Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2083: Exit

He stopped his steps, closed his eyes, and felt it silently, feeling that the Lord was still very far away from him. Thinking for a moment, my heart still can't decide, and he knows that Qin double is in Tianziyuan, not in the piano. She also tried to communicate the piano pair with the communication jade, but there was no response.

"Would you like to go to the piano?

Still forget, no longer stay there, in case the Lord is aware of it, I will find a place nearby to stay, waiting for the piano to come back, when the time to inform the secret to inform him, and immediately go. ”

Looking around, the eyes fell on a plaque.

“Ruyi Tea House! It’s here!”

Stepping into the wishful tea house, a buddy greeted him: "Objective, please inside."

Nod to arrogance, I found a seat in the lobby on the first floor, and then said to the buddy:

"Are you a proprietor?"

That guy is a glimpse, how come another one to find the owner?

The person who came to the proprietor last time became the proprietor at this time. Is it necessary to change the owner of the tea house?


"I want to visit your proprietor."

"Objectively wait, I will report it."

"Excuse me!"

Soon, the buddy ran over and said: "Objective, the proprietor has a request."

To the arrogant followed the buddy on the third floor, into a box, I saw a figure standing with his hands on the window, heard the door behind the door, then turned around. Looking towards the opposite person, a thick face, but with a pair of vicissitudes and indifferent eyes, this contradictory conflict, let the arrogance, and bowed to the gods as a ritual:

"But the owner is face to face?"

Godsend nodded, said: "Please sit!"

After sitting down to the ecstasy, this is the time to sit down. Godsend looked at the arrogant: "What is your search for me?"

"The proprietor, who is arrogant in the downside, wants to be a buddy here, I don't know if it is okay?"

The gods-indifferent gaze did not change at all, but only slightly indulged, and nodded:

"Yes!" Then he looked at the man standing at the door: "Take him to the treasurer."

"Yes!" The buddy responded.

Standing up to the arrogance, and giving a gift to the gods, he retired and the door was gently closed. God's faint gaze swayed, whispering:

"Hidden magic, this magic can hide others, how can you hide me? Is it related to the two children? Come under my eyes, I have to see if you can turn up a few waves?"

Unknowingly, the piano double retreat is almost a year away.

During the year, Tianziyuan gradually reduced the number of people who pay attention to Qinshuang. At that time, the new master sister of the genius was gradually forgotten. On the contrary, Lang Yu Piao, Wen Yu, Wan Jing, Liu Hanyan, An Shi Cong, Zheng Lun and others have risen, have left the Ding District, settled in the C District to practice.

Dark secluded.

The piano double slowly opened the eyes, and the light in the middle of the light was as normal. In the moment, the dimly lit Dongfu was illuminated, and it disappeared, and the cave was darkened.

In the dim, the piano double frowned.

After cultivating for nearly a year in the dark world, she was awakened by the old town of Lingling, reminding her that it was almost a year away. However, this nearly one year of cultivation is not as big as the imaginary progress. It only transforms the metaphysical power of the Yuanshen and the Yangshen by a little more than one tenth, probably 11 to 10 percent. The appearance between the two.

Although this contrast is in the spiritual world, it is already very fast. However, according to this speed, Qin Double wants to transform all Yuanshen and Yangshen into a mysterious power. It takes nearly a hundred years. For such a long time, Qin Double can hardly endure this kind of turtle speed.

To know that Qinshuang is only forty-two years old, he has cultivated to the fourth floor of Xuantian for nine days. In order to speed up the speed of mysterious power, I only have to find other ways.

Qinqin suddenly changed his mind and entered the town demon tower. He came to the holy land surrounded by three fairy mountains, stood by the lake and looked at the nine-turn Jinlian in the center of the lake.

The nine-turn Jinlian can help the monk to give birth to the mystery, and will certainly speed up the promotion of the power of Xuan. However, afterwards, there was disappointment in the eyes of the piano. The nine-turn Jinlian was still not mature, and it produced nine turns of golden lotus seeds.

"Old town!" Qin double whispered.

The old figure of the town appeared on the side of Qin Double: "Master, what is the order?"

"How long does it take for the nine-turn Jinlian to mature?"

"It still takes a thousand years."

"That is to say, it still takes a year outside!"

The piano double looks a little slow, the mind is moving, and left the town demon tower, extending the left index finger, toward the air, a black point quickly zoomed in, drowning the piano double.

After a moment, the dark space became bright, and the piano doubled his eyes and adjusted for a while, which completely opened his eyes.

At this time, it was the rising sun, the sun came in from the window, and the indoors were clean and the windows were still clean and spotless.

The mood of Qinshuang was also slightly lost. As the light became brighter, she got up and walked to the door. Suddenly there were two voices in her consciousness:

“Why don’t you stay in the dark for a while?”

These two voices are Yang Lingwei and Weiyang, and Qin Shuang first sent a message to Yang Lingwei:

"I have to do the task, and the help of the dark world is not as big as I imagined. How? Is it helpful to you?"

“It’s not very helpful, but it’s much faster than recovering in the spiritual world.”

"How far have you recovered?"

"There is a turn!"

There are some disappointments in Qin’s heart, but then I think of Yang Ling’s but the power of the fairy world. The power of the 10% is also amazing.

"There will be a chance to bring you in later!"

"Yeah!" Yang Lingzhen recovered her silence.

"I want to do the task, how? The dark world is very helpful to you?" Qin double asked the Weiyang in the palm of his hand.

"Yeah!" Weiyang said: "If possible, stay there for a while."

"Let's find a chance later." Qin doubled.

"Qin double, how is your soul practicing?"

Qin doubled a bit different, this is the first time that Weiyang cares about her cultivation and asks. However, in the past year, she has all used to cultivate the power of Xuan. It is really not to cultivate the seven-in-one that was imparted to her by Weiyang.

“There is nothing to grow up and there is no cultivation recently.”

Weiyang was quiet and said again: "I advise you to take time out to cultivate the soul every day. The monks in the world only repair the gods and not repair the soul. It will make the soul weaker and weaker, but the gods will become stronger and stronger. I don't know that the soul is the innate possession of the monk, and the **** is the monk who repaired it after the day. In the future, the **** of the gods surpasses the soul, and the present is upside down, it is difficult to go far."

Qin double meditation thought, I feel that Weiyang said it makes sense, then nodded:

"Thank you, I've now understood!"

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