Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2069: Array tower

"Yeah! I didn't think about entering the top 10,000, I just hoped to be able to enter 30,000 or less and become a preparatory student of Tianzi."

When everyone talked about it, they went back to the Qin Palace and found that the four brothers of Xu Kaiyun had already come to the Qin Dynasty, and the waiting people and other people were also prepared for the dishes, and everyone ate and drank. Then they began to gather together and exchanged for three days. Everyone felt that their path had improved. However, it has already reached the assessment of the fifth round of towers.

Qin double stood outside the tower and looked up at the huge light curtain in the air.

Inside the light curtain is a staircase, each floor with a staircase, you can walk up the top floor of the tower. Only the steps of each level are arranged on each level. If you want to go up, you must break the array on the steps. And with time constraints, each step only gives one hour. There are nine steps in each floor, and the nine-story tower is the nine hundred and eighty-one steps.

Every monk in the light curtain started very fast, and it was just a break. Without waiting for the piano to enter the tower, many monks have entered the sixth floor.

Qin double entered the tower and was alone. She was used to the space inside the tower. There was a nine-step step in front of her.

At this time, in the sky above the tower, the light curtain of Qinshuang was quickly found out, and then the gods intensively explored the light curtain where Qinqin was located. The light curtain rapidly expanded and soon surpassed. All light curtains become the largest piece.

Too many people pay attention to the Qin double. The identity of a three-master is so that the double name of the piano is set off. Even the director of the Tianzi Institute, Haikuotian, also takes the piano pair as the key observation object.

In the light curtain.

The piano double stepped on the first step, and a small path appeared in front of the piano double. A snowy mountain was visible in the distance. The stairs had disappeared in front of the piano. The piano stepped out in one step and stepped on the node of the array.


The path trembled and then shattered. In front of the piano double, the stairs appeared again, and the piano double stood on the second step. Just a moment, the stairs disappeared again, and the trails and snow-capped mountains appeared again in front of the piano pair, but this time the piano was closer to the snow-capped mountains.

As soon as the piano stepped, the scene in front disappeared again, and she appeared on the third step.


Thirty-four disciples are both eyes, and the other monks are extremely relaxed, although they break the first layer of the law. But they will all form a pattern with their hands, and there is no such thing as a double pair. Then it broke for a while.


Above the clouds.

Fu Hongguang's face is black, and his heart has risen a lot of uneasiness. With the double-lifting method of the weight of the piano, I am afraid that the worst is also the master of the fairy tales, and even may be the master of the fairy tales. Even the masters of the fairy tales, even the latter rounds of assessments are very bad, badly unsightly, only the first layer of realm, is enough to make the piano double into the top 10,000. If the piano double is not so bad, it is enough to enter the top five thousand.

Is the piano double so bad?

This even the rainbow is not believed!

Shen Chongguang, Ling Tianhua, Tang Qianshou and Yuxi, etc. Xianjun did not have a trace of excitement on his face at this time, but a look of tension. The more you get to this time, the more nervous you are. They saw the performance of Qin double, and they had great expectations in their hearts, but how much they expected and how deep they were. A group of bright stars in the blue sky, eyes staring at the light curtain of the piano double.

At this time, Qin double has taken nine steps, stepped on the last step of the first layer, the body shape disappeared on the first floor, and entered the second floor.

The second layer is still a nine-step, and the piano doubles on the first level. This layer is the assessment of the Master. There is a small lake in front of the piano, and there is a pavilion in the center of the lake. The destination of the piano is to enter the pavilion.

The light blue lake reflects the long white clouds, and the double-handed standing on the lake, stepping on the lake, the lake under the feet ripples in a circle, and with the ripples, the whole scene is silently broken. The stairs are presented in front of the piano doubles, and the piano sets on the second step.

The piano walks step by step on the lake, and each step produces a circle under the feet. With the ripples, the world of formations is broken. After nine steps, Qin double stands in the pavilion.


The figure of Qin double faded in the light curtain, and then appeared, standing on the third floor of the tower.

Xu Kaitian, Xu Kaishan, Xu Kaiyun, Xu Qinglian stand side by side, looking up at the light curtain in the air. Xu Kaiyun's face was full of bright smiles.

"It's too easy! Big Brother, is this boss awesome?"

Xu Kaitian nodded, and there was a complicated color in his eyes: "She grew too fast!"

"Yes!" Xu Qinglian whispered: "When she first saw her, she was still so weak, and her eyes were narrow. I remember that time..."

Xu Qinglian turned his head and smiled at Xu Kaiyun: "The younger brother has been fighting with the piano and can't look down on the piano."

"Ha!" Xu Kaiyun smiled.

Xu Kaishan looked at Xu Qinglian: "The next round is the piano tower. Qinglian, your Qindao is the land of the guru, and you have to explain it to us in the next round."

"Miss sister should have been able to enter Tianziyuan?" Chu vigorously snorted and asked softly toward the iron beside him.

"Of course!" Iron said softly and proudly: "Don't forget the big ice-laying array that the boss has set up. The boss's road is already the land of the guru. After this round, even if the next few rounds don't participate, they are all in 10,000. Within."

Xu Kaitian looked slightly, although he had already thought that the big array of Qinfu that could kill Xianjun was the arrangement of the piano, but now it is sure, and the heart begins to be shocked.

"Four masters!"

"The fourth floor!"

In the light curtain.

Qin double has stood on the fourth floor and walked up the stairs, stepping onto the first step.

Qinqin stood on a piece of grass, and the grass on the ground rose from the ground. Like a dense green sword, like a long river, it rolled toward the piano. The sharp sound of the air made the piano sour.

The piano stood quietly on the grass, his eyes shrouded the grass that was infiltrated, and lifted his foot to the front.


The crisp swords and the rushing grass swelled, and then disappeared silently. The shape of the piano double appeared on the second step.


A voice rushed into the Tianziyuan and then flew toward the central square. Surrounded by the breath of Xianjun Peak. In terms of big ears, a purple robe.

Between a few steps, the body shape was interrupted intermittently, and it has already arrived at the central square, and the look of the moment is excited. He saw the image of the piano double at a glance. It is really that the light curtain of the piano pair is too big, so that anyone who has just arrived can not help but drop his eyes.


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