Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2074: School

Two middle-aged people showed a smile on their faces and nodded: "For nearly half an hour, I realized the thunder and lightning. In the middle of the qualification, I can join the Lei Dian. Give, this is your identity card, go to Lei Dian in ten days. Palace."

"Thank you for your seniors!"

Lei Xing took over the identity card and took it. He turned to the double and other people, with a big smile on his face, but his eyes flashed a glimpse of the sky.

Supreme qualification!

Lei Xing took a deep breath and concealed the faintness in his eyes, and the smile on his face became more and more brilliant.

"Congratulations to Lei brother!" Qin double and others all came around, and Lei Xing also returned one by one.

"Go, let's go back to the house to celebrate!" Qin double joyfully said: "I informed Kaiyun."

When they came back to Qinqin, they saw Xu Kaiyun and Xu Kaitian. Xu Kaishan and Xu Qinglian had already stood in front of the Qinfu. When they saw Qinqin, they came back and greeted them. They all turned to the soft and soft Lei Xingdao. Then everyone entered the Taolin.

Waiting for a wave of handcuffs, there were a few squats, arranged seats for the seat, cooking for cooking. And others are sitting around and talking and laughing.

"Boss, I am going to leave Tianzicheng in these two days." Xu Kaiyun sat down shortly.

"Going out to experience again?" Qin asked.

Xu Kaiyun nodded and said: "You also know my situation, step by step practice, I don't know which year to break through to Xianjun. If it wasn't for me, I got the dragon ball from the boss, and... Maybe it is still in the fairy season. So, my situation is simply not suitable for the practice of step-by-step, and I need to go out and meet the opportunity. Once I have an adventure, I can improve faster."

Qin double nodded: "Yes, but have you ever thought about it? Although going out to practice, it will be organic, but the chance of corruption is also great."

"It doesn't matter!" Xu Kaiyun squatted on the chair and said: "Death is dead! Anyway, I can't stand the practice of doing things at home."

Qinqin not only helplessly smiled: "Opening the cloud, are you greedy to play out, can't stand being restrained by the patriarch at home, or want to improve through experience?"

"Everything! All!" Xu Kaiyun did not hesitate, said with a smile.

"Where are you going?" Qin also knows the nature of Xu Kaiyun. Xu can't control him. Although he is called a boss, he can't stop his thoughts. It would be better to figure out where he is going.

"Bao Xing!" Xu Kaiyun sat up straight and said: "Before the repair was low, but the Baoxing was sent to death. And there is a big chance to repair the Tianxian period at that time. Even if you don't die, you can't get there. But now it is different, I am already a nine-day fairy, so I am going to play in Baoxing."

"Yeah!" Qin nodded and said: "If there is anything I need, I have it here, you can speak."

"Boss, you are really good boss!" Xu Kaiyun excited eyes light.

Qin double-ended with the boss's shelf, when she wanted to come, Xu Kaiyun would ask her for some Fu and Dan medicine, but did not expect Xu Kaiyun's next sentence, let her almost sneak out to the bottom of the table.

"Boss, give me a thousand altar monkey wine!"

Seeing the black face of Qin double, Xu Kaiyun shrunk his head: "What's wrong? Boss, or else... Just a hundred altars?"

"Hey!" Qin doubled the table and said: "Where are you going to Baoxing? Ah? Are you looking for opportunities, experiencing danger, or going on holiday? Ah?

Also monkey wine?

You are not afraid that you are drunk, being trampled by the monster?

what? ”

Xu Kaiyun stretched out his hand and spit a spit on his face, whispering: "Why do you have such a big fire? I am not a fool, how can I get drunk?"

"No!" Qin double eyes.

"No, no!"

The double-ended piano took a sip from the monkey on the table, and suddenly he laughed in his heart. What happened to him?

What is the family of Xu?

The first family in the spirit world!

How can you lack the symbol and the remedy?

Perhaps Xu Mo did not pay enough attention to Xu Kaiyun before, but nowadays Xu Kaiyun’s cultivation is bound to be taken seriously by Xu Mo. How could it lack Xu Kaiyun’s resources? And he also gave him a lot of Fu and Dan medicine a few days ago.

Like a hook in January.

The banquet in Taoyuan has been withdrawn, and the four brothers and sisters of Xu Kaiyun have already left. Finally, Qinqin still gave Xu Kaiyun a hundred altar monkey wine. Others have also returned to the lotus space to rest, today everyone has a drink, and no luck to force the wine, so one by one is drunk, rare indulgence, Yin Duguan also lived in the iron and soft Dongfu.

The double hand of the piano stood under a peach tree and looked up slightly, looking at the crescent moon in the air like blood.

A loneliness around the heart!

At this time, she has already understood why she suddenly has some sorrows today. Xu Kaiyun is just an introduction. What is true is the loneliness in her heart.

When she was on the mainland of the warrior, she had some close friends, Qin Lie, Lan Mingyue, Li Yan...

Flying to Tianlin, he soon had a friend to the king, and he also had his own apprentice...

When I arrived at the ink star, I made a group of friends who were in the middle of the battle. Xu Kaiyun, Chu Dali, iron soft, Tang Han, Zheng Tianhua, step light shake, Bao Yi, Mo Yan...

Nowadays, these people have left their own side for various reasons. Now there is only one Chu, and this loneliness grows slowly in the subconscious. Today, it is determined that Lei Xing and Iron are also soft. Go, it broke out.

"Mood mood! It seems that my mood is not enough!

They all say that time is like a shuttle, and they are glaring for thousands of years. Although I am fighting through the realm of each stage of my own, there are actually shortcomings. That is the precipitation of time, I grew up too fast, I am not used to this lonely loneliness!

It seems that for a period of time, it is still not necessary to break through, and the state of mind must undergo the baptism and precipitation of time. It’s just a long time to go to the dark and retreat for a period of time. There is no scent, there will be no growth. And there is only me alone, just let me get used to being alone. ”

The next day.

Qin double left the Qin House and returned to Tianziyuan. She did not go to her own Dongfu, but went directly to the library. At the door was stopped by a young monk:

"Qin Shimei!"

"How does this brother call it?"

"Wang Quan."

"I have seen Wang Shixiong!"

"I am the administrator of the library!" Wang Quan said with a smile: "It is a cost to enter the library, and there is no point in practicing in Tianzi."

Qin double agreed to nod: "How to charge points?"

"The points collected by the Bookstore are relatively the least. An Shichen collects points, the first floor, each time receives a point, each time you go up one level, each time you charge one more point. Less than one hour, According to one hour calculation, you need to pre-deliver the points, I will inform you at that time. Also, only allowed to watch in the library, not allowed to take away, and copying is not allowed."


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