Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2075: Bookstore

The piano nodded twice and took out the bracelet. "Then I will pay a thousand points first."

"So much? You have to retreat here?" Wang Quan asked in surprise.

"I want to see more, brothers, you also know that the most absent repair like me is the inheritance of the system."

Wang Quan said with emotion: "Yes, but don't be greedy. It is right to choose the one that suits you best. If you are not sure, you can ask me."

"Thank you brother!" Qin double took the bracelet that had already scored a thousand points, walked inside, took two steps, and stopped to look back:

"Wang Shixiong, if I don't come out at the time, can you not remind me? When I come out, I will make up the points. You know that I have some points."

"Of course I know, you can be a big family." Wang Quan said with a smile: "OK, no problem."

"Thank you, Master Wang!" Qin double gave a gift, and then walked into the library.

She still looks at the first floor. The first layer has no cultivation methods. It is some strange things, geography, and some interesting things about travel, as well as the caves, ruins, etc. that once appeared in the spiritual world, or Presumably where there are relics, or where there have been Visions, but there are no records found in the end, as well as the distribution of spiritual forces, such as Xu Jia and so on.

This may not be important to others, but it is very important to the piano. She has also supplemented the Danfu Array. The singularity has a lot of information about the origin of the various materials of the Danfu Array, and understands the geography and some records. For the Qinshuang to go out to travel, there will be more safety. Most importantly, she knows that her own state of mind lacks the precipitation and baptism of time. By reading these books, the time required can be shortened.

Qin double will put the four major gods and spirits into the town demon tower, only Yu Yang God with the mystery began to copy the contents of a jade. Every time I pick up a jade slip, the mystery of Yangshen envelopes the jade slip, and I don’t read it at all. I just copy the content of jade slips in an instant, and then send the information to the mind and the gods and spirits. God and Spirit are reading in the town demon tower.

It is necessary to know that the time flow rate in the town demon tower is more than a thousand times that of the outside world. Even if the Yangshen transmits quickly, when she transmits it to the Jinmu Shuijin Siyuan God and the Spirit, and then turns to the White Tiger God, Bai Hu Yuan Shen has already read the contents of the previous transmission.

Therefore, Qin double looked very fast, she just started doing it, picked up a jade slip, and then put it down. Later, I no longer picked up the jade slips. Instead, I followed the bookshelf and slowly moved forward. The mystery quickly copied and then was sent to the four gods and spirits in the town demon tower.

At the beginning, no one paid attention to Qin double. There were very few people on this floor. The monks entered Tianziyuan for cultivation. Few people stayed on the first floor to see things that were not related to cultivation. There is, but also to check the information you need, ask about Wang Quan, and then go straight to the information bookshelf you need, and then leave. There is no such thing as a piano pair. Go along the bookshelf.

The monks came and went in a hurry and did not notice the piano double. But one person has been sitting at the gate of the first floor. He is Wang Quan. At first, I thought that Qinshuang was looking for information, but it was two hours. Qinqin still slowly paced there, and turned the rows of bookshelves halfway. He really couldn't help it. How many points did he waste? Maybe Qin double still doesn't know how to ask yourself? Then they will pass the piano to the secret channel:

"Qin Shimei, what information are you looking for? Ask me."

The piano that is being copied has a double footstep. Knowing that Wang Quan is kind, he will pass the sound into the secret passage:

"Wang brother, don't bother. I didn't specifically look for anything, look at everything and see if I have the information I like."

Wang Quan snorted and was really a big dog! There are great points!

Another hour passed, Wang Quan looked at the piano double again, and saw that the Qinshuang was still there, the old **** was walking in the ground, and he licked his mouth again.

"I really didn't really practice in Tianziyuan, I don't know the value of the points. Just for a while, I have already consumed three points.

There aren't many three points, but you are taking three points for a walk! Defeated girls! No wonder that I will transfer a thousand points at once, so that one thousand is not enough for her consumption. ”

Qin double did not know that Wang Quan had given her the label of the defeated family, still slowly pacing along the bookshelf, copying and transmitting.

Wang Quan did not doubt that the piano pair was copying, but when he carefully observed the half hour, he determined that the piano pair was walking.

After another hour, Qin double finished the last bookshelf. I finally took off a jade slip and went to a chair in the window to sit down and put jade in front of me. It seems to be reading the contents. In fact, it is to let the four great gods and spirits return to the sea and the heart.

"At last, I found a jade, and I found a jade in four points!" Wang Quan snorted and closed his eyes, and no one came to sit there and began to practice.

At this time, sitting in front of the window, the temperament of the body began to change. It is a kind of learned temperament, a kind of temperament that knowledge is stored to a certain extent and naturally promoted.

Abdominal knowledge is self-sufficient!

When the four great gods and spirits returned to the sea and the heart, the knowledge became the instinct of the piano double, deeply imprinted in the memory of the piano double.

After a quarter of an hour, the piano double stood up from the chair, put the jade slip back on the bookshelf, and walked toward the second floor. The footsteps of Qin double, alarmed Wang Quan, Wang Quan looked at the back of the piano double climbed up the stairs, feeling a burst of embarrassment.

"She... seems to have changed... becomes... temperament!


It is temperament!

That is kind of only in old students...

Do not!

Only those old students on the 100-pound list can see this kind of temperament!

Can she already challenge the 100-pound list? ”

The piano doubled up the second floor, with rows of bookshelves, each with a label, from the refining period to the Mahayana period. The bookshelf is very dense, much more dense than the first floor. This layer is not a single person, not as good as the first floor. Qinqin thinks about it and understands it. Here is the inheritance collected by Tianziyuan. It is here as information. If anyone wants to fill the gap, you can come here to see. In fact, it is more like a place for those who study in the Tianziyuan school. When they enter the Tianziyuan disciple, which disciple will come here to see these inheritances?

However, the piano doubles must be seen, because the piano doubles must blend the Taoist method, and realize that the practice of cultivation is too complicated, and in the future must go on the road of integrating the exercises, so she is also ready to copy all the Tao.


I am very grateful to Liao Mubai (500), Zhao Yilin Ziyan (500), Ye Weishan (100), seaphay (100) for the reward!



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