Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2090: Dan Cheng

The piano double controls the consumption of the arrogance in the heart, so the release of the Thunder's wrath is not large, just covering the periphery of the piano.


The Thunder fell intensively, and within half a mile of the double, the Thunder was filled. Wherever the Thunder was covered, all the beetles shattered and dissipated.

Ding Hao’s look in the air was a glimpse, and then it was. He remembered that when Qin Qin was in the examination of Tianziyuan, he once showed that he was a master of books and practiced Confucianism. According to the information, he was still a Confucian lord.

"This gimmick can be mixed!" Ding Xiao shook his head and smiled: "There must be a choice. Only one can choose one as a major, and the rest is only a minor. I don't know if this girl knows."

Alchemy indoors.

The beetle is like a colorful ocean, and it rushes from the direction of the piano. Qinqin is like an island, a thunder island, constantly smashing the rushing tide.


The piano looks calm, and both hands still play a sturdy scorpion at a steady frequency. From time to time, four bytes are spit out, and the thunder rushes.

"It's done!" Ding Yan's face appeared in the air, and then there was a worry in his eyes: "I don't know if this sacred refining Ding Shen Dan is a Danfoss class?"

If it is not the level of Danfoss, what should I do? Did I really expel her from Tianziyuan?

However, if you open the net to him, will the rules of the Purple House still be on that day? ”

He is tangled there, and the piano double has stood up. At this point, Shen Shen Dan has been refining. At the moment of Dan Cheng, the thoughts of those who flocked to the piano doubled.

Qin double came to the front of the Dan furnace and opened the Dan furnace. She was somewhat worried that she was not worried that she could not refine her Danfoss, but she was afraid of refining Dan Yun. Although she is already in control, she is still not at ease. After all, there is Ding Wei here to pay attention.

At this time, Ding Yu’s heart was also anxious, and his eyes fell on the alchemy furnace.

The piano double reached out and opened the Dan furnace cover, looking into the inside, the heart could not help but loose.

There are thirty-six fixed gods in it, and each of them is covered with a layer of tan.


In the air, Ding Hao almost uploaded it from the cloud.

"It turned out to be the level of Danfoss. It turned out to be a 10% rate!"

"Qin double, can you sell these gods to Tianziyuan?" Ding's voice passed into the ears of Qinqin: "And, are you still having two materials? They are all refining."

Qin double indulged in a moment: "Predecessors, refining the development of God Dan is something to say later, the younger generation to Tianziyuan is not to alchemy. This furnace is set to God, I sold it to Tianziyuan 30, I Leave six."

Ding Hao looked a glimpse, he was the first time he encountered a student against himself. However, Qin double said that it makes sense. She is not the main Dan Dao. Is it that people keep practicing alchemy and not practicing?

When even the road said: "Alright! However, you can't always stay in Tianziyuan, you still have to go out and practice."

"The younger understand!"

Ding Hao took back his gaze and stepped out of the air.


Qin double vomited a long breath, without Ding Yu's gaze, let her relax. Put 30 pieces of Ding Shen Dan in a large jade bottle, put six Ding Shen Dan in a small jade bottle, collect the storage ring, and then take the alchemy furnace into the town demon tower, then meditate there. .

She has experimented many times, and Weiyang can only exist in the dry world of her own left palm, and she cannot detect many secrets of her own.

She can't enter her own heart, can't enter her own soul space, and can't enter her own sea of ​​knowledge. Or to say that she released a kindness to the piano, saying that she was only looking for a boarding place in the body of the piano, and did not want to have the slightest injury to the doubles, so she did not want to explore the body of the piano. .

However, this does not mean that she will not probe the piano in the future, and even further control the piano doubles, and even win. When Qin double is not willing to trade with her, this soul that has died for too long, who knows if she will go away and become crazy?

Therefore, Qin double must think of a way to isolate Weiyang at least, so that she can not hurt herself when she is crazy, otherwise she will always be threatened by her.

Just like the deal she is going to do with the piano now, it is a threat.

However, the problem now is that although Weiyang is hiding in the dry space of Qin Double, Qin Double can't find her. This makes the piano double feel helpless, you can not find her even find, how to isolate, and even seal her further?

For the seal of the Weiyang, or even kill her, Qin double does not have the slightest psychological burden, for a person who has not boarded his own consent, but also threatens himself, she will not have the slightest soft hand.

Moreover, Qin double is not spiritual in the study of the soul. On the contrary, the soul of Weiyang has a profound research on the soul. This makes the piano double unfathomable to Weiyang. She has a feeling that although Weiyang has no The body, not the god, is only a soul, but the strength is definitely stronger than itself.

In this contrast of strength, if you want to seal the Weiyang, the difficulty can be said to be like a scorpion!

Qin double thought for a while, then got up and walked out of the room. When the flowers were too fragrant to see the piano double coming out, they ran over and smashed the legs of the piano with their big heads. The piano doubled the big head of the fragrant flower, and then walked to the mission hall with a emptiness, and the flowers were too fragrant and followed by the four hooves.

The figure fell to the gate of the mission hall and walked toward the inside. Hua Taixiang followed behind. The monks of Tianziyuan also have a lot of pets, so no one is fussing. Qin double path went straight to the designated task counter, still the sister is standing behind the counter, there are three people in front of her line up to hand in the task. The piano is in the back.

The task was handed over quickly, and in less than half a quarter of an hour, it was the turn of the piano. The piano double took out the larger jade bottle and placed it on the counter. The sister in the counter showed an unbelievable color in his eyes:

"Are you refining?"


"Dan fog level?"

"Well! There are a total of thirty, one for the task, another twenty-nine, Ding Dean asked me to sell to Tianziyuan."

When I heard the doubles of the piano, I said it, the sister was no longer suspicious, but the eyes were still shocked. Take the jade bottle up and open the lid to see it, the shock in the eyes is even worse.

"It’s really a Danfoss-level god!"

Looking up at the piano double eyes, at this time her eyes were full of admiration, and even a pleading, the jade bottle was collected:

"This kind of Jindan fog-level Ding Shen Dan, one can be worth 10,000 points, twenty-nine, a total of 290,000 points. Sister, you give me the bracelet, I will give you points."


I am very grateful to the rainy night for the snow (500), Liao Mubai (500), seaphay (100), Baizibing (100) reward!



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