Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2030: Six masters snow falling

"Life-saving cards are still a little less!" Qin Shuang and Yu Guanting and others walked on the street to the central square, screaming in their hearts:

"After the assessment, you have to make a few Xianjun-level blood refining charms! Only the Xianjun-level demon and the demon have no place to buy, it is the nine-day Xuanxian demon is also very difficult to buy. Before Those who bought almost bought out the 100-year inventory in Tianzicheng.

It’s a headache! ”

"Qin double, what are you thinking?" Jade Guanting looked at the piano and said: "Isn't it sure about the chess tower?"

"I really can't do it on the chess track, that is, the master level. Guan Ting, is your chess track still okay?"

"Well! Masters realm." Yu Guanting nodded: "After this assessment, my ranking can be improved a bit, and then fell like a cliff. My books and paintings are too much. The book also Being able to reach the immortal, the aspect of painting is stronger than the apprentice."

Qin double did not think about the cards at the end of the day. Several people talked and laughed and came to the central square. The piano was two-way with Lang Yufu and others, and Lang Yufu and others were also far away.

After two quarters of an hour, the tower opens. Everyone entered the tower in succession.

The light curtain of Qin double has become the biggest moment. The reputation of the five masters has pushed the piano to the top of Tianzicheng. At least in the assessment process, even Xu Mo has no double attention.

"You said that the piano will not be six masters?"

"Sure! Qinshuang is a land of masters on this road, and this time is no exception."

"I don't think so. No one is all-powerful. The piano is no exception."

"If Qinqin is a six-master, can he deservedly become the first generation of the Tianzixing youth generation?"

"This is also true. Ren Pingsheng is only four masters. It is said that Xu Luoxue is only five masters, and at most six masters. If Qin double gets six masters today, at least it is the same as Xu Luoxue."

"Hey, it’s the same name as Xu Luoxue!"

"Fortunately, there is still a snow in our purple city, otherwise it is really shameful. This is a big purple city, the center of the spiritual world, known as the gathering place of Tianjiao. If it is overtaken by a star field, don't When I say those arrogance, I feel pain in my face."

"So, that Qinqin can't be six masters! What kind of cultivation environment do we have here? What kind of cultivation environment is in the middle star field? It is said that the ink star of Qinshuang has just experienced the avenue of the road, and the five masters are already her limit."

Above the clouds.

Xu Mowang looked to Haikuo Tiandao: "Congratulations to Hai Dean, this time received a good student!"

Haikuotian has now learned that thirty-four of the players have failed to win the piano, and their eyes have become a seam, hehe said:

"Tongxi, I can hear that Xu family has already recruited Wanjing into the family yesterday."

"Ha ha……"

Xu Mo also laughed. These days, 34 families have not been idle. Any monk above the master level, they feel that they have potential, they have started to contact, let them dig a lot of people.

Lang Yu Piao and Wen Yu naturally no one will dig, they are Lang family, one is Wen Jia. However, Wan Jing, Liu Hanyan and Wen Tu, were all recruited into Xu Jia, Ren Jia, and Qing Jia.

For An Shicong, Yu Guanting and Wei Qingjue, some people came to recruit. An Shicong refused with a smile, and Yu Guanting did not think about it and refused. This is because before the Qin double, Jade Crown will not hesitate to choose a family to join, that is what he has been waiting for for a long time. But after meeting the piano double, his point of view changed.

Or it is said that his heart is twisted and twisted, and you can fight alone, and I can also use Yu Guanting. He is also a proud person. Before he met Qinqin, he was the most outstanding Tianjiao of the ink star.

Wei Qingjue seriously pondered for a long time, and finally refused the recruitment of the various families one by one, and then did not have a skinless face with the piano:

"Boss, I can refuse all family recruits for you, you have to be responsible for me in the future!"

The gas and the piano will fly out. However, I also accepted Wei Qingjue in my heart.

Inside the chess tower.

Qin double stood in front of a chessboard and explored the gods into the chessboard. During the time, the light curtain turned into a plain, and the piano stood in the ranks of a team of black helmets and black armor. It was the commander of this team. Opposite her is a team of white helmets and white armor, the two sides are approaching quickly.

The two teams in black and white quickly collided and the war broke out. Qin double commanded the black team to split the white team, encircle, straighten, sweep...

When the last white team soldier was killed, the scene inside the chess tower appeared on the light curtain. The piano double stood next to a pair of chessboards, and then the body shape of the piano double disappeared and appeared on the second floor.

The second layer, the third layer, the fourth layer...

Although Qin Double did not spend much time to study the chess course, she was the emperor after all, and led the army to fight. Therefore, she rushed to the seventh floor and went to the eighth floor before being sent out.

Qin double is still the first place in the rankings, but it makes almost everyone sigh of relief.

This is normal!

Not a master, just a master. If the piano double is in the master of the chessboard and becomes the six masters, it will make people feel illusory.

The most important thing is that Tian Zicheng's strongest Tianjiao Xu Xuexue is probably the six masters. You are good again, and you can't be stronger than Xu Xue.

"Xu brother, such as today's purple city monks will pin their hopes on you." Ren Pingsheng said with a smile: "All said that you are six masters, pressed the piano double, for the honor of the purple city, Xu brother does not confirm Are you six masters?"

For Xu Luoxue, Ren Pingsheng is very jealous. Xu Jiahe Renjia is the strongest two families in Tianzicheng. Competition is everywhere, let alone between the two minor patriarchs?

Before his sister said that he was a four-master, there was news immediately that he said that the worst of the snow was five masters, even six masters, who pressed him. However, Xu Luoxue has not been publicly acknowledged. This can not help but make some of Ren Pingsheng's heart suffer. This remark today is also a temptation for Xu Luoxue.

Xu Xiaoxue’s eyes swept over the surrounding patriarchs. When everyone saw their eyes on him, they nodded lightly:

"I am indeed six masters."


The news spread quickly. Like the same circle, it quickly spread to the surrounding area. The monk's eyes in Tianzicheng eagerly looked at Xu Luoxue. I don't know who first shouted:

"The Snow Man!"

"The Snow Man!"


Qin double, Wei Qingjue, Yu Guanting and An Shicong were chatting, suddenly heard the cheers, could not help but look at the snow and looked at Xu Xuan. I saw that Xu Xuan Xue looked calm, but there was a hidden smug in the eyes, and the eyes looked at the little patriarchs beside Xu Xuanxue. Those people’s faces were relieved and have a kind of pride. Looking at the cheering crowds, I also saw the glory of their faces on their faces.


I am very grateful to the rainy night for the snow (5000), Liao Mubai (1500), a gust of james (200), seaphay (100), Bai Zibing (100), cloud dance flying silk silk fairy (100) reward!



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