Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2046: breakthrough

One year.

The piano opened his eyes, the four eyes in the eyes flowed, the place where the eyes passed, the space violently trembled, and then gradually returned to calm, introverted, hidden into the eye.

Qinqin stood up and pointed like a sword, traversing a mysterious trajectory in the air, and finally thorns toward the front.


A huge sword was born, and the sword was flowing with the destruction of fire, the wood was exhausted, the gold was sharp, the water was imprisoned, and the four elephants merged into one world.

The space violently oscillated, and there was a spider-like crack. The earth showed a huge gap. The whole world of the town's demon tower was shaking, as if it were going to collapse, and the piano was scared. The flowery fragrance on the side jumped up, and the hair of the whole body exploded, and looked at everything in front of him in horror.

The cracks in the sky gradually merged, and the gap on the earth is slowly closing. The old town of Lingling appeared in the side of Qin Double, nodding:

"The master has already had a glimmer of world power. With the strength of the master, if you give it all, you should have the power of Xianjun's four layers."

Qin nodded twice, and now he has merged the nine-day Xuan Xian Ba ​​Cheng Dao Law. If it can be integrated into 10%, it should be able to release the power equivalent to the peak of the four layers of Xian Jun, which still does not open the same time. .

It’s just that it’s too consuming power and the power of the gods. And if you want to release the four elephants, the four great gods must go together, and the four elephants will consume four gods. Qin double estimates, so that the four symbols of Wei Neng, with their current strength, can be released five times. In other words, once released, it will consume 20% of the power and strength of the gods.

"Master, before the town demon tower has not been promoted to the Chinese product, after the Tianxianbao, do not release this power in the town demon tower, and will cause damage to the town demon tower."

Qin double nodded and said: "I am negligent, not in the future!"

The hair that was fragrant and fragrant was soft and smooth, and once again squatted on the ground, ate a remedy and closed his eyes. The old town also disappeared beside the piano. Qinqin thought about it, and went to the town to build a studio for himself, ready to understand the spirit of the inspiration in the painting tower.

One year.

Two years.

Three years.

Qin double came out of the studio, with joy on his face, holding a reel in his hand, throwing the reel toward the air, and the reel slowly unfolded in the air, with a crane on the picture.


A crane was heard from the scroll, and the crane in the scroll flew out of the scroll, hovering in the air, and then fell to the side of the piano, with his head - gently rubbing the piano double, the piano eyes Bent like a crescent, reaching out and gently stroking the crane, the force of the air into the crane's body.

Note the spirit!

Qin Double has finally entered the realm of the spirit of the artist, becoming a generation of masters!

"Call..." Qin double spit out a long breath: "The breakthrough!"

Qinshuang has been fighting for seventeen days in the Tianta. He has already solidified the realm of the third floor of the nine-day Xuanxian. After the fusion of Taoism and comprehension, the state of mind is even more difficult.

When the piano doubled his mind, he left the town demon tower and left the lotus space. He felt his communication jade slipping in shock, and the gods explored it. It turned out that Shen Chongguang was telling himself. She remembered that after the assessment, Shen Chongguang gave her a message and asked her to go to the Blu-ray Palace the next day. I am busy with cultivation and forget it.

Forget it!

Now that you have forgotten it, then wait for yourself to break through and go find him. Calculated the time, and more than a day, it should be enough to break through.

When I walked into Taolin, I saw An Shicong, and Lei Xing and others were practicing in Taolin. When I heard the footsteps, several people opened their eyes and looked at the piano, and they closed their eyes again. The piano doubled a place away from them and sat down on the knees. Take out the town demon tower, hold it between your hands, and then start frantically absorbing the power of heaven and earth. Yuanli turned around in the body and hit the barrier of the fourth floor of Xuantian.

After a while, the piano doubled into the ground to smash the obstacles on the fourth floor of Xuantian, and the whole body was repaired to break through to the fourth floor of the nine-day Xuanxian. The heavens and the earth were madly smashed into the sky and formed in the sky above the Qinfu. A huge singular force vortex hangs down towards the piano.

Within the Taolin.

An Shicong, Yu Guanting, Wei Qingjue, Lei Xing, Chu Dali, etc. Huo Ran opened his eyes and looked at the Qin double in the distance, and then exchanged their eyes.

"The piano double broke!"

A few looked at the piano in the distance, and the eyes were shocked and envious.

"This piano double breaks too fast!"

On the street leading to the Qinfu, two monks walked toward the Qinfu, and both of them had smiles on their faces, but it was Li Xianhe Ji Ji.

"Ji Yan, I said to go to see the little girl earlier, you have to delay time, what do you think?"

"Li Xian, in the process of assessment, can't always disturb the younger sister?"

"I am not talking about the process of assessment. I understand this. I am talking about the assessment."

"I have to let the little girl take a day off. The little girl squatted for seventeen days and was very tired."

"You always have reason... Oh... is that the little girl's Dongfu?" Li Xian suddenly looked up into the air.

I saw a huge singular force vortex appeared above the piano.

"Is the young girl breaking through?"

"I don't know, go ask."

The two people suddenly accelerated, and they stepped out. The two of them disappeared in the same place. After they had to be seen, they appeared outside the gate of the piano house.

At this point, there were a lot of binoculars that took the space and looked at the piano. Guess what is the breakthrough in the piano?

Ji Yan touched the Qinfu method, and soon he appeared in the gate of the fence. He could not understand the cultivation of the other two people. The heart was a glimpse.

"I have seen two seniors."

"My name is Li Xian. He is Ji Yu. It is the brother of Qin Double. You inform the piano."

"This..." The face of the waiting area showed a difficult color: "The master is breaking through."

Li Xian and Ji Yan’s face is a joy, and Li Xian’s generous hand waved: “Then go back, we are both here.”

Blu-ray palace.

Shen Chongguang sinks into the water, Tang Qianshou and Yuxi sit in the chair, with a trace of uneasiness between the looks.

Shen Chongguang is the domain owner!

The domain master called the piano double, the piano double did not come?

Is it true that the piano is double-tested in the Tianzi Academy, and the whole person is inflated? Don't care about domain owners and Blu-ray stars?

The two of them also sent messages to the piano, but they were all sinking into the sea.

Also, the Qin double is not a person in the Blu-ray domain, but from an alien domain. There is no sense of belonging to the ink star, but it has just been tested in the Tianziyuan.


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