Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2079: Designated task

"Please advise Zhang Shijie!" Qin double also said seriously.

"I can't talk about teaching. It can only be said that it is my experience. If you don't join any organization in Tianzi, it will give up the opportunity to communicate with a group of Junjie. You also understand that the reason why you join Tianziyuan is that it has a variety of inheritance and resources. The most important thing is that it brings together the heroes of the whole spiritual world, and the exchange of Junjies from different stars is very important to a monk. If you reject this, why bother join Tianziyuan?

In addition to the importance of communication, do you go out for a task in the future, always a person? What is the difference between this and the practice? Why are you joining Tianziyuan? ”

Qin doubled for a moment, and thanked him with a bow: "Thank you for your guidance, I will consider it."

Zhang Zining nodded and stood up and said, "I will send you."

"Xie Zhang Shijie!"

Zhang Zining looked at the back of the piano, and sighed slightly, and Ning Caiyun appeared beside her:

"Zhang Shijie, will Qinshuang join us?"

Zhang Zining shook her head slightly: "She is a stubborn person and will not join any organization in the short term."

"What about us?"

"Let's go with the flow! She is not far from the road of cultivation. The road to cultivation is a road full of thorns. Only by supporting each other can we go further.

She is from the middle star field, and the harsh environment limits her vision. After a while, she will wake up. We just need to wait slowly. ”

Qin double just explored the gods into the bracelet, wanted to see the mission of the Tianziyuan, and saw a Jinpeng in the sky swooping down towards her. The piano doubled up and slightly narrowed his eyes. The Jinpeng stopped three meters away from her and said:

"Please come up, I will take you to the government."

The piano nodded twice and the figure was vertical, and it flew onto Jinpeng's back. That Jinpeng spread its wings, and it was so fast that it was between the two, and it fell before a cave house. Before the Dongfu, stood a stalwart man, a beard, a pair of bronze bell-like eyes, the eagle as a wolf, seeing the piano double from the back of Jinpeng, striding forward:

"Qin Shimei, a home is the home of the local government!"

Qin double arched hand: "Qin double has seen Fu Shi brother."

"No need for more gifts!" One wave of years old: "Qin Shimei, please!"

"Fu Shi brother, please!"

The Year of the Rings is also welcome, striding toward the Dongfu, and entering the Dongfu, Da Ma Jindao:

"Qin Shimei, you are welcome. I am asking you to come today, it is to talk to Qin Shimei. In your opinion, what is the most important thing in Xiuxian?"

Qin doubled down and said: "Longevity!"

"Wrong!" Volkswagen's big hand waved: "Longevity is important, but one thinks that the most important thing is to improve the strength. Do not think that what is said is repair!


It is the real combat power. What we are pursuing should be to sweep the same level and the more difficult. Only then can I live long and go far..."

Talking about the volts, Qin double does not hide his own opinions, and fights with each other. This is a dispute of the avenue, it is indispensable.

The two men screamed at the end, and no one actually persuaded anyone. The theory of the Year of the Moon is that everything is aimed at combat power. Moreover, Qin’s theory is that longevity is the ultimate goal, and combat power is the means to achieve this ultimate goal.

The two men argued endlessly, but they felt very hearty. Unconsciously, they passed two hours. At these two times, both sides struggled for their own avenues, so they both racked their brains and spent a lot of money on their minds. They finally felt exhausted. The two sides stopped at the same time and then laughed at each other.

"Qin Shimei, I am here today. You only need to know that joining the local government will increase your combat power very quickly. If you want to improve in this area, come to someone."

"Good!" Qin Shuangshuang quickly nodded: "I will leave now, I am a little tired!"

"Some to send you!"

Qin double returned to her own Dongfu. She went to the banquet three times a day, and she was really tired. Lying in bed, I entered into a deep sleep.

Early morning.

Qinqin woke up and walked out of the room. When he was in a vertical shape, he sat on the ridge.

In the early days of Chaoyang, the piano double-handling was practiced on a large Sunday, and a touch of purple gas came to the east, and a trace of silk was absorbed by the piano. Waiting for the sky, the piano opened its eyes, and the figure crossed an arc in the air. It fell on the swing and swayed on the side of the swing. While recalling yesterday, we saw the three leading figures of Tianziyuan.

From the behavior and behavior, Mu Chong Wenrun as jade, Zhang Zining is like a neighbor's sister, and he is domineering.

In fact?

Mu Chong is not warm and jade, and his heart has a strong ambition. And under the surface of the sister next door, Zhang Zining also hides tenacity, wisdom, pride, and Qin double even thinks her mentality is too deep. Under the domineering appearance, I am afraid that the means are very strong.

The process of inviting the three pairs of people is completely different.

The warm and ruthless Mu Chong, like a brother, puts the Tianziyuan to the Qin double explanation very detailed, really like a master, explaining the general to the younger sister. However, Zhang Zining did not introduce the slightest purple house. Instead, she said that she had to adapt to the situation that she was no longer a disrepair. As a neighbor's sister, I talked about the life trivia of many daughters. However, it is only the exchange of experience with Qin Qin, the direction of the road.

It has its own characteristics and distinctive features.

The piano double shook his head and temporarily put the three people down. They all make sense, but they are not suitable for the piano double, at least for the time being not suitable for the piano double. They need to go out and practice, so they need to complete the task together. However, the piano is different. At the very least, it is different from those people now.

Since the beginning of cultivation, Qin double has been in the battle, struggling on the edge of life and death several times, her nerves are too tight, and she needs to recuperate for a while. Tianziyuan is undoubtedly a relatively safe place that can keep the piano from being strangled.

Therefore, Qin double has decided to retreat in Tianziyuan for a while, to go to the dark world to grow his own mysterious power. Let your nerves relax.

There is a degree of relaxation, which is also a necessary means of cultivation. Too much tension will definitely make the mind stagnate and stagnant.

"Look at the mission first!"

Qin double explored the gods into the bracelet, and a message appeared in her knowledge.

“Congratulations to Qin Double, you entered Tianziyuan and became a disciple in Tianziyuan. As a disciple of Tianziyuan, you can get 100 points every month, and the points will be automatically transferred into your identity bracelet. You You can use these points to go to the mission hall to redeem any cultivation resources you want.

This is only for the welfare of the new students. Specifically, it is the welfare given to the disciples living in Ding District. If you can enter the C zone to practice, the bonus points paid each month will increase to 200. If you can enter the B area to practice, you will receive four hundred points of benefits per month. If you can enter the A-zone settlement practice, you will receive 800 points of benefits every month. Now that you can enter the Tianjiao Peak to settle down and practice, you will receive a welfare of 1,600 points. ”


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