Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2055: Seven masters

At this time, the pen in the hands of the piano suddenly raised his head and looked at the fire crow in the air. The old man opposite said with a smile:

"Qin double, do you want to admit defeat?"

"That must be tried before you know!"

When the words fall, Qin double suddenly throws the scroll in his hand toward the air.


A crane was heard from the scroll. From the scroll that was slowly unfolding, a crane flew out, and the heaven and earth in the air came together toward the crane.

"Note the spirit! The land of the guru!" The old people on the opposite side stayed!

"The land of the guru!" After the new life behind the piano, there was a burst of warm cheers and morale rising rapidly.

Inside and outside the gate of Tianziyuan, there is silence!

I don't know how long it has been, I don't know who it is, and I lost my voice: "Qin double... actually a master!"

"Seven masters!" Xu Kaiyun slammed his fist in the air and shouted excitedly.

The look of Xu Luoxue was a stiff, and there was a trace of loss in his eyes.

He is the pride of the Xu family, and is the leader of the younger generation of the spiritual world.

Tianziyuan did not have much weight in his heart.

However, this moment, even a student from Tianziyuan, a monk from the Zhongxing domain, has been compared!

His gaze fell on Xu Kaiyun, who was excited to jump.

"Is this the reason why he went out for a few years and returned to repair?"

Inside the Tianziyuan.

Ding Hao said excitedly: "Dean, I remember that Qin double in the fourth layer of the painting tower comprehend the spirit of the spirit of the spirit, was awakened by you, did not expect that only for these three days, she really realized the spirit of the spirit of the spirit."

“Yeah!” There was also a hint of excitement in the sea and the sky: “She should have reached the critical point of breaking the guru before the painting of the tower, just because there are not many paintings in the middle star field. If there is a layer of time in the painting tower, if she gives her some time in the painting tower, she might be able to end the assessment with the glory of the seven masters."

"This child... this child..." Ding Hao was so excited that he didn't know what to say.

In the light curtain.

The crane rushed to the pictures of the old students, and the two claws were pulled, and then a picture was shredded and then rushed to another picture. The firecrack chased away toward the crane. The crane did not turn back and fight with the fire crows. Instead, they flew toward the scrolls and shredded the scrolls one by one. It was only a moment of effort. There were only two paintings in the sky, one was a crane and the other was a fire crow.

Inside and outside the light curtain, everyone is eye-catching and silent.

The old man took his eyes back from the air and began to paint again. Qin double also regained his gaze and began to paint again.

At this time, the cranes and fire crows in the air have already fought.

The fire crow spurted out the flame and shot at the crane. The crane is in the dodge, the wings are waving, and a feather is shot at the fire crow like a sharp arrow.

At this time, the old students are no longer talking and laughing, and become serious. Freshmen are clenched with both hands and are nervously watching. Take a look at the fierce battle between the cranes and the fire crows in the air, and take a look at the piano pairs that are painting.

Suddenly, when the new student got nervous, he saw the old man raise his hand and threw the picture.


An eagle owl saw an eagle flying out of the picture and rushing toward the crane. The crane immediately turned around and fled.

An eagle and a fire crow are chasing behind.

The fire crow kept spurting out the flame, and the Xiong Yingnan spurted out the wind blade and screamed toward the crane. The crane was smashed into a wind blade and screamed.

The old man couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The new student was even more nervous. He couldn't help but look at the piano and dare not bother her. He just prayed in his heart:

"Master sister, hurry up! Hurry up!"

Qin double hurriedly looked up and threw his hand. A picture was taken to the air and slowly unfolded.


The same is an eagle owl, the snow-white eagle that has been rushing out from the picture, and immediately caught up with the fire ravens, and when the mouth vomits, it is a cone of ice. The fire crow was shot and dissipated in the air. At the same time, the crane that was also spit out by the eagle was smashed into several segments.



The two eagle hovered in the air and fought.

The old man looked at the piano and looked at the other side. The two sides looked in the air and collided with each other.

The old man licked his teeth and bowed his head and began to paint again. Qin double thought a little, then he began to draw down.

The speed of the old man is still faster than that of the piano. He took the picture first. The Jinpeng rushed out of the picture and flew toward the snow eagle. He joined the eagle to kill the snow eagle.

Within the count, the snow eagle became very embarrassed, and the white feathers continued to fall and escaped in the air.

"go with!"

Qin double suddenly slammed a song, raised a hand, and presented a scroll, and a Jinpeng flew out in the scroll, rushing toward Jin Peng, the old painting. Moreover, this time the piano double is no longer waiting for the old students to draw first, and the first to start painting. The old man saw it and began to draw.

The atmosphere became tense, and the eyes of the new and old students were constantly on the four birds in the air, and the piano double, the old man patrolled back and forth.

This time because the piano double pre-emptive painting, although the old students first painted, but after the two interest, Qin double will also draw the scroll to the air.

This time the old painting is an ice dragon, and the piano double painting is a fire phoenix.

The ice dragon and the fire phoenix flew out of the picture, and did not fight each other immediately, but quickly killed the four birds in the sky, and then the dragon and the phoenix fought.

At this time, both Qin and Laosheng are no longer painting, and they must decide to win or lose with this battle. Both people know that it is a waste of time to paint again. It is better to decide the outcome of this dragon and phoenix.

The situation of the guru is also high and low, and the two are better than the master!



Long Xiao Feng Ming, one ice and one fire, colliding with each other!

In the sky, half is a flame and half is a glacier!

Others are still nervously watching each other. Qinqin knows that he has lost. He draws his own spiritual paintings. He knows best. Although he enters the guru's realm, it is obvious that the other party is earlier than himself to enter the guru. The sedimentation should be deep. The painted spiritual paintings are a little more powerful than themselves. Only this point has already decided to win or lose.

The end result was the same. The fire phoenix dissipated in the air, and the ice dragon returned to the scroll, and the scroll was taken up in the air and dropped into the hands of the youth.

Qin double is far away: "Brother, we lost."


There was a sigh of sighs outside the gate of the Tianziyuan. This was not because they were intimate with the new students, but because of the psychological sympathy of the weak. In particular, let them see the hope of winning new students, but ultimately they are defeated, which makes people feel sorry.


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