Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2071: It’s time to recruit

"Call" Shen Chongguang also breathed a sigh of relief, as long as the piano passed through this layer, even if the eighth layer, a master of the fairy tales, is enough to make the piano double in the hundred.

So, he looked at Zheng Lun. At this time, Zheng Lun was already on the sixth floor. Shen Chongguang frowned slightly, and his heart sighed and said:

"It seems that I have given Zheng Lun some pressure. His mentality is somewhat unstable. Otherwise, he will not waste so much time on the sixth floor. It seems that he is very difficult to play supernormally, and he has passed the eighth floor. I can pin my hopes on the piano."

Qin double spent more time on the seventh floor than the first six percent of the time, and it took about a quarter of an hour to get to the eighth floor.

At this time there are a lot of people on the eighth floor, but almost all the monks are on the first level, only two people are not.

One is Wen Wenxing's text, at this time he is standing on the fifth level, and the piano double standing under the first level, has not had time to step on the first level.

Taking a deep breath, Qin Double knows that the real test has come to the first level.

It was like unfolding a picture, and as the picture unfolded, it gradually covered the stairs and became the world in the picture.

In the sun, the piano stands in a strange city. At this time she was standing in a square in the city, with white pigeons at the foot foraging, surrounded by a circle of buildings, between the building and the building, with a street.

The surrounding is very noisy, the square, and the wide-spread streets, the flow of people.

Qin Shuang's face can not help but show a bitter smile, it is not a master-level fairy squad, directly to you a city. To find a line in such a big city, you can break this fairy tales.

The array is likely to be a building with many buildings. It is also likely to be a piece of furniture in a building, and each building has a lot of furniture. It is also likely that someone in this city can see the crowds, and maybe even a tree and a grass.

Qin double walked out of the square and walked into a tea house. He asked for a pot of tea and poured a cup of tea. The tea was golden and fragrant.

"Really like it!"

Qin double sighed, took the teacup and drank it.

"Even if the taste can be laid out, it seems that I am more or less affected by the fairy tales."

The piano double holds the teacup and looks down at the teacup.

like a statue.

Like a statue holding a teacup!

The double eyes of the piano begin to have a splendid flow, which is a slender pattern that converges toward her pupils, and finally covers a pair of pupils, and the pair of pupils of the piano pair become colored.

A glimpse of the whole leopard!

This is the inheritance of the double practice of the piano. By observing the point of the fairy tales, it is looking for a smashing array of eyes.

In the double-colored double eyes of the piano, the tea cup in the hand began to change. It was no longer a white jade cup, but a grid-like shape. The grid was composed of delicate lines. And the grid that builds the cup is also related to everything around it. A very slender pattern from the cup, like a very slender tentacle, explores the surroundings and is connected to the surrounding grids, and the surrounding grids form a piece of paper. Table, chairs, tableware, monks


The piano double crushed the cup in the hand, and the slender lines of the tentacles trembled, and the double eyes of the piano released a colorful light. Covering the trembling tentacles, they quickly confirmed a pattern, and the tremors of the lines were transmitted to the lines connected to it, and the lines were quickly transmitted.

At this time, the piano double has already flown out of the teahouse, and the eyes are staring at the tremors of the rapid tremors, and the figure is flying in that direction. Constantly changing direction, sometimes left, sometimes right, sometimes high, sometimes dive, sometimes hovering in place


The piano fell under a tree by the side of the road. There were more than a dozen weeds under the tree. The piano doubled out his fingers and pulled the weed.


The whole city shook, then twisted, disappeared, and the stairs appeared.

"Moving, moving, the piano is moving!" Xu Kaiyun excitedly waved his fist.


The crowd was sensational. Since Qinqin was able to break the first-level set of formations and set foot on the second level, it showed that Qin double had research on the master class. And seeing that she only used a few dozens of time, she broke the first-level array method, which shows that Qin double research on the master class is not shallow. Maybe you can really get through the eighth floor, that is the real master.

Four masters!

Even if the latter assessment is only to reach the realm of the immortal, it will definitely be able to enter the top 100. Even if it is only a bad apprentice, it will be enough to enter the top 10,000. Qin double has already obtained the qualification of Tianziyuan. .

Both Tang Qianshou and Yuxi were so happy that they could not close their mouths. Although his grandson Yu Guanting had already been sent out, he was still ecstatic. Fu Hongguang on the other side has already blackened his face.

Shen Chongguang is still nervous because he knows that this round is crucial. If the piano doubles the eighth layer, according to previous experience, the piano double basically entered the top 5,000. He can announce the victory in advance, and a hanging heart can be put down.

"Don't look at the piano pair!" Tianping Xingxian Junfeng Xiao Chen's face with an unstoppable smile said: "An Shicong also entered the eighth floor."

Everyone in the heart was happy, and hurriedly looked at An Shicong’s light curtain, and he saw An Shicong embark on the eighth-level first-level set.

"Oh? Wei Qingjue is not bad, on the seventh floor." Qing Xingxian Xianjun said.

Shen Chongguang was overjoyed. It seems that this year's Blu-ray star field scored a good look at Fu Hongguang, Fu Hongguang black face, pretending not to see Shen Chongguang look over.

"嘿嘿嘿" Shen Chongguang did not care, could not stop laughing.

"Qin double chased the above picture."

At this time, the piano double has set foot on the seventh level, and the text is also set on the seventh level.

Thirty-four family chiefs stared at the piano in the light curtain, and they had already made up their minds in their hearts. It was time to recruit the doubles.

Just Xu Mo just thought about it, then he swayed. He felt that Qin double could not join any family. Even Xu, Qin double would not join.

First of all, Qin double will not cultivate resources. Will a person from the four divisions of the Danfu array be lacking in cultivation resources?

Whoever lacks her will not be short!

Secondly, Qin double will not lack the cultivation and inheritance. If you enter Tianziyuan, you will still lack training and inheritance. Was the Purple Academy still the first college in the spiritual world?


Thank you very much Liao Mubai 1500), book friends 201103210707330311000), rainy night looking forward to snow 500), a gust of james200), wy worry 200), seaphay100), Bai Zibing 100), cloud dance flying silk silk fairy 100) reward!



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