Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2060: Break

Will it wait for the old students to break all the new formations, and the new students have not yet cracked the old students?

The moment Qinqin stood in front of the old student array, the mystery swept out.

Not bad!

She uses the mystery!

She was born with a deep understanding of the mystery, not only is it more in line with the heavens, but also more clearly see the essence of things. In terms of breaking the battle, the mystery is more able to see the pattern, nodes, trajectories and laws of the array.

With a glimpse of mystery, I know that there are eleven masters. At this time, An Shicong, Lang Yupeng and Wen Tu are standing in front of a master class, and they are thinking.

The piano double listened to the sound of continuous breaks behind, and the brow wrinkled slightly. Subsequently, the spirit, the four great gods, the sun god, and even the old town of the instrumental spirit were involved. Moreover, the double play uses the mysteries of the four gods and the gods that have been reluctant to use. The mystery of the heart of the four great gods and the sun **** spread out.

That is to say, in addition to the old town of Lingling, the spirit of the Qin double, the four major gods and the sun **** all use the mystery. And they shrouded a battle.

In other words, the spirit, the four major gods, the Yangshen and the old town, are responsible for cracking a master class. She directly chose seven relatively weak formations in the ranks of the masters.


Behind the new students such as Qin double, there is a constant roar of roaring, and there is still no one moving on the side of the piano.

"Hey! The old conference won't lose?" Iron softly glared at the big eyes, waiting for the light curtain.

"Miss sister will not lose!" Chu vigorously face the firm.

However, the iron is soft and does not believe him at all. She knows that Chu vigorously does not move the law, and she looks at Xu Kaiyun:

"Open the cloud, you say!"

Xu Kaiyun locked his brow and said: "Broken these arrays, I believe that the boss must have no problem. But other new students have dragged their legs and can't help the boss. The speed of the boss may not be..."

"Do you mean the old conference lost?"

"Just there is that possibility, hehe..." When it came to this, Xu Kaiyun could not help but sigh.

"The old man broke a thousand!" Qing Hong Lou said, anyway, seeing Qin double their new win, she is not happy. At this time, when I saw that the old man had the upper hand, I was happy.


Finally, there is a new and vivid, but it just broke the five-story. At this time, there were 955 remaining in the old-fashioned formation, and there were eleven master-level formations. At this time, the new layout of the array, leaving 8 thousand nine hundred and sixty seats. There are four masters.

The way of the old students is different from that of the new students. The four masters of the new students are the masters of the ranks of the old students. However, the old students throw the four masters of the new generation on the side, but break from the simplest array. Even the eleven masters are like this.

The eleven masters are breaking fast!

Is not this nonsensical?

The master went to crack the array of the sect of the sect of the sect, and it was not a casual throw of a flag, it was broken?

"There are still seven thousand six hundred and six hundred in the new life." Yang Tingwei condensed.

"There are still 980 left in the old-fashioned formation." Qing Hong Lou's tone was with joy.

"There are still six hundred and two hundred left in the new life."

"There are still 950 left in the old generation."

"There are still five thousand and one hundred remaining in the new life."

"There are still 935 left in the old generation."

Gradually, Tianziyuan began to relax inside and outside, no longer have a tense atmosphere. Only when the strength is equal will there be a tense atmosphere. Nowadays, the old students have broken the new generation of more than a thousand positions, and the new students can break the old ten-story. This strength is too disparate, and it is really not strong. In the eyes of everyone, the outcome has been fixed.

In particular, the four masters of the piano double have not moved yet, but just stood there silently.

Within the small world.

Those old people who watched were also relaxed.

"You said, waiting for Kuntiandi, they will completely break the new formations. Will the new students break our 100-square battle?"

"It should be ok, but at most it is 200, and it is still a master class. There are eleven master-level formations, and one can't break."

"Yes, the master also has strengths and weaknesses. Didn't you see the piano doubles, are they four still frowning there?"

"Ha ha……"

"Ha ha..."

Yang Tingwei shook his head and said: "There are still 4,000 left in the new life."

Qing Honglou also immediately reported: "There are still 912 left in the old-fashioned formation."

Xu Luoxue and Ren Pingsheng also lost interest in their eyes, and some looked bored at the light curtain.

"There are still 3,000 left in the new life."

"There are still 901 left in the old generation."

"The gap is too big!" Ren Pingsheng sighed. Xu Xiaoxue nodded silently, but suddenly his eyes widened.

In the light curtain.

Qin double suddenly moved up, this movement is a stone-shattered, and raised his hand to throw a seven-face flag. If you use a seven-faced flag to crack a battle, it will make everyone laugh. However, the seven-faced flag that the piano double throws out turned out to be a seven-seat array.


Seven consecutive roars, the seven masters of the old man collapsed!

"This is this..."

Inside and outside the small world, all the monks are sluggish!

"Is it a seven-seat method? Is it a master class? How can this be?"


Three more roars, An Shicong, Wentu and Lang Yupeng also each cracked a master class.

The eleven master-class formations were broken ten in an instant, leaving only one.

"Master sister, the master class is handed over to you."

Lang Yu floated, and then flew to those masters. An Shicong and Wentu also flew to those masters.

After Ren Pingsheng’s look, he smiled at the corner of his mouth: “Suspense is back.”

Xu Luoxue carried his hands and nodded slightly.

“Hey!” Li Xian’s nose has expanded: “The little girl is angry!”

Ji Yan said with emotion: "I really don't know what the younger sister is practicing?"

"Ha ha ha..." Haikuotian laughed loudly.

Mu Chong Yangmei admired: "Very good!"

Tan Xiaotian is also a bright eye: "Master brother, with the addition of Qin double, Tian Ziyuan under the leadership of the master will go on a brilliant."

Mu Chong showed a smile on his face.

Within the small world.

Qin double stood in front of the last master-level formation, this is the array of Kuntiandi. The piano double was just a trace of mystery, and I frowned.

This is a master's mid-term formation, and Qin double is only the beginning of the master.

For the mid-master's formation, the early stage of the master is not impossible to crack, it only takes time, not short time. However, Qin double can shorten this time. Because Qinqin has four major gods, Yangshen and Ling, plus the old town of Lingling, this is the beginning of the seven masters, and the seven masters still have the same intentions.


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