Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2067: Zheng Lun’s unwillingness

"Hey!" Fu Hongguang just snorted, but did not speak again.

It was not until sunset that someone began to be sent out one after another. After the piano double, the first one was sent out is Lang Yu Piao, and successfully refines a master-level sword. After he landed, he looked at the list for the first time. There was a wrong color on his face.

First place: Qin double, inner star field, ink star.

Second place: Lang Yu Piao, Zhong Xing Yu, Tian Zi Xing.

"How come? How is it possible?" Lang Yu looked incredibly at the top of the list: "I am a double master! Oh..."

He suddenly remembered that Qinqin was also a double master before, so to say, the piano double refiner should be in the realm of the fairy master, which squeezed himself in second place with a slight advantage.

“Hmmm?” Lang Yufeng regained his gaze and looked at him. He saw the piano double standing in front: “Are you out?”

Stride to the front of the piano double and ask: "How come you come out so quickly? Did you fail early? Is it wrong, if you fail early, how could it be the first?"

"Lang Yu Piao, don't be embarrassed." Lang Yumeng's face is red. "Qin double is a fairy master!"

"Fairy Master?" Lang Yu floated a look, then vehemently replied: "Impossible! I have entered the tower a lot earlier than her. If she is a fairy master, she should still be in the tower. It is absolutely impossible to refine the master class fairy in front of me."

Lang Yu floated his face with confidence, his face was firm, and he looked at the piano and said: "Qin double, are you saying?"

"That... Lang brother..." Qin double said with a shyness: "I am refining the dagger, every layer is, so... only need to refine a piece of ore!"

Lang Yu floated his heart, his throat squirmed, and he looked like he was going to spurt blood, but he didn't squirt out, silently turned around, step by step, and there was a voice in his heart:

"The earthen buns, the earthen buns..."

The tower assessment lasted for four days and four nights. When the final monk assessment ended, everyone's eyes gathered on the rankings.

First place: Qin double, Zhongxing domain, ink star.

Second place: Lang Yu floats, inner star field, sky purple star.

Third place: Wen Yu, Inner Star, Tian Zi Xing.

Fourth place: Wanjing, Inner Star, Tianyi Star.


The second two hundred and eighty-six: Zheng Lun, Zhongxing domain, ink star.

The 2,881th: Wei Qingjue, Zhongxingyu, Qingxuxing.


The second two hundred and sixty-seven: Snow, the inner star, the ice and snow.

Qin double eyebrows pick, can not help but secretly said: "Snow is not in the central, Han Qing and Yun Cang also should come!" Then look down.

The second two hundred and seventy-seven: Han Qing, Inner Star, Big Bear.


The second two hundred and ninety-nine: Yun Cangwu, Inner Star, Tiansuo Star.

The third thousand: An Shicong, Zhongxing domain, Tianpingxing.

The third thousand and two: Yu Guanting, Zhongxing domain, ink star.

Everyone walked toward the Blu-ray Palace, and Wei Qingjue smiled and looked at An Shicong and Yu Guanting:

"Do you have two levels of refining equipment? It’s been overtaken by three thousand people. I have no masters, but I have balanced levels, hahaha..."

Yu Guanting and An Shicong black face, do not pay attention to him, but he smiled very embarrassedly, it is eye-catching. Jade Crown sighed a voice:

"In the third round, there are still a few of our top 10 Blu-ray stars. Now, except for the double glory of the three divisions, the rest are all outside the two thousand."

The monks around the many blue-ray stars are looking at the piano pair, and their eyes are full of eager worship. They are very clear in their hearts, as long as the Qin double in the next few rounds of assessment, as long as they do not want the level of Yu Guan Ting and An Shi Cong refiner so bad, enter the top 10,000, through the assessment, into the Tianzi Institute is nailed.

"Qindaoyou, in the next Luo Dexing, Jing Wencai."

"Qindaoyou, in the lower division Wen Xing, Si Li."

"Qindao friends..."

One by one, the monks split up and introduced themselves to Qin Double. Soon after the Qin double was surrounded by a group of people, more and more, surrounded by the two-way blue light palace.

At this moment, Qin double has undoubtedly become the core of the Blu-ray domain.

After the crowd, Zheng Lun was like a water.

Before the assessment, even if Qinqin experienced a long street killing, Zheng Lun is also the core of the Blu-ray star assessment disciples. Almost all the monks want to surround him, in order to mix face in front of Zheng Lun. Various means.

However, there are only a handful of people around him today.

Border punishment, starry sky, Ouyang tour, Lai Wentao...

Looking at the people around the stars, Zheng Lun took a deep breath and the hands in his sleeves clenched his fists. A voice in my heart is shouting:

"The next round, the next round is the tower. I am a master of the fairy tales, the realm is higher than the refining, I will be able to improve the ranking. I will not believe in the piano or the master, the next round, will certainly shorten the gap.

The core of the Blu-ray domain is mine, and the core of the future is also mine!

My future must be brilliant! ”

"Zheng Xiong, I have inquired about the doubles of the piano, and the doubles come from the ink star. It is the master of the right valve. At the beginning, the positive valve was once destroyed by the Yaozu. It is the disciple who has saved dozens of righteous valves. Those disciples will The fans are the main players."

Zheng Lun slightly frowned, not like Lai Wentao's embarrassment, is it not enough to see me? Tell me about the great achievements of Qin Double here?

Lai Wentao also saw the slight dissatisfaction of Zheng Lun’s face and said quickly:

"After the Qinshuang became the master of the right valve, the first thing was to re-arrange the guardian ancestor. But the entire Guardian ancestor was laid out by the elders in the door. The piano pair did not participate in the slightest, but provided the material of the array. ""

Zheng Lun’s look was a joy, and then it was a condensate: “How do you explain the fact that Qin Double is now living outside the Tian Zicheng residence? It is said that the Fa Lian Xianjun can kill!”

Lai Wentao smiled confidently: "I have inquired, Qinshuang and Xujia disciples Xu Kaiyun, Xu Kaitian, Xu Kaishan, Xu Qinglian in the mortal world, is a good friend. Later in the spiritual world, Qin double helped out to travel Xu Kaiyun. So After Qin Qin came to Tianzicheng, he immediately met Xu’s family leader under the recommendation of Xu Kaiyun. Now Qin’s Dongfu was originally Xu’s. So I decided that her array was made by Xu. It is not surprising that the family can arrange a battle to kill Xianjun! If Qinqin understands the law, as her own ancestral array, how could she not lay it out?"


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