Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2080: Retreat

"The following is a brief description of the hundred pirates.

As long as you enter the 100-pound list and become the 100th in the list, you will get the benefits of two thousand points every month, and then each time you advance, you will increase the welfare of one thousand points.

This is the welfare of Tianziyuan. In addition, it is necessary to allow the battle in Tianziyuan, but it is not allowed to kill or abolish the disciples of the same court. Otherwise, it will be severely punished and even killed.

When you change the area where you live and practice, please go to the mission hall to re-register.

In the eyes of the piano, there was a touch of fine mans, and this became clear. Tianziyuan divided the residence into Tianjiao Peak, and the four districts of A, B, and D are not only different in concentration of Xianyuan, but also linked to welfare.

The fine mangling in her eyes gradually disappeared. She decided to go to the dark and retreat for a while and then said that she should act according to her original plan and relax her tightness while retreating. ”

God knows to continue reading!

"There is responsibility for welfare. As a disciple of Tianziyuan, one task must be completed each year. This task is not freely chosen by the disciple to the mission hall. Instead, the Tianziyuan assigns a certain scope to Tianziyuan. Disciples choose.

You can choose from the tasks assigned to you by the following Tianziyuan.

First, go to Tian Zicheng, Tian Zige, to receive an **** caravan mission.

Second, there is a vision in the Tai'a Mountains to go to the investigation.

Third, chasing the Tianziyuan renegade. Note: Anyang was the tenth peak of Xuantian in the past three years. It was the fourth place in the list of Philippine priests. After three years of escape, it is now likely to be a half-step sage, or has become Xianjun. Three years ago, in Baoxing, in order to compete for treasures, the three disciples of Tianziyuan were killed and fled afterwards. They were chased by Tianziyuan. ”

The double look of the piano is a change, the fourth place in the list!

Now Qin Qin can not underestimate the disciples on the list of hundreds of pirates, and the hundreds of disciples on the list of the hundred pirates must be able to challenge each other. None of the old students who actually fought in the small world and themselves were the disciples on the list of the arrogant pirates, but all of them were able to be more advanced, let alone the disciples on the list of the pirates.

And still the fourth place that is terrifying?

Qin double does not feel that he will be able to play well.

Qin double continues to look down.

"Fourth, go to Scorpio to study the mystery of the altar."

Qin doubled his mouth and continued to look down.

"Five, refining a set of gods, asking for the level of Danfoss.

Note: The above tasks, in addition to Ding Shen Dan, can be completed by team. ”

Ding Shen Dan is a kind of medicinal medicine that stabilizes the Yuanshen. It is the nightmare of the monk who encounters the sound, such as the double play of the piano, or enters the magic array. If you take it in advance, you can stabilize the **** and be unaffected.

Only these five tasks, the double-pitched corner of the piano showed a smile. It seems that Tianziyuan really understands himself. When he competes with the old students, he sees that the highest level of medicinal herbs he refines is the best, and he concludes that he can’t refine his level. Xiandan, this is not to want to complete the task in the Tianziyuan, let yourself go out to experience.


Qin double is determined not to go out, she wants to be quiet for a while. Therefore, she finally decided to refine the Danfoss. Although this exposed some of her own secrets of alchemy, she also saw that the old students could refine the Danfoss when they competed with the old students. It is not too surprising that the piano can be refining.

Moreover, Qin Double is not prepared to refine immediately, but will wait until the end of the one-year period to refine the Shen Dan.

"Ready to retreat!"

Qin double took back the gods, and then checked the open array, and then the flowers in the town demon tower:

"Too fragrant, I am going to go to the dark world. Are you going with me, or stay in the town demon tower, or come out and stay here, show me the cave?"

"I don't go to the dark world!" Hua Taixiang came out from the town demon tower: "I am here to see Dongfu."


Qin double looked at the flower too fragrant, the body has been floating half a step of Xianjun's breath, and indeed can not always eat in the town demon tower to sleep, sleep and eat.

"Look at the cave at home!"

When the words fall, the piano doubles up the index finger of the left hand, and the space in front of the body is a little bit. The black accent of the fingertips appears. A black dot appears in front of the piano double, and the black spot is rapidly enlarged, engulfing the piano.

I stumbled.

The bright environment became dim and everything around it was blurred. The piano doubled vigilantly and looked around, and found that there was no danger around it, which was slightly relaxed. In the heart of the call for mermaid, got the response of the mermaid, the piano double cut off the connection with the mermaid, eyes glanced around.

She didn't want to be swallowed up by the inexplicable dark secluded creatures, so she decided to set up a formation first, at least to have a warning effect.

But before that, choose a safe place.

On both sides of the piano, walking in the dark world, spreading the knowledge and exploring the surroundings. After about an hour, Qin double stood in front of a cliff, stepping on the empty space, the shape of the piano doubled up, came to the half of the cliff, nodded with satisfaction, and then released the unearthed property method with the spirit, then The hard rock on the cliff turned into quicksand and fell to the bottom.

Two quarters of an hour later, a cave house was built, and the piano double entered the hole, and then a line was set up at the hole, which was sitting cross-legged.

Spirit, Yuanshen and Yangshen are all solemn and solemn, and the power of a trace of mystery is growing.

On the third day of the Qinshou retreat, Yu Guanting, Wei Qingjue and dozens of Tianziyuan preparatory students finally spent nearly ten days, killing them from the small world and entering Tianziyuan.

Upon entering Tianziyuan, Yuguanting and others were shocked by the grandeur of Tianziyuan, and even some were at a loss, do not know where to go?

After inquiring, they found the Dongfu of the Qinshuang, but found that the Dongfu of the Qinshuang was shrouded in a large array, touching the array, but did not respond. At this time, the flowers on the ground are too fragrant, but the ears move, let's lick your mouth, your eyes are not stunned, and you slept.

"Guan Ting, you are not saying that as long as you come to find the piano double, will the piano double come out to help us?" Xiao Wulang’s eyes showed a trace of sarcasm, but more was lost:

"Now our identity can't be compared with others, you wake up."

Yu Guanting’s face sank and turned to stare at Xiao Wulang: “You are not allowed to say my friend.”

“Hey...” Xiao Wulang smiled and said: “You have made friends a friend. Have you ever thought about it, do people still treat you as a friend?”

Wei Qingjue stopped the jade crown court to go away: "Maybe Qin double is in retreat, did not hear, let's try again."


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