Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2073: Personal choice

Everyone nodded, and Lei Xing also thought that this spiritual world, the people with the heart of the heart is very rare, the ally can not give up a person with a heart.

The group came to the banner of the League of Nations, where there are more than a dozen people who are recruiting disciples there. Everyone has a long queue in front of them. Qin double did not want to line up, directly to the oldest monk in an ally, into the secret channel:

"We have a person with a heart here."

The old monk looked up and looked down at the gods of the piano pair. The piano double nodded. The look of the old man’s face is a glimpse. He watched the double examination of Tian Qinyuan. How could he not know the piano pair? Then he walked quickly toward the piano and came to the double-sided front of the piano.

"Who has a heart?"

Qin double also passed the voice into the puzzle: "Predecessors, she!"

Qin double puts his finger toward the iron softly, and the old man looks at the iron and soft body, and he nods and nods:

"Good! Good! The embryo of the natural refiner! I have to take him to see the vice-president, are you coming with me?"

"Let's go!" Lei Xingdao.

The piano doubled up and said: "The cellar, you go with softness."

"it is good!"

Waiting for the nod, Qin doubled to the old man's hand: "Predecessors, we have to join other forces of monks here, we will not go. After the soft assessment, please let her come back once again, we have to Celebrate her!"

"Qin double, you can rest assured that if she really has a heart, she must become a pro-disciple of the lord, and she will soon let her come to you. Our ally will definitely tilt the most resources to her and train her."

"Qin double thank you seniors!"

The old man appreciatively glanced at the piano pair. After Qin Dian won the master of the Tianzi Academy, he was able to maintain the quality of not being arrogant. He appreciated it, so he added a few extra words to the piano. Rest assured, as long as the iron is soft and really has a heart, the alliance will definitely do its best to cultivate, then it will leave with iron and softly.

He and the piano are all using the gods to communicate with each other. The alliance does not want people to know that they have recruited a disciple with a heart. Whether it is an individual or a certain party, you need to have your own unknown card. This is why the piano double came up with the other god's knowledge, but did not directly speak up.

"Let's go, let's go to the thunder hall!"

Iron soft has a good home, Qin double heart is very happy, with everyone walking towards the thunder hall. On one side, there are two big characters in the Lei Dian. Only two middle-aged monks are recruiting monks, and there are only a dozen monks on their side. They can’t compare with the number of monks who participated in the assessment. . From this point, we can also see how rare people are there.

Qin Shuang and others came under the banner of Lei Dian, and they saw a stone monument standing there, and the stone tablet was only engraved with a scorch like lightning. Lei Xing strode to the two middle-aged people. Handed the way:

"Predecessors, the late generation Lei Xing came to the assessment."

One of the two middle-aged people, one pointing to the stone monument: "There is a Taoist method, and when you comprehend it, you pass the assessment."

Lei Xing nodded and walked over to the stone tablet. He sat down behind the dozens of people and began to understand the Taoism on the stone tablet.

Qinqin also stared at it and replaced the Yuanshen with the spirit. He immediately felt that he entered a world of thunder, and a thunder flashed extremely quickly. The power was slightly lower than the lightning, but the speed and continuity of the release. Sex is definitely not comparable to the thunderbolt.

One by one, the connection is very close.

When Qin Double entered the Tianta, she once ate a December fruit. At this time, there are still a few days left in a month. She still has 12 times the comprehension. At this time, the joy of a thunder is flying fast. Her spirit flashed. It was only about half an hour's time, Qinqin realized this Tao, and at the same time, the name of this Tao was revealed in consciousness.

Flashing lightning!

"This Leifa is good. Although you can't beat the enemy, you can definitely make the other party have paralysis and let yourself take advantage. Then turn the advantage into a victory."

He replaced the spirit with the phoenix god, and then removed his gaze from the stone tablet and fell to the body of Lei Xing. Lei Xing was still immersed in comprehension, and the dozens did not realize it. Qin double thought about it, and finally decided not to help Lei Xing. In terms of comprehension, he can help him this time, but he can't help forever.

More crucially, he once gave him a Shengli Dan, and if he needed it, he would naturally take it out.

Qin Shuang and others stood silently waiting for it. After about an hour, the iron came back softly and tenderly, and she was followed by a middle-aged monk, the vaguely revealing breath, clearly a fairy.

"Boss, I have joined the alliance, this is my uncle, Yin Dujing. He... follow me."

Qin double could not help but licking his mouth, which is clearly that the iron softly received great attention from the ally, for fear of her danger, and sent a fairy to protect. Then he turned to the fairy king:

"Qin double has seen seniors."

"You don't care about me! Just when I don't exist!" Yin Dujing said with a smile, and looked at the iron softly from time to time.

Qin double and other people are screaming, who can be a fairy when you do not exist?

Everyone was surrounded by iron and soft, and asked him to ask about it. The iron was so soft, and after a while, the piano was relieved. It seems that in the future, iron will be soft and soft in the life of the League.

About two quarters later, a monk in front of the stone stood up and came to the front of the two old men, reaching out to the palm of his hand.


There was a flash of lightning in his palm. The two middle-aged people just faintly nodded:

"At a time, I realized the thunder and lightning, and I was barely able to enter the thunder hall." An identity card was taken from the storage ring and handed to the monk:

"With this identity card, go to the Lei Dian Palace in ten days."


The monk took the jade card and left with joy. Qin double looked at the back of Lei Xing, could not help but slightly frowned. Fang Cai Na Leidian said that one hour to understand the thunder and lightning, barely can enter the Lei Dian. Now that Lei Xing has realized that it has been nearly three quarters of an hour, one hour is almost half past, Lei Xing, come on!

At this time, everyone lost their interest in speaking, and they stood there quietly, looking at the back of Lei Xing.

There was a quarter of an hour, and it was less than half a quarter of an hour away. When the eyes of Qin double and others suddenly became bright, they saw Lei Xing stand up and walked toward the two middle-aged people. Out of the palm, there is lightning flashing on the palm.


Push book:

Title [Nine items of God]

Author: Eight Feng

Introduction: After the lightning strike, Zhao Bajun accidentally got the [lasso] tool in ps, and whoever he saw. Become an all-round artist!



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