin said: "Is there a place in the town demon tower that will continue to spray dark corners?"

The old man turned a white-eyed road: "Master, you are a dream! Those dark corners are made by this powerful dark creature. When the energy of the whole body is transformed into a dark corner, the water column must disappear."


There was a trace of pity on the face of Qin double, and then he smiled and said: "In any case, I will have a dark corner. My dark corners are gone, and the empty lotus liquid and weak grass are gone. The lack of this property of heaven and earth."

"This dark creature wants to completely transform into a dark corner, I am afraid it will take a long time." Zhen Lao looked at the huge island-like big fish.

Qin double looked at the speed of the big fish melting, and he nodded and said: "Look at this speed, it takes at least ten years to fully melt. If it takes time to turn into a dark corner, I don't know how long it will take. The old town, you pay attention to it, I went to cultivate, before I came back from the empty space, I entered the dark corner, awakened the gods and the gods, and had no cultivation. This time, I should be able to break through the third floor of the nine-day Xuanxian. It is."

"Go, master, I’m going to have a second round of assessment. Are you ready?”


Qin double nodded slightly, she did not have much confidence in the assessment of Tianziyuan. This time it was a ten-round assessment, but only the first round of assessments killed thousands of monks.


It is death, not elimination!

From this, I can imagine how cruel this Tianziyuan assessment will be!

The sun shone from the sky and drove away the darkness. Tianzicheng instantly became vivid and noisy. Countless people flowed in one direction, and the central square of Tianzicheng gathered.

There are nine towers there!

Sky Tower, Danta, Futa, Tower, Tower, Pagoda, Chess Tower, Book Tower, Painting Tower.

Today is the second round of the evaluation of Tian Zicheng.

闯 Tower!

In the end, the monks still have to be respected by Wu. The rest is only to assist the monks to comprehend the heaven and earth avenues, to make the heavens and the earth avenue more complete, and to embark on a higher peak.

Therefore, this time, the evaluation of the Tianziyuan was started, but it began with the killing of the three tribes, and finally ended with the tower. Start with Wu, end with Wu!

Qinshuang and Yuguanting walked side by side in the crowd, the third layer of the Qinshui nine-day Xuanxian, and the fifth layer of the Jade Crown Court nine days.

Behind them, Chu is vigorous, iron is soft, Lei Xing, waiting for the ground.


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