Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2078: Go to appointment

"Qin Shimei!"

One man and one woman, the man is Luofu, the woman is Ning Caiyun. Qin double arched hand: "Qin double has seen three brothers and sisters."

"Qin Shimei!" Tan Xiaotian first came to the front of the Qin double: "Masters please ask you to pass the house."

"Qin Shimei, Zhang Shijie placed a small feast in Dongfu, and entered the Tianziyuan for the sister." Ning Caiyun smiled.

"Qin Shimei, Fu Shi brother invited you to exchange ideas and practice." Luo Fu also smiled.

"I always want to meet." Qin Qin doubled in the dark, then nodded: "Qin double has just entered Tianziyuan, do not understand everything, is the need for the brothers and sisters to give pointers, Tan brothers come first, I will first go with Tan The brothers went to see the master, then went to visit Master Zhang, and then went to visit the brothers."

Obviously, Qin double is in the order of first come and then, Tan Xiaotian naturally smiles, but Luo Fu and Ning Caiyun are unhappy. However, the two sides of the human piano have already said that they do not understand the Tianziyuan, so they come in order. Also can't get angry with the piano.

The most important thing is that the piano is not an ordinary monk and cannot be arbitrarily angry. Only with a smile on the piano double with Tan Xiaotian volley.

This is a hall.

The floor of Xianyunmu is like a cloud under his feet. The walls are engraved with the array of characters, and the space between the arrays is an endless sky. The ceiling is inlaid with a bright pearl, like a sun, entering the hall, as if walking into the clouds.

The bright sunlight shines through the open windows, making the hall look like it is in one space and seeing another through the window.

The piano pair sat on the opposite side of Mu Chong, and Mu Chong’s face showed a gentle smile. Did not mention the words of the piano double, but it was introduced in detail to Tianziyuan and Tiangong, and also talked about their ambitions during the chat. The piano doubles occasionally inserts words, most of the time is listening.

This is a rare opportunity to understand the Tianziyuan and Tiangong, but after understanding it, my heart is also shocked. On the one hand, it shocked the cruelty of the competition in Tianziyuan, and on the other hand shocked the strength of Tiangong. It can be said that among the disciples of Tianziyuan, there are 60% of the best monks in Tiangong, and Mu Chong’s ambition is exposed.


The bracelet worn by the piano on the wrist vibrated, and the piano did not pay attention, and still listened carefully. The bracelet only shook a few times and it returned to silence.

"This should be the mission of Tianziyuan!" Mu Chong's eyes fell on the wrist of Qinqin, with a smile: "The monks in Tianziyuan, in addition to getting their own tasks, earned In addition to the points, each year must also complete the task of the Tianzi Academy. This is to guard against the fact that some monks are very rich, and they only know how to practice in Tianziyuan instead of going out to practice. The sisters should know that they are only retreating. The monk, the combat power will be very poor. The monk of the Tianziyuan is not the flower of the greenhouse."

"The master is talking!" Qin double agreed to nod.

"I will not delay you too much time. I welcome the Qin Shimei to come to visit as a guest." Mu Chong stood up.

Qin double also stood up and sincerely shook hands and said: "Thank you, Master, today."

Two people walked out of Dongfu side by side, and again gave a farewell. Mu Chong seemed to ask casually:

“Qin Shimei stayed in the library for a few days, but was she looking for a suitable method?”

The piano has a proper face and a red saying: "I just look inside the library, I have to know what the library is, and I will come across the problems of cultivation in the future. I can think of the heritage of the bookstore."

Having said that, the piano has a heart in mind: "And I have some research on footwork, I want to try to integrate some footwork."

"If you don't understand anything, you can come and talk to me." Mu Chong said kindly.

"Thank you, Master, there is a saying from the master, the sister is not welcome."

"Ha ha ha..." Mu Chong heroically waved: "Sisters are not polite! Our Tiangong is an organization that helps each other. Everyone has equal status. My lord is just a name."

"Masters are bright and bright, Master is staying!"

Qin double again salute, and Mu Chong bid farewell, along the mountain road toward the bottom. The eyes shone with the light of wisdom.

"In the Heavenly Palace, everyone's status is equal. Mu Chong just hangs a name, huh, huh... But this master is really warm and jade, but it has a domineering and leadership temperament."


A small bird flew down from a tree and fell to the shoulders of the piano. There weren't many pianos, let the little bird fall on her shoulder, turned to look at the little bird, the little bird was looking at her, and the two eyes were like two gems.

"Qin double, I am here to lead you to see the palace." The little bird spoke.

Qinqin laughed, extending a finger and gently stroking the golden feather of the bird:

"That's the way!"


The little bird flew up from the shoulders of Qinqin. The piano doubled and walked behind the bird. After he had to squat, he fell in front of a cave house and saw a beautiful woman standing in the Dongfumen. Before, I bowed to the piano and said:

"Qin Shimei, great spirit!"

Qin double smiled and shook his head: "Let Zhang Shijie laugh, what is the grandeur of it? Just can't be restrained, compared with Zhang Shijie, the sister is like a sword with the same handle, but the sister is hidden in the same handle. No one knows the depth of the sister in the knife."

Zhang Zining’s eyes showed a color of appreciation. At this time, the situation of Qinshuang was exactly what she said. Smile with a hand:

"Qin Shimei please!"

"Sister Zhang, please!"


Zhang Shijie took the arm of Qinqin. Two people walked side by side into Dongfu. There was already a feast in Dongfu. There were only four dishes and one soup, and one pot of wine. Zhang Zining said:

"Qin Shimei please sit down. This is the hundred flower dew brewed by our Baihua Palace. You taste it, although it is not as good as your monkey wine, but you don't have a taste."

While talking, while drinking the piano, then lift the cup: "Please!"

"Please!" Qin double raised the glass, and Zhang Zining touched it. After drinking it, I felt the fragrance of the mouth, not only praised:

"Good wine!"

"More wine and more."

Two people began to push the cup, Zhang Zining whispered, did not tell the cruelty of the Tianziyuan, did not go to the Baihua Palace in detail, just talked about some interesting things in the Tianziyuan, so that two people from time to time issued a silver bell like a laugh sound.

An hour of time, in this cheerful atmosphere, as if only a moment has passed. Zhang Zining put down the wine glass and looked at the piano double course seriously:

"Qin Shimei, I know that Fuyue is still waiting for you, so I will not leave you. Finally, I will say a few words to you."


Thank you very much for seaphay (100), 皎白月_月上柳梢头(100), 柏子冰(100)'s reward!



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