Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2077: Out of the cabinet

"This is true. I asked Wang Quan about it. Qin double always picks up the last jade slip, then sits for a while and then let go."

Mu Chong’s eyes moved: “Xiaotian, you immediately booked the bookstore, wrote down the last jade on the first and third floors, and then came back and told me.”


Tan Xiaotian hurried away, but at the gate of the library, he met Luofu, who was about to enter.

"What is the inheritance of Luo Shixiong?" Tan Xiaotian said faintly.

"Not bad!"

Luo Fu simply responded, and then stepped into the gate, assigned to Wang Quan six points, and then walked toward the innermost layer of the first floor. Tan Xiaotian looked a glimpse, and also scored six points, then walked a few steps, hidden in the bookshelf, looking toward Luo. I saw Luofu came directly to the last bookshelf, and took the jade slip that Qinqin once picked up in his hands. The gods sneaked in and began to remember. After thirty interest, Luofu put down the jade slip. Going to the second floor. Until Luo's figure disappeared on the stairs on the second floor, Tan Xiaotian was ready to come out of the hidden place, but then did not move.

At the door, a figure came in. It was Ning Caiyun, and Ning Caiyun quickly went to the last bookshelf. He took the jade slip that Luofu had just put down and watched the 30-point interest. He put down the jade slip and walked toward the second floor.

Tan Xiaotian walked out from the hiding place and his eyes flickered.

"It seems that the land and the Baihua Palace are also watching the piano pair!"

I hurried to the last floor of the bookshelf, remembered the jade slip that Qinqin had picked up, and then continued to hide behind the bookshelf. Knowing that Luofu and Ning Caiyun had walked down the stairs and left the library, Tan Xiaotian went to the second floor.

"Master brother..."

When Tan Xiaotian entered the cave house of Mu Chong, he told me about what he had encountered in the library. Mu Chong gently nodded:

"It's not surprising! People like Qinshuang, the land and the Baihua Palace are so easy to give up, it's strange!"

"Would you like me to call the piano now... please come over?"

Mu Chong puts his hand in his hand: "Being harassed will increase the resistance of the piano. This is not an urgent matter. I am also a person who is proud of the piano and will not join an organization casually. So, We can wait."

"Of course she is very proud, otherwise she will not refuse our Heavenly Palace."

"A seven masters!" Mu Chong sighed: "As long as she is willing to join us in the Heavenly Palace, in the future we can compete with those of the Tianzicheng 34 family. Family patriotism? Hehe..."

"Master, you will be the master of the arrogance that leads the times!" Tan Xiaotian excitedly waved his fist.

"Don't say this!" Mu Chong regained a gentle smile: "How are the new recruits?"

"Not ideal!" Tan Xiaotian shook his head. "We can't see the difference. They are still hesitating. The government and the Baihua Palace are also recruiting. You know, the Baihua Palace is so long as it is a female repair, and does not care about the monks. Qualification talent, so they have recruited some. The government does not care about qualifications, they only want to dare to fight, so they also recruit a lot. Or, we also relax some conditions?"

“No!” Mu rushed and said: “Everyone in our Heavenly Palace is going to go out in the future, and the opportunity to shake the whole spiritual world, so we only need the genius in the genius!

Continue to pay attention to Qin double, wait for her to come out from the library, and immediately ask her to come to me. Let others continue to recruit the monks in our Heavenly Palace. ”

"it is good!"

"Talk about what the piano is looking at!" Mu Chong stared at Tan Xiaotian.

In another cave house, Lunao stared at the opposite Luofu Road: "She saw this? On the first floor, I saw strange things? On the second floor, I saw the plum blossom step? On the third floor, I saw it. Lingyun floating?"


Fuyue wrinkled his brow and thought about it. At the same time, in Zhang Zining’s Dongfu, Zhang Zining also locked his brow:

"Does she want to innovate the way and the footwork? Plum blossom steps, Lingyun float, are the footwork. Continue to pay attention to the piano double, do not bother her. When she comes out of the library, invite her to see me."

"Understand!" Ning Caiyun nodded.

“How about a new recruit?”

"Some women have already joined, but there are still some women who have not promised, such as the piano master Liu Han."

Zhang Zining said faintly: "We only give those women a place that is more suitable for cultivation. Our Baihua Palace is to help each other. But our chances have been given, they have been given, they do not cherish, we do not force. Qin Zongshi. Tell the new students, we will recruit for three more days, and will close the door of the recruitment after three days. If you want to join us in the Baihua Palace, you need to pay ten points. If you don't have points, you can owe it first.

"Naqin double?"

"Is the piano double the same as those new students?"

"Go and talk to the monks of our local government!" In another cave house, the volts said faintly: "Look at the freshmen we are optimistic about, as long as they do the task, we will grab the task and let them score a point in the Tianwu Institute. I can’t earn it. When I don’t join our land, I’m stuck in the original repair.”

"Will it push them to the Tiangong and Baihua Palace?" Luo asked with some concern.

"No! Those new students even want to join the Temple of Heaven, the Temple of Heaven does not need them. And the Baihua Palace as long as the woman, and we have little conflict.

As for Qin double, when she came out of the library, she said that I asked her to communicate. ”


Two days later, Qin double boarded the fifth floor. This layer is the practice and Tao of the Tianxian period. Qinqin still merges the Taoism and then replicates the exercises. Her temperament has become more and more magnificent. Sense.

This is her strength is improving, but also her strength has not been consolidated, so the exposure is obvious, there is no convergence. Just like a sword with the same handle, it is not a sword hidden in the sword.

On the fourth day, she boarded the sixth floor.

On the fifth day, she boarded the seventh floor.

On the sixth day, she boarded the eighth floor.

This layer is the inheritance of the nine-day Xuan Xian, the number is much less. The Tao of the nine-day Xuan Xian, now the piano double is not fully integrated, but only a combination of 80%. Therefore, Qin double is not prepared to merge the Taoism here, just to pick up the vacancies, and to include the Tao and the methods that he did not include.

Qin double stayed on this floor for another day. On the seventh day, the piano walked in the ninth floor, but was blocked by a light curtain. After thinking about it, I walked down from the eighth floor and came to Wang Quan’s front:

"Wang Shixiong, how can the ninth floor not go up?"

"The ninth floor is for those teachers who have become Xianjun, or the elders go up, you want to go up, wait for you to break through to Xianjun and say."

"Oh!" The piano nodded twice and took out the bracelet. "Wang, brother, I am leaving, return the remaining points to me."

When Wang Quan returned the points to Qin Double, he curiously asked: "Qin Shimei, have you found the inheritance you need?"


Qin nodded, took the bracelet, not waiting for Wang Quan to open again, he said a "declaration", stepping out of the door.

"Qin Shimei!"

Just out of the gate, I saw Tan Xiaotian walked over. This time, Tan Xiaotian’s face was not proud, but instead he showed an intimate smile. Instead, he let the piano double. I haven’t waited for the piano to finish, and there are two voices:

"Qin Shimei!"


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