Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2070: Text map

"Sure enough, it’s a little girl!"

His eyes swept over the gimbal and saw a season on the gimbal. He received the news of Ji Ji, and he rushed around.


Walking in the air, he fell to the side of the season. Opening the call:


"Li Xian! You are here!"

"Can I not come?"

"Li Daoyou!"



Li Xian and Yun Xianjun on the Yuntai greeted each other, and then sat next to Ji Yan, looking at the piano in the light curtain, faint excitement, and the secret of the season next to him:

"Little girl is coming to the spiritual world so soon!"

"Whether it’s fast, it’s too fast!” Ji Yan’s eyes were appreciative and gratifying. He said in a secret voice: “I’ve inquired about these days, and the little girl’s rising foot is not the sky purple star, It’s not an inner star domain, but an alien domain that we call a wild land.”

"Ah? Isn't that a matter of years, how long does it take her from the alien field to the sky purple star?"

"Yes! That is to say, she did not separate from us for a long time, so she flew up, and in just less than ten years, she achieved nine days of mystery. I think it is not too much for those days in Tianzicheng. Let!"

"Do you know Zhang Dahe?"

"I sent the news out. According to the distance from Tianzicheng, the time will be inconsistent. If you live in Tianzixing, you will receive a message soon, and the rest will probably take a long time to receive it. Anyway, the younger sister entered the Tianziyuan and has been nailed for a long time. It will stay in Tianziyuan for a long time. Our old friends still have time to see the little girl."

"When everyone is separated, there are only thirty-eight people left. I don't know how these old friends are now!"

"Before the ancient star separated, Zhang Da Ge once said that after he went back, he would close the door and break through the half-step fairy king. I don't know if it will succeed."

"There should be no problem. Zhang Da Ge has a profound foundation. If he is not trapped in the earth yuan star, I am afraid that it will be half a step.

Do not!

I am afraid I have already risen to the fairy world! ”

"Hey, Xiaomei’s level is high, so I will enter the fifth floor in a while."

The fifth floor.

The piano double stepped onto the sixth floor, and the scene in front of her changed. She seemed to stand in the light. There is light both up and down, left and right, and no more. The light shines on her body, but there is no warm feeling. The light is infiltrating into the double body of the piano. The surface of the piano has turned into a layer of light. It will not take long for the whole body of the piano to be assimilated by the light and become A piece of light.

Qinqin still took a step, everything in front of him was broken, the stairs appeared in front of the doubles, and the piano doubled up.

"The fifth floor, as long as the piano can pass the sixth layer of the sect of the sect, it has been determined to enter the Tianzi Institute." Tang Qian hand palm sweat.

"There should be no problem." Yu Yu whispered: "The piano is too easy, who is at the forefront?"

"It is a monk named Wen Wenxing, who is estimated to be a fairy sect. He has already reached the seventh floor."

"What about Zheng Lun?"

"Zheng Lun is also good, has reached the fourth floor, the speed is slower than the piano, but it is also very easy."

“Before the sixth floor, everyone should be relatively relaxed, and the real assessment starts from the sixth floor.”

"The piano double enters the sixth floor!"

At this time, Qin double stood on the sixth floor and looked up at the stairs. Just standing under the stairs, you can feel the power of the array from the stairs.


The piano double stepped up.

The foreground of the eye changed, and the piano stood in a vast ocean. The blue waters of the blue sky swayed in the sunlight, reflecting the shimmering waves.


Qin double knows that if this method is not broken, it will always fly on this piece of sea until the time of an hour arrives and is transmitted by the tower.

“It’s going to be a little harder, not as easy as before!”

The piano double sticks out a finger, and the tip of the finger continually emerges. The piano fingers swung in the air, sketching a pattern, and then flexing a finger, the pattern flicked through an arc in the air and fell to a place on the sea. The pattern fell on the surface of the sea and disappeared instantly. Subsequently, the entire sea surface was like a low tide, and it retreated toward the four sides, and finally the sixth floor staircase was exposed.

"Calling..." On the top of the gimbal, Tang Qianshou spit a long breath and forced his fist in the sleeve: "Stable, Qin double entered Tianziyuan. No matter whether Shen Chongguang bet or lose, ink The hope of revitalizing the stars is there."

At this time, Tang Qianshou was fortunate that Qin double entered the middle star field from the outer star field and settled in the ink star. He was also fortunate that his grandson Tang Han and Qin had a good relationship.

"How is the crown court?"

On the face of Yuxi, there is a bitter bitterness: "On the fifth floor, but you should not expect. The court of Guan Ting is also a fairy sergeant, and it is still low among the sects. After this round, he It fell to 5,000."

"There is also hope to enter Tianziyuan." Tang Qianshou comforted.

"You don't have to comfort me. My grandson knows that I can get into the top 30,000, and I am satisfied."

"The text has entered the eighth floor." Yu Yudao.

"Qin double entered the seventh floor." Tang Qianshou looked at the light curtain of Qin double, and took another look at Zheng Lun's light curtain: "Zheng Lun entered the fifth floor."

Inside the tower.

Qinqin stood on the seventh floor of the stairs and stepped up. Suddenly felt creepy, hurriedly turned around, and saw a woman standing behind her, who was exactly the same as her own, and also a red dress.

"You are the eye?"

"Yes." The opposite of the piano double replied, the voice is delicate, like a child's voice.

"It seems to beat you!" Qin double's gaze shrouded the opposite pair of pianos, quickly and carefully observed.


The woman had already rushed to the piano double, and the long black hair of the shoulders burst into length and stabbed toward the piano.

The figure of Qin double disappeared instantly, letting the other's long hair stab, punching the other side's left rib, hitting the other's body shape, and the other's body swayed sharply. The eyes of the piano doubled each other's eyes. The body, the corner of the mouth is bent.

"The eyes have found it!"


The piano double stepped into the air, and the figure appeared in front of the woman in an instant, and the finger pointed at the third rib of the right rib of the other side. At the moment of stabbing the third rib of the opponent, the tip of the finger has already outlined a pattern.


It seemed to pierce a film, and the surrounding scene disappeared instantly. The piano stood on the second step.

"It seems that Qin double is not a big problem at this level." Tang Qianshou’s voice was a little excited. To know the better the ranking of the piano, the more rewards the ink star gets.


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