Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2054: Bucket painting

"Yeah!" everyone nodded.

"Can draw the friends who are above the realm of the game!"

A group of people quickly came out of the team, and the piano was swept away, only 2,162 people. It seems that this spiritual monk really does not pay much attention to spiritual painting!

"I don't know how to compete in this competition. The only thing we have to do is to do our best and be able to play better and better. Everyone draws a spiritual painting. We stand out as representatives of this field. ""

"it is good!"

Everyone was vocal, and they did not have the slightest confidence. However, when I heard the dialogue between the piano pair and the opposite brother, everything in the piano double was possible, which aroused the fighting in their hearts.

The young man opposite, also took the man out at this time, next to a woman chuckled:

"The new master sister is very charming, just two sentences, let them fight!"

"The fighting spirit is only fighting spirit, the strength is the strength, and has nothing to do with fighting spirit. The stronger the fighting spirit, the greater the blow to them. After this game, their fighting spirit will collapse, and the competition behind, I am afraid that 10% of the strength can not be found. 70%. We not only want to win this game, but also to win cleanliness. Let them see the old-fashioned style."

"With your spiritual master, are you still not talking about laughing?"

"Ha ha……"

The two sides walked forward and stopped when the two sides were 50 meters away. The young man smiled:

"let us start!"

"Good!" Qin nodded.

"Everyone draws a spiritual painting and sacrifices it to the middle of both of us. You can always paint, as long as you don't admit defeat. It doesn't matter if you draw a hundred sheets." The brother said proudly.

The piano nodded and no longer spoken.

The two sides stood in a row, face to face, 50 meters apart. Behind them, old students and new students are completely in two states.

Old students look at each other while talking and laughing. The faces of the new students are full of tension.

Outside the gate of the Tianziyuan, there were many discussions.

"You said, is there a hope for a new student to win?"

"No! But it may not be able to level out. The key is that I don't know how they won."

"Yes! Don't make it clear!"

Inside the light curtain.

The competition has already begun. Each monk has used Yuan Li to hold up a picture in front of him. Each monk is painted on the picture at this time.

The piano double painting is still a crane. When the painting is halfway, the old students on the opposite side have already been painted, and the paintings are sacrificed to the middle of the air.

The rating is not high, just a matter of interest.

However, when dozens of pictures were unfolded in the air, the mood was rushed toward the monk on the side of the piano, and the monks on the side of the piano were affected. One by one has to give up some energy and keep the gods. As a result, the painting is even slower. There are even more monks who are reluctant to enter. The spiritual paintings drawn at this time are even falling into the realm of realism.

As time went by, more and more old students took pictures, and began to have a picture of the true realm. The impact and pressure on the new students will be even greater, and the new students will have to spend more energy and the painting speed will be slower.

The piano is unaffected, her mood is strong, and nowadays it is also a spirited master. The spiritual painting that is true and incomprehensible does not affect her at all. It was just that she painted a spiritual painting of the spirit of the spirit of the spirit, and the time spent was much more, just as the old leader of the opposite side did not finish painting.

Finally, some freshmen finished the spiritual painting, and sacrificed to the middle of the air, and then some stunned, do not know how to beat the negative.

There have been more than a thousand paintings in the sky, and only nine of them are new. Under the suppression of the old paintings, they cannot give the oldest influence at all.

“Is it more affected than anyone else?”

Freshmen are not known.

As time went on, the scrolls of the new life festivals began to increase. Slowly increased to more than 500, but the old man has already sacrificed 960.

At this time, the leading brother in the old man put down the brush and looked up at the piano. The piano double sensed the other's gaze and looked up to the opposite side. The brother-in-law screamed at the music, raised his hand, and sacrificed the picture to the air.

Qinshuang’s Huofeng Yuanshen still paints, and Yangshen controls the body and looks up. I saw that the picture was slowly unfolding in the air, and my eyes were shrinking.

"Note the spirit! The land of the guru!"


A crow called, and it came out from the picture, and then saw the fire crow in the picture flew out of the picture, hovering in the air, and the heavens and the earth gathered toward the fire crow.

"Note the spirit!"

"The land of the guru!"

Outside the Tianziyuan, all the monks were sensational, that is, Xu Mo and other half-step Xian Wang could not be moved slightly. Gay’s painting master is too rare.


In the light curtain, the fire crow rose up and flamed, and flew past the hundreds of paintings of the new sacrifice to the air. The scrolls burned and soon became a gray, floating with the wind.

"The winners and losers have been divided!" Outside the Tianziyuan, Ren Pingsheng in the window of the restaurant condensed.

"Yeah!" Xu Luoxue looked at the road: "No wonder the old man is so confident, it turned out that someone has achieved the master of painting! It is really a hero, and it seems that it is a big time!"

Ren Pingsheng looked serious and said: "Yes, how can the human race be weak?"

Xu Luoxue’s gaze is burning: “The big time! My generation is fortunate!”

"Qin double has to lose this time!" Ren Gao Lin laughed.

Xu Mo also smiled and nodded: "If you lose, you will not be proud. It is only a big blow to the new students. There are no chances to win in the next few estimates."

"They didn't have a chance to win! Xu brother, are you really looking forward to the new students?"

"This session, the stars are awkward!"

"Little girl wants to lose!" Li Xian did not like his face.

"You don't ask too much for the younger sister!"

"Also!" Li Xian’s face showed a smile: "I am acting."

In the crowd, Xu Kaiyun’s face was uncomfortable: “It’s too mean, the old man actually got a master!”


Looking at the fire crow in the air, I burned all the paintings I painted, and the faces of the new students were frustrated. It is the monks who have not finished painting, and they have stopped.

What is the benefit of painting again?

The sacrifice is also burned!

No wonder the old man said that the outcome will be known at a glance, at a glance!

At this time, more than 2,000 new students, only the piano double is still painting. The rest of the freshmen were staring at the fire crow flying in the air. Morale is rapidly declining, and the morale that is not participating in the competition is also declining.


Thank you very much Liao Mubai (1000), rainy night looking forward to snow (500), purple people (100), seaphay (100), cloud dance flying silk fairy (100), earnestly study and study hard (100) reward!



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