Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2070: Solicit

Step by step to today, the Qin double almost did not rest at this moment with such peace of mind, a tight string relaxed at this moment, let her whole person from the inside out has a kind of laziness, in this kind of 慵Lazy, there is a kind of transparency.

She frowned slightly, and at this time she was enjoying the extremely rare relaxation and tranquility. It was really not wanting someone to disturb her relaxation and tranquility. However, she heard the sound of the robes and was coming in her direction.

At this time, Tan Xiaotian in the air also glared at the surprised eyes. He looked at the bottom with a confused look. Qinqin actually got a swing, and he was still swinging freely there.

"She really came here to relax? This is this..."

For a moment, Tan Xiaotian was crying and laughing. The man behind the government was also speechless. Instead, the woman in Baihua Palace gave a silver bell-like laugh, and both eyes laughed into crescents.


One monk landed from the sky and landed in front of the Qin double. Before he even waited for Tan Xiaotian to open his mouth, Wan Jing and others would pray to the piano.

"I have seen the master sister!"

Tan Xiaotian looked sinking and turned to look at Wanjing and other humanities: "You remember, Qinshuang, the master sister, is just the name before you enter the gate of the Tianziyuan. When you come out of the small world, enter the sky. In the Purple House, there is only one master in Tianziyuan, that is, Mu Chong’s brother, there is no master sister anymore.”

Wan Jing and other people's face is a stagnation, Qin double stopped the swing, sitting on the swing, faintly looking at Tan Xiaotian. The Baihua Palace woman on the side laughed:

"Qin double, Tan Xiaotian said that it is true. The first place of each freshman, known as the master or master sister, is an honor given to this. But this honor is only in the Tianziyuan University. It is effective in front of the door. After entering the gate, there is only one master or master sister, which is the first place on the list. This is the rule of Tianziyuan."

Qin nodded, although he knew the facts, but still very uncomfortable with the attitude of Tan Xiaotian. She came to Tianziyuan to practice, not to be angry. Stand up from the swing and hand to the man and the man in the land:

"Senior brother, what is the teacher's sister?"

"My sister, I am Ning Caiyun!"

"My name is Luo Fu." The monk from the local government said with a smile.

Opposite, Tan Xiaotian's face is very ugly, and the Qin double is clearly to his face. He really wants to leave. However, thinking of Mu Chong's emphasis on Qin double, he had to withstand his heart, but his attitude and tone are still high.

"Qin double, now you already know, Mu Chong is the master of the entire Tianziyuan. Tiangong is now led by the master, now the Temple allows you to join, not to follow me to see the master?"

Qin doubled a bit, and did not want to just enter Tianziyuan, he was offended by the largest force in the Tianziyuan, and he handed it:

"Tang brother, Qin double has no intention to join any organization, please go back and tell the master, Qin double thank him for his wrong love."

"You... dare to reject the master?" Tan Xiaotian’s eyes showed shyness.

"Qin double!" Ning Caiyun smiled and said: "You just entered Tianziyuan, but you don't know enough about Tianziyuan. Tianziyuan is not a holy place, but it is almost like purgatory. The competition here is very fierce. You can't rely on yourself. It is very far away. Therefore, all of our monks must hold a group to warm up.

For example, you can't go out alone for a task? That is too dangerous. There are people like you who think so in history. However, they did not die in the mission, or they later joined an organization. Although as a newcomer, just joining the organization will suffer some losses in resource allocation. However, it depends on what you think. Even if you eat some losses, you can get some resources. However, if a person struggles, it is likely that there is no resource and it may fall into the task.

Qin Shimei, we are all women in Baihua Palace. You join us, everyone can help each other, and you can also communicate with each other. All the teachers and sisters will give you advice on cultivation. If you don’t need me to talk about it, I am here to invite you to join us. ”

"Qin Shimei, we have men and women in the local government. Although the name is not so noble, it reminds us of the cruelty of cultivation.

Not bad!

The Baihua Palace is a woman, and the master of Tiangong is very strong. But if we look at the overall strength, the masters have to admit that our land is the strongest. Come to our house, this is your best choice. ”

Qin double politely waited for them to finish, and this smile was apologetic: "Luo brother, Ning Shijie, Xiaomei really did not join the idea of ​​any organization. Finally admitted to Tianziyuan, I want to be quiet for a while. ”

The words of Qin double are euphemistic, and in fact they are already squatting. I just want to be quiet, trouble you not to bother me.

Ning Caiyun also simply said: "So I will not bother the teacher. If the teacher changes her mind, she can go to Baihua Palace to find me at any time. But..."

Ning Caiyun is still on the choice of the double choice of the piano. "The hole you chose is really... very bad. With your strength, even if you can't get a hole in the A district, there is no problem in Area B? Even if you just entered Tianziyuan, if you want to stay in the Ding District for a while, you can also choose a place with a strong scent?"

Speaking of this, hate it and say: "Cultivate the four treasures, the law and the wealth of the land. If you refuse to join the organization, you refused to the buddy, and now choose such a broken place, that is, refused the land. Four treasures to remove the two treasures , Qin Shimei, you are... confused!"

Luo Fu, who was on the sidelines, nodded, and it was a shameful face of Tan Xiaotian’s eyes.

Qin Double said: "It's big enough, beautiful enough. Stay here, good mood!"


Ning Caiyun extended his finger and clicked on the piano pair. He hated it and glared at her, and turned his head and flew into the air. Hanging her voice in the air:

"When you want to join the Baihua Palace, you can always go to me, but I don't want to see you live here again. You have to compete for a better Dongfu. Although the Baihua Palace is a woman, it does not need to enjoy the comfort of a woman. ”

"Hey!" Tan Xiaotian looked at the piano with a squint, a robes sleeve, flying away.

Luo Fu said with a smile: "Qin Shimei, you will play here for a few days. After a few days, if you want to practice, you will change places, and then go to our land, and then you will welcome you.

Yes, I know that you have a few friends who come here with you in Tianziyuan. Every time after the end of the evaluation of Tianziyuan, there will be many forces recruiting disciples in Tianzicheng. You may wish to go out and tell the ones who came with you. Several people, this is also an opportunity for them. ”

When the words fall, the sky is empty, and the body flies away.

All gone, only Wan Jing these people, these people look at the piano double. Seeing the piano double look, Wan Jingdao:

"Master sister..."


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