Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2082: Leave vigorously

After a long period of entanglement, I finally sighed and put Wu Dan into the small jade bottle, put the lid on the table, and pushed it to the godsend.


Godsend put a small jade bottle on the table, Zheng Fan suddenly widened his eyes and stuttered:

"This is... is it nothing?"

Godsend did not speak, just nodded. Zheng Fan unfortunately picked up the jade and opened the lid to check. It is not that he does not believe in God, but it is too difficult to believe.

The cherished degree of Wuweidan is the first family in the spiritual world. Xu has refining a furnace at most, and there are only nine furnaces.

This is because Wu Dan is not only difficult to practice, but also the materials required are very precious. Even Xu Jia can only collect the materials for refining a furnace in one year. Sometimes it can not be collected even in one furnace. Dan's target.


Now this seemingly honest person, but suddenly took out two...

Before he even reacted, he heard a bang, and there was another small jade bottle on the table. Zheng Fan’s throat suddenly dried up and his face hesitated. And there is more fear for Godsend.

It is absolutely not easy to come up with three people who are innocent. Even if there is no background, it is definitely a sultry generation. Such a person, let alone him, is that the family is willing to provoke. Once you have not killed the other party and let the other party escape, it is a disaster for the family. He just can't figure out why Godsend has so many inactions?

These inactions are naturally God-given refinements. The god-giving alchemy technique also pointed to the piano doubles, and when the day was given a seal, when the **** devils controlled the body, the heavens traveled around, to his undead body, as long as With a drop of blood, the abnormal body that can be resurrected, robbed a large number of secrets of the fairyland that others did not dare to go, and got a lot of treasures. Naturally, there are some materials that are not refining. After the day has given back the control of the body, he is not like the sky, as long as he swallows, he can grow and cultivate. He still needs to cultivate and understand the world.

In particular, the vastness of his cultivation requires a deep understanding of Tiandi Avenue, so that he can refine the inaction. Now I have to take out the innocent to exchange this tea house.


Seeing that Zheng Fan was still entangled there, Tianci had to take out a inaction and put it on the table.

Zheng Fan’s face showed excitement. He felt that four incompetences were enough for him to break through to the nine-day Xuan Xian. Maybe he could save two more, and he would take it when he reached the peak of the nine-day Xuan Xian. There is also the hope of breaking through Xianjun.

You must know that you only need to face the big barriers, because the heavens and insights of the big levels need to be improved, and the small level, Zheng Fan can use time to slowly grind. Only at this time his heart was full of greed and wanted more inaction.


It was at this time that the godsend waved a hand, and the innocent Dan on the table and in his hands disappeared, and was given up by God, and walked toward the door.

"Predecessors, please stay!" Zheng Fan hurried out.

Godsend lived in the footsteps, waved his hand, and four small jade bottles appeared on the table again. This time, Zheng Fan no longer hesitated, carefully examined the inaction of the four jade bottles, and then collected them:

"This tea house is yours. We immediately went to the house. However, I need to explain to the seniors. There is no city owner in Tianzicheng. It is a combination of 34 families and a purple house. To maintain the security of Tianzicheng, they only issued the task, and it was to note the real estate in the entire Tianzicheng.

I can go there to transfer this tea house to you, but once you can't keep the tea house, you are killed, or you are driven away. The property here will be taken back by Tian Zige and sold separately. Even if you come back, this tea house is not yours. ”

"Yeah!" Godsend nodded lightly.

"Then let's go!"

In the afternoon, Tianci became the owner of the wishful tea house. At dusk, Tianci came to the front of the piano house and touched the piano.

Chu, who was sitting in the middle of the Taolin, vigorously opened his eyes and came out of the Taolin. He came to the gate of the fence and looked at the godsman’s hand outside the door:

"Who is this friend looking for?"

Godsend handed the ceremony and said: "I am the new owner of the wishful tea house, come and visit the neighbors."

"Please come in!"

Chu’s face smiled and opened the fence door, leading the gods to go through the ice-filled array...

Two months after the retreat of the piano, Tianci and Chu were vigorous, and the waiting area was already very familiar. Godsend often goes to the Qin Dynasty as a guest, and Chu vigorously and waiting for the place to come to the tea house for tea.

This day.

Three people sat in a box in the window of Ruyi Tea House to drink tea. Chu vigorously sighed a bit:

“I have encountered a bottleneck in cultivation, but I don’t know how to break through.”

Tianci indulged in a moment: "What you cultivate is power and righteousness. Although the cultivation environment of Tianzicheng is good, it is not suitable for you."

"I also know that, like Baoyi, it is not suitable for her, so she went to the storm star with the family elders."

"There is actually a place for you to cultivate." Godsend searched the memory of the heavenly rebellion.

"Where?" Chu vigorously brightened his eyes.

"The dark star field, which is a star field of the inner star field, the dark star field is a dark star, the gravity is very large. The closer to the center of the dark star field, the greater the gravity. I think there is the best for you to cultivate. Place, you can try it.

However, going to the inner star field must first pass through the sky, even if it is a starship flying boat is dangerous. There is also a dark star field, which is not a place suitable for human habitation. But the monks who can live there are very powerful, or go to special places to practice there. The monsters and Warcraft there are also more powerful. If you really want to go, be careful. ”

"Go, be sure to go!" Chu said excitedly: "They all left Miss Sister and found their own way of cultivation. I don't want to wait for them to come back. Only I am the drag of Miss Sister."

Wherein on the second day business, Chu fled the Yuen, and went on a week.

Three months after the retreat of the piano, a black robe walked into Tianzicheng to the arrogant wind.

Three days later, I finally found out that the piano where the piano was located entered the street, but when he was getting closer and closer to the piano, he hesitated. He was originally because he felt that the devil was approaching him, and he ran to Tianzicheng in a panic, wanting to inform Qin. Because the piano double is also the magic of cultivation, if he is the target of the devil, then the piano must be.

However, he is hesitant now, maybe the Lord has not found the piano double, his own appearance, will it attract the Lord?


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