Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2091: Fangshi

The piano nodded twice, took out the bracelet and handed it to the other party. The other party quickly transferred the points to the bracelet and handed it to the piano pair. The piano doubled over and the gods swept it.

369,251 points.

"Sister, can I ask you to refine a fairy?" The sister's eyes are more pleasing.

"What Dan?"

Qin did not want to give the other party alchemy, she did not have that time and mood. The reason why I ask one is because I have refining all kinds of elixir. If I have it in my inventory, I might sell it to the other party.

When I heard the Qin Biphasic search, the teacher and sister were overjoyed and quickly introduced themselves:

"Sister, my name is Ge Liuyun. I am the root of the fire attribute. I have been stuck in the eighth layer of the 9th day of Xuanxian for a long time. It is because my firepower has been hardened enough. If I can have three quenching dan, it must be I can temper my firepower to the level of purity of the breakthrough.

Just a quenching dan will have five thousand points, and three will need 15,000 points. Sister, don't think that there are very few 15,000 points. It is because you are a new master sister, and at the time of the Shaoguan, you just lost three games and won the 10,000 points of Hao Ban's brother. Only then will you get a force of 290,000 points, so you will feel that Tianzhiyuan’s points seem to be very easy to obtain.

If you think about it, if it is the 10,000th freshman, how many points does he have after entering Tianziyuan? ”

Ge Liuyun stretched out his hands and unfolded his fingers: "Ten, only ten points. You think again, in the entire Tianziyuan, there are several masters of Xiandan? You think again, if you are not only three books this time, But lost all, how many points?

Therefore, you are just a case for the younger sister. The disciples of Tianziyuan are very talented, and they can’t accumulate points like you. After completing a task and earning some points, I immediately spent it. It is really difficult and hard for me to accumulate 15,000 points. ”

Qin double has some understanding, it is too easy to make his own points, so that he will continue to practice in a transcendental mentality in Tianziyuan. I am afraid that other monks are busy with points every day, and it is estimated that those new students are even more so. Moreover, Qin has been in the Tianziyuan for a year now. In addition to the first few days, he spent hundreds of points in the library, and he closed the darkness. He did not spend any points. Naturally, I can't experience this kind of embarrassment without points.

"Wait to see where those cultivations are."

At this time, Ge Liuyun has put out a storage bag on the counter, praying for his face:

"Sister, so I only have to collect the materials of Quenching Dan. These are all collected by me. They are not returned by points, and most of them are picked by me. Here is the material that can refine the three furnaces. I only need three, and there are three thousand points for compensation."

Speaking of this, her look at Ai Ai said: "Sister, I know... this is a little less, but... But the sister has only so many points..."

Qinqin refining the quenching dan, so that the town used a jade bottle to install three top grade quenching dan, then take it out and put it on the counter:

"Three top grades!"

Ge Liuyun's face is a hi, grabbed the jade bottle, opened it, it really is three top grades. She did not expect the Danfoss at all, and even the best Dan did not think about it. And with regard to her remuneration, three materials, three thousand points, can get three top grades, according to the rules of Xiandan division, have earned.

"Thank you, Sister, I will transfer you points."

Ge Liuyun hurriedly put away the jade bottle, and transferred it to the piano double three thousand points. Qin double also put away the storage bag, and chatted with Ge Liuyun. When someone saw the task, they left.

"One year, I will go back to see it."

Qin double flew aimlessly in the clouds, but when he thought that the piano house was just left with a waiting person, his heart suddenly lost interest.

“Is it true that Xiu Xian is lonely? I don’t know how they are all?”


Inadvertently sag, I saw a valley below, which is very lively.

“This is...” Qin double recalled: “This is the open-air workshop of Tianziyuan!”

The piano doubled down the cloud head and landed in the valley valley, outside the valley, and headed for the valley. From time to time, monks came out of the mouth of the valley and went to the sky. From time to time, there were monks descending from the sky and entering the mouth of the valley.

Stepping into the mouth of the valley, I saw a bustling scene of bustling, this valley is not small, on both sides is a stall placed by monks, the middle of the circulation of people.

Qin double came to the left, as the flow of people slowly moved forward, watching a booth. Or the monks standing or sitting behind the booth, all of them are arrogant, with wind and frost in their eyes. At first glance, they just finished the task from the outside. These things should all be obtained outside, and they don’t want to sell them to Tianziyuan. Here, I exchange some more suitable cultivation resources than the sale to Tianziyuan.

"Qin Shimei." Suddenly a voice rang in the distance.

The piano looked in front of the two sides, and a smile appeared on his face. I saw Hao drink sitting behind a booth, holding a wine gourd in his hand, looking at the piano double with a look of surprise, seeing the piano double look, and repeatedly waved:

"Qin Shimei, come over, come over!"

"Brother!" Qin double came to the front of Hao drink to call the road, Hao drink shook the wine gourd in the hands of the piano double: "This broken wine is the wine without the sister, so give the brothers a few gourds."

Qin double, this is why I understand why Hao drink is a surprise. I originally wanted my own monkey wine. After thinking about it, I took out a gourd and handed it to Hao. Hao drink is not too small, and he happily took the wine gourd road:

"Sister, you can take which one to look at."

Qin double is not polite, looking down at the booth, Hao drink a sip of monkey wine, a look of intoxication:

"Sister, you can have something out there, and the brothers can see if there is any need. You can buy it from you."

Qin double shook his head, Hao said: "Don't the teacher and sister have not gone out to practice this year?"


The piano nodded. Continue to look at the things in his booth, just look back and forth several times, and there is nothing to look at. Then he shook his head and said:

"Brother, I will go ahead and see."

Hao drink looked at the monkey wine in his hand and felt that he was the cheaper of the piano pair, and he smiled bitterly:

"There are so many things that you don't have a fancy?"

"Yeah!" Qin double is really nodding.

Hao Yin grabbed his head and then took a forehead and said: "Yes, Zhang Zhuo got a rare thing, look at it. If you look at it, the brothers will send you."


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