Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2058: level

"The soul is not dead! The family is not destroyed!" Xu Mo whispered softly, and his eyes showed a different look: "Good! Good! Good!"

Qin double turned and walked across from the opposite side. A young man came out from the old man, with a pleasing eye in his eyes, and bowed to the piano:

"Qin Shimei, a good soul does not die, the family does not die! When a big white! Do not take out your monkey wine, and drink with the brothers?"

Qin double crying and laughing, do not know that the opposite brother is to appreciate himself, resonate with himself, or lick his own monkey wine. However, at this time, the piano double will not be embarrassed, take out two gourds, throw them to the other party, hold one in their hands, and lift up:



Two people sighed and sipped, and the newborns behind the piano were both infected by two people, one by one, and they wanted to go forward and drink with them.

In the Tianziyuan, a figure came out of Dongfu and looked at the light curtain in the sky.

Mu Chong, the master of the Tianziyuan, is not a master of the same period, the tenth day of the nine days before the retreat, and now the customs clearance is half a step.

The figure disappeared at the entrance of Dongfu, and fell into the crowd, patted a young shoulder.

"Small day, this woman is?"

"Master, are you out?" Tan Xiaotian said excitedly.

"Well! Tell me about this woman, it will be good!"

"He is the master sister of this session, called Qin double. And has won our old life, winning is Shu Yun."

"She is a master of painting?" Mu Chong's eyes flashed a bit of surprise.


Mu Chong looked to the piano in the light curtain: "This broke the record of our old students, but there is no way. This painting is unpopular. Shu Yun can become a master of painting, and the teachers in the courtyard have been made. Surprised, I didn’t think that Qin double would be a master of painting, a little bit interesting!”

In the light curtain.

The young man put down the wine gourd, shouted a cool, and then looked at the piano double:

"Qin Shimei, my brother, I am Hao Drink, and I call it a wine sword fairy."

Qin doubled his mouth, Hao drink... good drink...

"This time we are more than the piano, we are still old, we have a thousand people, you are free!"

"Good!" Qin nodded, holding a fist and giving a gift, then turned and left.

"Slow!" Hao drink called the piano double again, the piano doubled in the footsteps and turned to the body: "What is the commander's command?"

"I want to raise, just bet with you!"

In Tianziyuan, Tan Xiaotian screamed out loudly: "Hao Hao brother is watching the monkeys of Qinqin."

Mu Chong can't help but smile!

"We have two single bets. If you have lost a new student, you have to give me a gourd... No, a hundred gourd monkeys."

Qin double can't help but smile: "What if the brother lost?"

"I will give you 10,000 points alone!"

In fact, Qinqin now does not know how much the value of 10,000 points is worth, but he is very impressed with Hao drink, and he does not care about these, he nodded:

"it is good!"

"Then let's arrange it!" Hao drink waved his hand, then raised his gourd and drank it.

Qin double smiled and shook his head, turned and walked back to the new team: "I heard it? You will play the piano."

All the monks took a step forward, and it seems that every monk practiced the piano. Qin double thought for a moment:

"What songs do everyone play?"

"Should you break the military song?" Liu contains the flue.

Everyone nodded, breaking the military is a strong resilience of the spiritual world, but also a must-have track of the piano. Qin nodded and asked:

"Is it a quiet song?"

"Yes!" The crowd nodded again.

"In this way, 5,000 people played the broken military to attack the old students, and the rest of the people played the peace of mind to their own people, adding a defense to their own people."

Everyone nodded, so it was more secure.

"Fighting!" Qin doubled a big drink.

"Hey!" The monks answered in unison and followed the piano.

Qinqin, Hao drink and so on a thousand old people have heard, but they do not care. It is the master of Qindao. There are six people in this thousand people, and the new students only have two masters of Qinqin, Liu, and Yan, and this match has been decided.

The two sides sit side by side, each with a guqin on their lap. The guqin above the double knees of the piano is still the relic of the refining, and does not take out the celestial treasure in the heart.


The two sides twitched the strings almost at the same time, and the attacking tracks selected by both sides were broken. Just after the Qin and Wujin people, there are more than 4,000 people playing the meditation song, covering the 5,000 pairs of pianos and so on.


The space between the two sides has become a battlefield. With the repertoire of the repertoire, various kinds of fairy devices are born, and each other attacks...

The battle was escalating sharply. With the repertoire of the repertoire, a fairy soldier evolved in the sound of the piano, rushing toward the opposite side, like two monks, colliding in the middle, stifling...

In the old team, there are six tall generals, strong and powerful, and all the new singers who are close to them have been killed. On the new life side, there are only two generals, which are the sounds of Qin Shuang and Liu Han Yan Qin.

The sound of the piano is getting higher and higher. If there are nearly 5,000 monks playing the meditation song behind the new life, many of them will lose their minds.


The battlefield in the middle is getting more and more fierce, and the army of the new piano has begun to collapse...

The monk army of the old Shengqin has quickly approached!

The piano doubles and the fingers of the piano change suddenly.


As if the sound of the piano from the ancient times is straight through the souls of the old and the thousands, the souls of one of them are painful, as if burning.

Burning soul!

The army that rushed to the new piano music could not help but be one.


The **** of the piano changed again, covering thousands of old people, so that the old students could not help but seem to fall into a dream.


The piano holds the strings with both hands, pulls back, and then looses.

Breaking the military!


The sound of the piano evolved from a thousand-month fine wheel, from the opposite side of the old piano, but now the head of the monk army that has been stalled, and then quickly fell to the thousand old students. At the same time, 4,999 new students did not stop, and the monks of 4,999 sounds smashed into the monks of the old man.


The old monk army collapsed.


A series of broken strings, the old man who fell into a nightmare, woke up. Although with their strength, just for a moment, they broke free from the nightmare. But the monk battle, this moment is enough to decide victory or defeat.

Hao drink stared blankly at the guqin on the knees, then looked up at the piano pair, but finally smiled and stood up and said:

"Qin Shimei, my brother, I lost! Come, I will give you 10,000 points."


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