Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2068: Mysterious Xu Xuanxue

"Also!" Zheng Lun smiled and took a picture of Lai Wentao's shoulder: "A good assessment, try to enter 30,000 or less, when I enter Tianziyuan, find opportunities to make you a true student."

Lai Wentao looks great: "Thank you Zheng Xiong!"

Forty-four monks such as Xu Luoxue did not get together this time, toasting Gaole, but after the assessment was completed, they went home.

Although Ren Pingsheng was the four masters of his own sister, the identity of the three masters of Qin Double was a huge impact on the Tianjiao of these purple cities, so that they did not have the idea of ​​Gao Le. However, soon a message was quickly spread throughout the Purple City.

Ren Pingsheng is a four-master, Xu Xuexue is probably five masters and even six masters.

The entire Purple City was sensational. Every day the purple city's monks walked on the street with a proud look on their faces. Even if the piano is sandwiched by the three masters, it will be pressed by the Tianjiao of Tianzicheng.

This is the pride of the hearts of the purple city monks every day!

Blu-ray palace.

Forty thousand tens of thousands of monks were standing in front of Shen Chongguang. Shen Chongguang glanced over the monks and finally fell on the body of Qin Double. His face did not hide his appreciation:

"Qin double, you are very good! Very good! Three masters, it is in front of Ben, you can also sit flat."

The piano double offensive and defensive strength is modest: "Predecessors have a reputation!"

“Ha ha ha...” Shen Chongguang said with a loud voice: “But it’s a reputation. It’s a little bit good. Do you know?”

Shen Chongguang glanced over all the monks, Shen Sheng said: "Today I was forced to make a bet by Fu Hongguang, the domain owner of Ziguang Xingyu. The gamble is whether or not we can enter the top 5,000 in the Blu-ray domain. If there is, Ben will win. The rewards that belong to Fu Hongguang will be returned to me. If not, I will lose. After you enter Tianziyuan, all the rewards that belong to me must be paid to Hongguang."


Forty thousand tens of thousands of people have taken a breath of air, which is too scary!

Even if only 20 monks in the Blu-ray Stars enter Tianziyuan, the resources that belong to Shen Chongguang are also high. After the people were shocked, they couldn’t help but look at the piano pair. In their hearts, they thought that there was still a chance.

"Don't let you work hard!" Shen Chongguang condensed: "Who helped Ben to win this bet, this prince took the bet from Fuhong, and the prince took out half of it as a reward and gave it to the helper. Jun won the bet."


Everyone was stunned, and then they looked at the piano pair. There was a variety of looks in their eyes, envy, extreme, eager...

However, the piano is very calm. She has no concept of reward. There is no concept of an image, so there is no excitement in my heart. Her performance is to let Shen Chongguang know.

The piano is not excited at all, it seems that there is no certainty. Ugh……

He couldn't help but look at his disciple Zheng Lun. He still knew very well about Zheng Lun. He originally speculated that Zheng Lun was about 6,000. This is the best disciple he taught. I believe that I can achieve good results in the examination of Tianziyuan.

However, I did not expect Zheng Lun to be out of luck, refining the master-level Xiandan, and the results were improved at once, so there were about 5,000 achievements. That is to say, if Zheng Lun is out of luck, maybe he will actually enter 5,000.

"Zheng Lun!"


Shen Chongguang stared seriously at Zheng Lundao: "Is there confidence?"

"Yes!" Zheng Lun shouted loudly.

“Good!” Shen Chongguang gratified and nodded: “Being waiting for you to enter the top 5,000!”

"Qin Shuang!" Tang Qianshou, who stood behind Shen Chongguang, came out and said: "If you can break into the top 5,000, although I have not gambled with Fu Hongguang, I have discussed with Yuxi, we got The reward will be 10%, rewarded to the right valve."

"Good!" Qin double nodded calmly.

She has no concept of a 10% reward, so she looks calm. After Shen Chongguang announced the dissolution, Qin Shuang, Yu Guanting, An Shicong and Wei Qingjue went to Qinqin together with Qin Double. These days, An Shicong and Wei Qingjue also lived in the Qin.

"Qingjue, we passed the assessment and entered Tianziyuan. How does Tianziyuan reward our star field and stars, why not give us?"

"Give it!" Wei Qing said.

Qin double could not help but be shocked: "How have I not heard of it?"

Wei Qingjue explained to Qin Shuang: "The reward is divided into two parts, one part is to thank each star field and the stars to train talents. One part of this reward will be drawn by the domain owner, and the remaining 90% will be returned to their respective stars. The other part is to pass the assessment of the monks. Every monk who enters the Tianziyuan has a reward for points."

“Point rewards?”

"Yes! Tianziyuan has all kinds of cultivation resources, only you can't think of it, you can't find it. But these resources need points to buy."

"How many points does that give us?"

"The 10,000th place gives ten points, and then each time a position is advanced, one point is added. If you get the first place, it is 100,000 points."

"This... the difference in points is great!"

"Crap, so every monk in the assessment, are fighting for a good ranking, even if it is a ranking in advance. If I, An Xiong and Guan Ting can get a relatively good position this time, absolutely thank you. This time only refining one Dagger, in terms of time, we can definitely improve a lot of places."

"Yu..." Yuguan Ting and An Shicong on the side were not happy to laugh.

"My realm of battle is still master!" Wei Qingjue proudly looked at Qinshuang, An Shicong and Jade Crown Court: "What are you realms? Will it be bad?"

An Shicong said with a slap in the face: "I am a master."

"Really?" Wei Qingjue took a jump. Qin double is a slight gaze, and the gods and Weiyang communicate: "What is the realm of the predecessor, the prisoner's road?"

"It's very strong, the great master! Even if An Shicong is not a master of the martial arts, the prisoner can temporarily control his body, and the prisoner will lead the battle. As long as the prisoner is willing, the kid can be the master. The identity passed the assessment."

Qin double thought about it and shook his head slightly: "It is impossible to estimate. Once An Shicong shows the realm of the great master, it is too eye-catching. The prisoner will not ask for trouble."

"Yeah!" Weiyang agreed: "So he himself said that he is the land of the guru."

"Oh..." Jade Crown sighed a sigh: "My border is still very bad, and it is a fairy squad."

"Hey!" Wei Qingjue licked the tooth flower. "Then after the next round, maybe you will fly out of 5,000."


I am very grateful to the rainy night for the snow (500), the book friends 140927163654360 (500), Zhao Yilin Ziyan (500), Yunwu flying silk silk fairy (200), suling (100), Bai Zibing (100) reward!



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