Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2059: Game 5

Qinqin was also not polite, handed his bracelet over, Hao Hao quickly turned over 10,000 points in the past, and then returned the bracelet to Qin Double Road:

"What are your two tracks?"

"The soul and nightmare!" The piano doubles, the sleeves are in front of the body, and there are ten wine gourds floating in front of the body: "Brothers, these monkeys will give the brothers a face-to-face ceremony."

Hao Yin immediately opened his eyes and smiled. When he waved his hand, he collected the Shiliulu monkey wine and turned his head and shouted at the flowers in the old group:

"Handle the bracelet."

"Oh..." A bracelet spurred toward the piano, and the sound of the sound was heard: "Waste!"

"Hey!" The piano steadily caught the bracelet and received the storage ring. The drink that was made into waste was squinting and looking at the flower:

"I am not a waste, do you want to try?"

"You..." The flowers were so sullen that she couldn’t beat her. Only insulting: "The old man's face is thrown into you."

"I don't think so!" Hao drink said lazily: "If you say it again, even if you lose it, you can drink it."

When the words fell, they took out a gourd monkey wine, and when they went back, they drank and the old people rubbed their faces together. Qin double is also crying and laughing.

"It's flat! We tied!"

The newborn after the piano was boiled again. An Shicong had already stood by the side of Liu Hanyan. He turned and hugged toward Liu Hanyan, but it was flashed by Liu Hanyan, and then looked like a smile. An Shicong, An Shicong, is a completely unintentional appearance, yelling in front of Liu Hanyan:

"We have tied! It has been leveled!"

There is a trace of doubt in Liu’s eyes, isn’t An Shicong really deliberately taking advantage of himself?

The smile is a lot real!

Qin double smiles toward the new life, looking at the money, elegant piano double. At this time, everyone's admiration for Qin double has once again improved, and the name of the master sister has been raised to 80% in the heart.

"Two wins in four wars, to tie the old life, this new life will be remembered forever!" Xu Luoxue's eyes showed a hint of envy.

"Two wins are the decisive role of Qin double, Tianziyuan finally gave birth to a leading figure!" Ren Pingsheng condensed.

"Leading figures?" Qing Honglou refused to accept the air: "Is it still early? Tianziyuan is now the world of Mu Chong."

“Mu Chong?” Ren Pingsheng smiled faintly: “He still owes some heat.”

"The piano pair is not owed to the heat?"

"Oh!" Xu Xuexue said: "But her potential is bigger than Mu Chong!"

In the light curtain.

In the old school, a thousand monks came out again. The head was a man. Before he came to the double-sided piano, the piano doubled the first hand:

"I have seen my brother!"

"Senior brother, I am called Kuntiandi. We are more than this in this field." Kuntian said with a face on the floor: "The rule is that there are a thousand people on our side, you can go all up. Every monk has a formation, then The two sides will break each other's formations. The party will first break the opponent's formation, and which side wins, the bet is still a point."

"it is good!"

Qin double arched hands, Kun Tiandi also returned to the old-fashioned, Qin double back to his own team:

"What do you think?"

Wentu smiled and said: "We have nearly 10,000 people here. Everyone has a formation method, which is nearly 10,000-period. The other party can only deploy a thousand-position method. We are taking advantage of the cheap and winning. ”

"Not bad!" Qin double also smiled and nodded: "Everyone will arrange it?"


Everyone nodded, although everyone's roads were different, but there is no doubt that they understand some arrays. When I heard the words of the text, I couldn’t help but get excited. If they win this game, it is a three-game three-win, overtaking the old man.

"Let's get started!"

"it is good!"

The crowd began to take out the flag and set up their own best practices, and the old men began to play at this time. There is silence in the small world, and the old people watching from the opposite side are also nervous, because they know that there is a piano pair, Lang Yufu, An Shicong, and Wentu four masters. Although there are more masters in the old world, there are eleven, but no one is more sure than the speed of breaking the battle. It must be the winner of the master. After all, the new generation is almost ten times as old as the old one.

The inside and outside of the Tianziyuan courtyard have been relaxed. They are watching the bustle, and the heart is not so nervous. Especially now it’s just in the middle of the lineup, and it’s not starting to break. And it took time to arrange the array. When I looked bored, I exchanged them one by one.

"You said, this time the new student wins, is it still the old man wins?"

"It's hard to say! New students in the front are not weak!"

"The key is that the old students will suffer in quantity."

"But the old master is also more than the freshman!"


After half an hour, all the monks will continue to set up the battle, and the two sides will become a row in the middle. Qin two-way Kuntiandi arching:

"Please ask Master Kun to order!"


Under the order of Kun Tiandi, the two pairs of convenient figures were interlaced, and each swept away from the opposite array. The figure was still flying, and the gods had spread out, and each searched for a battle. The speed of the old-fashioned tactics is very fast. Every monk is almost swept away. It is a banner thrown out, and a formation is cracked. This is really a new generation, although each one will be deployed, but almost half of the monks can only set up the formation of the sect of the sect. And this thousand old students, the worst in the realm is also the master of the fairy tales.

On the new life side, almost half of the monks directly take a break from the dishes. They are all sects. How to break the worst is also the level of the masters of the sect?

Many people have gathered together to discuss, and the remaining fairy tales can solve the same level of formation. However, since it is at the same level, it is not a high-level cracking low-order array method, so casual and fast, you need to think about time. The Qinshuang, An Shicong, Wentu and Lang Yupiao four masters came directly to the front line of the old masters. Because they know that if they can't crack the old master's ranks, even if they break the other formations, they will lose the competition.

However, they have encountered the same problem, that is, they want to crack the same level of formation, and also need to think about the time.

Thus, an embarrassing scene occurred in the light curtain.

These new students of Qinqin are standing in front of a squad, and there is no one to break the line and look like nothing. The old man was fiery, and a burst of fireworks-like embarrassment broke out one by one. Look at this appearance, let the audience inside and outside the Tianziyuan have a strange thought in mind.


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