Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2047: reward

Qin double is not such a person!

However, no matter what the reason, offending a domain owner, a peak of Xianjun, is definitely not a good thing!

Zheng Lun stood behind Shen Chongguang and his eyes were filled with anger.

Qin double dared to ignore his master!

Damn it!

The villain is ambition!

A figure came in.

"Shen brother, there is a breakthrough in the piano, it should be Qin double." The person is Ling Tianhua.

Shen Chongguang's look was slow, and Teng stood up. A few steps appeared outside the Blu-ray Palace. Looking towards the direction of the piano, he saw a huge vortex in the sky above the Qinfu.

"Yes, Qin double must have passed the 17-day turret. After returning, I felt the opportunity of breakthrough. This did not come."

The anger in Shen Chongguang’s heart disappeared at once!

What is the most important thing for a monk?

Of course, it is cultivation, and when it comes to breaking through, the bigger things have to be put aside, and no monk will blame it. On the contrary, Shen Chongguang will be very happy. As long as Qin Double is not ignoring him, he has a sense of belonging to the Blu-ray Star. The higher the Qin Double is, the better the Blu-ray domain.

"The domain master, it seems that the piano double is for a reason, but also the domain owner should not be compared with the piano." Tang Qianqian.

"Do not care! Do not care!" Shen Chongguang laughed: "This reason is good, good!"

The look on Zheng Lun’s face is extremely exciting. In such a short time, Qin Double will have to catch up with his own repairs?

At the beginning, when he was on the starship, Zheng Lun was the third floor of Xuantian, and the Qinqin was just a big Luo Jinxian. Today, Zheng Lun is the fifth floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian, but the Qin double has been the fourth floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian.

After half a day.

The celestial force vortex over the Qinfu dissipated, and the rhyme sneaked into the space. The piano opened its eyes and the joy between the eyebrows.

The beginning of the fourth floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian!

“Congratulations!” An Shicong and others gathered around.

"Thank you!" Qin double also said: "I have to go to the Blu-ray Palace, the domain owner let me go, I have been delayed because of the breakthrough."

"Master, there are two people looking for you outside, one is called Li Xian, and the other is called Ji Yan."


The face of the piano has a surprise color, and when it is swept, it appears in the fence.

"Quiet brother, Li brother!" Qin double opened the fence door with excitement.

"Little girl, yes, this is the fourth floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian! It will not take long to catch up with my brother. Hahaha..." Ji Wei and Li Xian laughed loudly.

"The two old brothers are coming in!"

"Well, look at your Dongfu. We have no separate caves in Tianzicheng!"

"Brother, please, little girl has a few foods, two old brothers to taste."

Qin Shuang introduced two people to Taolin, introduced his friends to two old brothers, and then let the waiting time go to prepare the dishes, which was followed by Li Xianhe:

"Two old brothers, the domain owner has something to look for, the two brothers sit first, and the little girl goes back."

Li Xian’s big hand swayed: “What are we polite between us? Shen Yuanzhu let you go, you go by yourself. We both visited ourselves.”

Qin double and Yu Yu Guan Ting and others have been entertaining their two old brothers, and this has left in a hurry.

Blu-ray palace.

Qin double stood in front of Shen Chongguang, bowed his hand and gave a apology on his face:

"Domain master, Qin double because of the breakthrough has delayed the time, but also the domain owner forgive."

"This is nothing!" Shen Chongguang said with a smile: "The big land is big, the biggest breakthrough."

“Thank you for the domain owner!”

Qin Shuang’s heart was relieved. She didn’t want Shen Chongguang to misunderstand, otherwise her own frank reputation would be passed down, which would be very unfavorable to her. No monk will make friends with a man who is arrogant, that is, the dean of the sea will have a prejudice against himself.


A storage ring was thrown over to the piano. After the piano was caught, Shen Chongguang said with a smile:

"This is a bet that should belong to you to win, you see, hehehe..." Shen Chongguang smiled happily.

Qin double explores the storage ring into the gods.


Even the experience of Qin double made her startled. It is really too rich in cultivation resources, too much.

At this time, she understood why Tang Qianshou would say that if she could enter Tianziyuan, it would be of great significance to the ink star. If she can enter Tianziyuan, the resources rewarded by Tianziyuan will be enough to revitalize the ink star. It seems that Tang Qianshou has no vain words.

This is only the 10% that Shen Chongguang won the other party's reward, and he got half of it, that is, half. The piano double heart quickly calculated.

Even if there are only 20 monks in the purple light star field that pays the rainbow, they will join the Tianziyuan. Each monk is paid 10% by the rainbow, and the twenty monks are the rewards of two complete shares. Shen Chongguang and his own half, that is to say they took a full share.

No wonder so much!

There are various resources for cultivation, including the resources needed by various spiritual masters. The Qin double is probably calculated. If you convert all these resources into the top grade, there will be several trillions of dollars. Qin double will not need Xianjing for a long time.

The reason why it is said that there is no shortage of Xianjing, not lack of cultivation resources, because there are not many resources that can be used by the face piano. After all, these resources are rewards for the stars, facing the monks of all levels of the stars. The cultivation of Qin Shuangjiu Xuanxian is not low, and the resources needed are naturally more advanced.

However, Qinshuang can sell these resources and become Xianjing, and then go to buy the resources that suit him. In short, this is a resource for a planet, but now it is half owned by Qin. Think about it, this is a resource that is rewarded to a planet, and it is no longer strange in the heart of the piano.

Qin double took out an empty storage ring, took out 20% of the resources that he could not use, and handed it to Tang Qianshou:

"Tang predecessors, the younger generation has something to do."

"Say!" Tang Qianshou is very simple.

"The younger generation wants to ask the Tang seniors to go back and send people to send the younger disciples in Tianlinxing and others to the ink star Mocheng Qinfu. The cultivation resources in this ring will be handed over to the younger disciple Yuan Tong of the younger generation. As his cultivation and the expenses of the piano."

"This is a small matter!" Tang Qianshou took the ring and closed it up: "I will let Xiaohan look after it."

"Thank you for your predecessors!" Qin double arched hands.

"No need to be polite, Xiaohan will come to Tianzicheng in the future, but when you need to take care of you." Tang Qiang said with a smile.

Qin double also smiled: "Xiaohan is coming, you can find me directly. My relationship with Xiaohan, the seniors do not know."

The jade sat on the side, and there was a hint of envy in his eyes. Qin double can meet Tang Qianshou, that is to maintain a friendly relationship with Tang Qianshou. In the halls of today's hall, no one will think that the piano will stop the fairy. Qin double is bound to become a fairy, as to whether it is possible to step into the king, it is not a problem of hard work and talent, it needs a chance.


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