Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2081: Godsend shop

Yu Guanting glanced at Xiao Wulang, then backhanded his hand and shot it on the formation.

Hua Taixiang's ears moved again, lazily raised his eyelids and looked out of the way, then stood up with a bang.

He was bored, and when he saw an acquaintance, he was happy at once. I forgot to become a human form, and I wore it out of the formation. Opened his mouth and shouted excitedly:

"Crested Ting, Qingjue!"

His sudden appearance, shocked the monks of Xiao Golang, could not help but step back and guarded. Yu Guanting and Wei Qingjue were overjoyed, and they came up with flowers and fragrant heads.

"Too fragrant, it's great to see you."

When Huatai Xiang shook the dog's head, he took out the hands of two people, and stood on two legs. The figure stood up and immediately became a young boy.

"How come you? Oh... I remembered, you want to see Tianziyuan. I want to go to the mission hall to pick up some missions. I will take you there."

When Qin Qin double visited Tianziyuan, Huataixiang was in the town demon tower, and he followed it, so he was familiar with Tianziyuan.

"Too fragrant, piano double?" asked Yu Guanting.

"Closed!" Hua Taixiang said: "Nothing, I will take you there."

Yu Guanting hesitated for a moment. He always felt that Hua Taixiang took his own turn. It was not so safe. He thought about it:

"Or, will you take us to see An Shicong?"

Hua Taixiang also reacted at this time, he has not appeared in Tianziyuan, and there is no identity jade bracelet, don't be killed by the disciples here as a Yaozu. But I don’t want to lose it, and my face is impatient:

"It’s really tempering, go, I’m going to find An Shicong.”

Yu Guanting is also a master. Many of these disciples in Ding District know each other. So without waiting for the flowers to open the mouth, Yu Guanting heard about the Dongfu where An Shicong is located.

At this time, these freshmen are still honestly staying in the Ding District. Even if Lang Yupeng did not try to challenge other districts, they should be familiar with the period of time and touch the strength of monks in other districts. Therefore, An Shicong did not retreat, warmly received Yu Guanting and Wei Qingjue and others, and then took these preparatory students to visit the entire Tianziyuan. The Xiao Wulang also couldn’t care for the jade, and he was dazzled and envious of his heart.

On the ninth day of Qinshuang retreat, Yu Guanting and Wei Qingjue and others left Tianzicheng and began to take out tasks and earn points.

On the eleventh day of Qin Double Retreat, Xu Kaitian, Xu Kaishan, Xu Kaiyun and Xu Qinglian, four brothers and sisters, took the transmission array and went to Baoxing.

Qinshuang closed for 12 days, Yan Xinghai left Tianzicheng alone and went to Tianzhu.

On the thirteenth day of Qin's retreat, Xu Luoxue entered the Xu family's secret environment and began to retreat. The 34-year-old masters and some younger brothers were also retiring after they were ready.

On the fifteenth day of the Qinshuang retreat, the godsend of a white robe walked into the street where the piano house was located. The eyes patrolled the streets and finally stopped in front of a tea house. Godsend went into the tea house and saw a guy greet him.

"The third floor, the window!" Tianci said faintly.

"Guest, please!"

The buddy hurriedly said that he had a spurt in his heart. He had seen the godsend's face very honest, but when he was greeted by the gods, he found that the godsends were cold, not the coldness that gave people ice, It is a kind of indifference in the vicissitudes of life.

Based on the experience of this buddy, I know that such people are very uncomfortable. Killing people can be part of the time and place, like drinking water. Carefully invited the gods to a box in the window, and the godsman stood in front of the window and looked diagonally across.

Opposite, about 200 meters from the tea house, is the piano. From here you can clearly see the entire piano house. In the moment when I saw the Qinfu, the indifference of the vicissitudes of God-givenness was awkward, and there was an excitement.

"Guest!" came a cautious voice behind him: "What tea do you drink? What snack?"

Godsend did not look back, the excitement in his eyes disappeared, and said faintly: "Call your proprietor."

"Okay, wait for you!"

The man's face changed and he left in a hurry.

Soon, there was a footstep, and a middle-aged monk came in. Godsend turned and prayed for the ceremony:

"But the owner is face to face?"

"Yes, under Zheng Fan. What do you call?"


"I don't know if God-given calls Zheng Fan to come over. What advice?"

"I want to buy this tea shop, you open a price."

Zheng Fan’s heart was a glimpse, but he was not angry. You know that in Tianzi City, real estate is a sky-high price, and no one can afford it. The vast majority of monks are unable to accumulate in their lifetimes and purchase the fairy crystal of this tea house.

He believes that Godsend will not know, since you know, you dare to buy, this person is not simple. However, how can he sell such a property?

Then he shook his head and said: "Hello, I will not sell this tea house. It is better to sit down and have a cup of tea, please."

"Hey!" Godsend placed a small jade bottle on the table between the two, and then raised his hand to make the gesture.

Zheng Fan did not take the small jade bottle and opened the lid. His look was changed. He carefully poured the medicinal medicine in the jade bottle into the palm of his hand, carefully observed it, then sniffed it on the nose and looked up. Looking at the gods with shock:

"This is... nothing Dan?"

"The avenue is ruthless, this is the inaction." Tianci said faintly.

Wu Wei Dan and Sheng Zhi Dan are the same medicines that can make the monks enhance the road to enlightenment. However, Apocalypse Dan is to enhance the understanding of the monks, but Wu Dan is to let the monks improve the fit of the avenue within three days. Relatively speaking, Wu Dan is better than Sheng Dan. The treasure is extremely precious.

Zheng Fan is like his name. Among the monks in Zhengjia, he is an ordinary one. It is now the peak of the Great Luo Jinxian, who has struggled for more than 500 years in this realm, but still has not taken the step of breaking through the nine-day Xuanxian. Only his father was the second elder of the Zheng family. He gave him such a tea house and let him have a business. In fact, he had already given up.

As the Zheng family of the 34 families, as the son of the two elders of the Zheng family, there will be no shortage of cultivation places, and there will be no shortage of resources for cultivation, so he does not accumulate, but on the avenue. Comprehend. The accumulation of Yuanli. His father can help him, but no one can help him on the understanding of the avenue, only by himself.

Things like Wu Weidan, even his father did not, he did not even think about it. At this time, he is entangled in the fact that he does not know that a person is incompetent. Can he let him comprehend the road and break through to the nine-day Xuan Xian?


I am very grateful to the rainy night for the snow (1000), seaphay (100) reward!



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