Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2079: There is another card

How can an ink star monk who is not as good as a blue star be so dazzling? Covered my light?


Within the Taolin, five tables are placed. In addition to other delicacies, there are also sautéed corn rice, fragrant meat, bigmouth fish and monkey wine.

These four things, even for the 34 or so young patriarchs, are rare things, but in the Qinshuang here is enough, one by one to eat hearty and full of fun. There were several young patriarchs in the room, faintly revealing the meaning of recruiting the piano, but they were all rejected by Qin.

These little patriarchs are not stupid people, but they are all intelligent people. After they refused a few people, they noticed that Xu Luoxue and Ren Pingsheng did not have a single word for the doubles. Even the faint confession did not exist, just like the double release of goodwill.

Xu Luoxue is over, only expressing an attitude, and then rarely speak. Ren Pingsheng is trying his best to talk with Qin Qin, and look at it. Two people are like a life and death.

So, these people thought for a while and they understood. Xu Jiahe Ren Jia has long analyzed that Qin double cannot join any family.

Will a five-master division still lack cultivation resources and inheritance? Moreover, it is still the student of Tianziyuan. The most important thing is that Qinshuang will enter Tianziyuan as the first person. How can it lack resources and inheritance?

But what can her family give her in addition to resources and inheritance?

What's more, the family's best resources and top-notch inheritance will only be left to the successors of their own family, that is, they themselves, it is impossible to give the piano. Qinqin entered Tianziyuan as the first person, but he was able to get the best resources and inheritance.

So, is your family really attractive to Qin Double?

In the past, it was not the first place to successfully recruit Tianziyuan, but it was not five masters!

Five masters!

With this ability, even if you do not enter Tianziyuan, there will be no shortage of resources and inheritance. Entering Tianziyuan is just a strong background, so that others can't dare to bully the piano.

Therefore, these people also gave up the doubles in the mind, just holding the good minds of the Qin and the two, trying to promote their circle.

Xu Kaitian looked at the snow with few words, and could not help but sigh.

Qin double is definitely worthy of the family, this patriarch has already done it in advance. Moreover, I have achieved the good feelings of the piano pair. As long as the snow falls down, the piano pair will give a goodwill response.



Xu Luoxue is not able to let go of his body, but can't let go of his prejudice against Qinqin.

His gaze could not help but look at Xu Kaiyun, and his heart could not help but smile. He understood that Xu Xuexue had no prejudice against Qin double, but Xu Kaiyun would have a prejudice against Qin. If Qin Double and Kai Yun don't know, I am afraid that this time, Xu Luoxue has been talking with Qin Qin.

Xu Luoxue has never been able to see the open cloud, so all things and people related to Kaiyun, Xu Luoxue instinctively do not like.

Fortunately, there are four brothers and sisters, and the relationship between Xu Jia and Qin Shuang is not bad!

Gao Le to midnight, these talents have dispersed, Xu Kaiyun four brothers and sisters also returned to Xu home, since this time, Xu Mo suddenly severely opened up Xu Kaiyun, let him lose a lot of freedom.

Lang Yupiao and others also left and left, the relationship did not go to that part, want to stay here to eat and drink, I am sorry.

After sending away these people, the piano is also a little tired. It is no easier to practice with these people than to practice, and there are thirty-four masters here, not to mention the cultivation. In other respects, there are also many masters who communicate and inspire and harvest. Qin is not exception. However, this kind of communication was extremely painstaking, so after Qin entered the town demon tower, he did nothing and went straight to sleep.

Xu Luoxue and others left the Qin House and walked on the road, all silent. Today’s harvest in the piano house is not small, so they have a thought that they can’t underestimate the world. At the same time, they suddenly have an uncomfortable feeling. Today they went to the Qin House for a feast. This is not the circle they joined the piano, not the circle. Qin double join their circle?

Going back to their respective families and reporting things to the patriarch. Xu Luoxue and Ren Pingsheng naturally did not have any pressure. Anyway, they just had to pay for the piano pair and there was no extra task. But Qing Honglou and others are reporting with pressure. However, their respective patriarchs only thought for a moment, just let them continue to make good piano pairs, and did not mention the matter of solicitation, which made them feel relieved.

The town demon tower.

Qin double wakes up, this time she did not continue to practice, but took the one-legged person out and began to study the last layer of the array, she is ready to use this three-day time, the last one Formed into a matrix.

Another three days.

Qin double came out from the town demon tower, the outside three days, the town demon tower for several years. Qin Double finally understood the character array in the final time.

This is a superimposed array of swallowing and returning. A ring is placed in the one-legged person, which swallows the opponent's attack and releases it in a circle within the array. There is only one place that makes the piano double unsatisfactory, that is, it cannot be stored. Release it when you need it. From devouring to release, it is automatically released for the two-time period. Qin double has also been pondered, can not superimpose a storage array method in the middle, but no success, at least with her current realm, can not do.

There is also a place where the piano is helpless. Her current state of the road is not enough. The realm of the guru's realm can only be set up to attack the engulfing the immortal. If it is high, it will not work. Moreover, the original character array also has defects. It can only devour and release two attacks in succession. If it is more, it will collapse. Each time it is released twice, it takes a day to cool down. This makes the piano double and helpless.

However, even so, Qin double has already saved a life-saving cost. Nowadays, there are not many things to protect the life of the piano. There are seven Xianjun water lines, one hundred and eight points, and the swordsmanship in the temperature. The piano double will take time out every day but compress the sword in the hole. At this time, there is already One in ten thousand has become a liquid, and the power is amazing. Once released, there is already a glimpse of the power. If one hundred and eighty are out of the sword, they can also resist the attack of Xianjun. There are also eighty-one nine-day Xuanxian's blood refining magical symbols, together with the words, when it can block the immortal strike.

But this is to resist the immortal king, encounter a half-step fairy king, and only wait for the death.


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