Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2071: Four elephant array

The double pendulum swings: "Since there are rules, don't call me a master sister."

"Sister!" Wanjing is like a good one: "Are you still choosing another place?"

Qin double shook his head: "Actually, the best place here and the Ding District, although the concentration of Xianyuan gas is different, but there is not much difference. Living here, feeling good, the practice of entering the country may not be worse than other places. As you know, it is not the most important thing to absorb the sages in our realm. The most important thing is to comprehend the heavens. I think that a good mood will help to understand the heavens."

"I mean, with the strength of my sister, I can go to other districts and fight for a good Dongfu. The concentration of Xianyuan gas is stronger than that of Ding District."

"Let's talk about it!" Qin Shuang pendulum waved his hands and said: "You are also busy, just came to Tianziyuan, everything is starting from scratch, all stopped."

Wan Jing and others have left to leave, Qin double sitting on the swing, the heart secretly:

“Is there a lot of power coming to recruit disciples? I don’t know if Chu is strong, will the iron and soft LeXing go?”

Nowadays, the people who followed her to Tianzicheng have only four people, namely, iron softness, Chu vigorously, Leixing and waiting for the land. Tell them about it, this is to make them have a choice.

Qinqin took out the communication jade and sent the message out. Then put down the communication jade, descend from the swing, and start to look around the array. The party was disturbed for no reason, and her heart was very unhappy. If the formation was opened, there would be no such thing.

Qin double looked at it, there is only one defensive array, there is no attack type. And this defensive array is also very strong, can completely block a Xianjun ten hits. However, this made the piano double unsatisfied. She did not change the original arrangement of the Tianziyuan, but wanted to add a formation.

Suddenly a thought emerged in my heart, and I was definitely standing there, and I was caught in the push and comprehension.

About an hour or so, the hands of Qin double began to rise constantly, and the figure also hovered around his own Dongfu. The flag was thrown into the ground by her face, and it took half an hour. Qinqin Slowly landed on the ground, took out a flag, moved the finger, and scored the flag. A large array will be generated.

The array is filled with the destruction of fire, the sharpness of gold, the exhaustion of wood, and the imprisonment of water.

It is the Qinshuang who, after comprehending the four elephants, merged the four images into the array and the four elephants.

Qin double branded the bracelet and the original defensive array, opening is the defensive array. This was a sigh of relief. Only in the arrangement she had set up did she feel the real safety, otherwise she would not dare to enter the town demon tower.

When the mind is moving, the piano double enters the town demon tower.

In a cave house in Tianziyuan, Haikuotian took back the mystery and showed a smile on his face.

"Small gimmicks are cautious enough. Such talents can live long enough in the spiritual world, and only live long enough to go far enough!"

Qin double entered the town demon tower, and then entered the alchemy room to start alchemy. She had to refine some medicinal herbs, and then went out to give Chu Dali and others, because she was prepared not to leave Tianziyuan for a long time, first Enter the library, absorb the knowledge of cultivation as much as possible, and then prepare to enter the dark and retreat for a period of time to increase your own amount of knowledge.

In the town demon tower, Qin double refining the medicinal herbs, and refining some of the plaques and some arrays, which left the town demon tower and flew toward the gate. At this time, those new students also packed up their own Dongfu.

With the cultivation of Qin double, I passed through the small world and came out from Tianziyuan. There is no problem. Soon, Qin double returned to his own Dongfu, and he saw Chu vigorously, iron soft, and Lei Xing was practicing in Taolin. Hearing the footsteps of the piano, opening his eyes and seeing the doubles, he couldn’t help but be happy:

"Qin double, you are back!"

"Boss, you are back!"

"Miss sister, what is in the Tianziyuan? Can you take us in to see?"

Qin double shook his head: "Strong, no bracelets, you can't enter the small world, you can't take you in."

Chu vigorously disappointed, Qin double looked around: "What about Guanting and Qingjue? And the cellar?"

“The cellar was made in the lotus space. Guan Ting and Qing Jue were taken away by some people in front of the Tianziyuan, and they have not returned yet.”

"We are advanced!"

Qin double took three people into the lotus space, and called the waiting area to his own cave house. After everyone was seated, Qin double asked:

"I have sent you a message, have you seen it?"

"Yeah!" Lei Xing nodded. "We all went out to inquire about it. There are indeed many forces that will start recruiting disciples from tomorrow. Like the Danfu dynasty chess and calligraphy, there are still many forces that will recruit disciples tomorrow. It is said that the assessment is extremely strict and it is difficult to test in. Once you become a disciple of these forces, the future achievements are not weaker than the disciples of Tianziyuan. I have heard a force called Lei Lei, I want to join."

Qin doubled and said: "Listen to this name, where Lei Xiu is. And you are Lei Linggen, if you can join, there will be better development."

"I want to join the alliance."

Qin double nodded again: "You have a heart, join the alliance, development is definitely not wrong."

Then I looked at Chu’s strength, and Chu vigorously said with a sigh of relief: “I don’t go anywhere, I stay with my sister.”

Lei Xing passed into the secret channel: "We have inquired for a long time, there is no place for Chu to practice hard. He cultivates strength and righteousness, you know."

Qin double understands, but she is not worried about Chu. She has already given Chu a lot of strength and inheritance, and she has more advanced here.

Legal and wealthy!

Chu vigorously does not lack the law, Qin double will not let him spend money on cultivation resources. As for the place, the cultivation environment here is not as good as Tianziyuan, but it is not bad. It’s just that there is a lack of people.

For example, if Lei Xing joins the Lei Dian, there will be a lot of Lei Xiu can communicate, which will make Lei Xing take a lot of detours. But Chu did not.

"It depends on him to go out and experience and make friends himself!"

"They are back!"

The lotus space is a double refining of the piano. It is natural to know when someone comes in. And the ones that can come in must be Yu Guanting and Wei Qingjue.

The gods of Qinshuang spread out, and it was really two people, Yu Guanting and Wei Qingjue, and they knew the voice and let them come over. When the two men came in, they asked the Qin double about the things in the Tianziyuan. Qin Shuang also read the old-fashioned and self-satisfied, and told a few people to listen, and heard a few people's eyes burned.

"What have you been doing?" asked Qin.

"We contacted some people and prepared to see the gates of Tiantianziyuan tomorrow, and went to Tianziyuan to see. Especially to go to the library and the mission hall. We always have to do some missions in Tianziyuan before we can earn points. ""


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