Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2094: black market

"What's wrong?" Qin Qin gave birth to helplessness, but could not but interface.

"I want you to promise to destroy the Xu family."

Qin double indulged for a moment: "I want you to tell me what happened to Wei Qingjue and how to save it. Also, how to destroy the Xu family's secrets should be explained to me in detail, because I don't want to be your tool. Finally, I died in Xu."

"Yes!" Weiyang promised very simply: "The soul of Wei Qingjue was frozen."

"Is the soul frozen?" Qin double is a stay.

"Yes, I don't know what happened to him, but don't doubt my research on the soul. He is frozen in the soul. But without the worry of his life, his soul is slowly thawing, and there is always a day to wake up. And it will be blessed in disguise, and when he wakes up, the soul will be a little stronger."

"That... how long does it take to be able to attribute?"

“It takes an estimated thirty years or so.”

"Thirty years?" Qin doubled his brow: "There is no other way?"

"I don't know, maybe you should take him to the place where the accident happened. If I think of a way, I will tell you. I will send you some material names now, you have to get along as soon as possible."

If the words fall, they will send some information to the piano. Qinqin quickly read it again. A total of thirty-eight materials were needed. There are thirty kinds of pianos. The other six should be purchased in Tianzicheng, but two of them need a demonic fairy. The **** of the king, the **** of a demon sage, can not help but let the piano double frown.

Where is the fairy **** of Xianjun so easy to obtain?

"The cellar, have you acquired the **** of Xianjun this year?"

"No, I can't buy it at all."

"Going to the shops on the streets, naturally can't buy them."

"Where to buy?" Qin asked.

"black market!"

"black market?"

“There is a underground black market in the northern part of the Purple Star, which is run by the Sanxu League. There is a great chance to meet the fairy god.”

“Does the purple star allow such a black market to exist?” Qin double asked.

“The existence is reasonable.” Wei Wei said succinctly: “And those families need a place like this, they also have something to see or sell, or want to make more profit. Most importantly, always To give up a living path. What's more, the master of the Allied Alliance is also a half-step fairy king. There are always some transactions and some balance between the big men."

"Well, I will see you about it in a while."

It took another two quarters of an hour to go out and lead the way to come in. This is a wheat-colored skin, a heroic female repair, but at this time the eyebrows are shrouded in exhaustion and anxiety. When I saw the piano, I hurriedly said:

"I have seen a piano master."

Qin nodded and said: "Talk to me about the situation."

When he nodded, there was a trace of fear in his eyes: "We found a secret government occasionally after picking up the Tianshan Mountains. After entering, it seems to enter a world of ice and snow, getting colder and colder, and cold to the soul of the people. And from time to time will always One or two people. Slowly, we left four of us. When the Qingjue suddenly passed out, the three of us did not dare to go inside again, and they came back with the Qingjue. It was very strange, specifically I also I can't tell you, I can only really feel the horror when I get there."

Qin double thought: "You live here first, I have something to deal with, then you take me to pick up the Tianshan."

"You are going to the secret?"

"Yeah!" Qin nodded and said: "I want to save the green, I have to go and see."

"Good! I will take you there!" Guan Yu a bite.

"The cellar, you take the sister to go to rest."

Qin double turned away from the piano house and stopped a flying horse lane: "Go to the North."

North District.

Qin double came down from the flying carriage and passed his own knowledge into the left palm space.

"Weiyang, take me to the black market."

"Always go down this street. You'd better get a cloak. And, I remember you will be illusory, change your looks."

The piano nodded, the kind of cloaked piano, and looked around, then turned into an alley, quickly took a black hooded cloak from the storage ring, put it on the body, put the hat on The whole person and face were covered in a cloak, then turned and walked toward the hutong mouth, waiting for her to come out of the hutong, and the appearance of the cloak in the cloak also changed.

After walking for about a quarter of an hour along the street, Qin double suddenly turned into a shop. She remembered that she still had six kinds of materials. Maybe she could buy it in the shops on the North Street. There is no need to go to the underground black market to spend a lot of money.

Sure enough, in this shop, she purchased two materials needed. After seven consecutive trips, the six materials were bought together, only two Yuanjun gods.

After about half an hour, Qin double stood in front of an inconspicuous Dan shop. Qinqin stepped in and saw that the Danpu shop was very small, only about ten square meters, and the medicinal herbs placed on the counter were also very low-level. Sitting in the counter, an old man, sleeping on the counter, as if the arrival of the piano double, did not feel the same.

"This is the black market?" Qin double God knows the voice.


“What kind of evidence is not needed?”

"No, as long as you tell him, you have to enter the black market. Don't worry about security in the black market. I don't know how many people want to grab a black market every year, but they are all dead, and their belongings have become Black market."

The piano nodded twice and bent his fingers and tapped gently on the counter. The old man looked up from the counter and looked at the piano pair.

"I want to go to the black market." Qin said faintly.

"The entry fee is ten pieces of superior crystal." The old man said.

The piano double took out ten pieces of fine crystals and put them on the counter. The old man extended his finger and pointed it at the side door on the left side.

"Go in from there."

The piano nodded twice and turned to the front door, reached for the door and walked in. I saw a small transmission array inside, and set foot on the transmission array.

Just for a moment, Qin double found that the surrounding environment has changed.

It is like watching it in the night, with a night pearl inlaid on it, like the stars in the sky, so that the space here is not dark, it feels like the light of the evening.

This is an underground world!

There is a door in front of the piano double, walked to the front of the door, pushed the door open, and noisy suddenly came over.

In her vision, the crowds are moving, the bustling, the various sounds come and go, and the singers are cut and the piano double walks inside the door and walks into the crowd. There are rows of stalls on both sides. Kind of things. Qin Double really saw what he needed here. It was a swallowtail, a material for refining the popular Dan. Qin double spent 10,000 top grades, and bought it. It is estimated that it should be 20% more expensive than the outside. However, you may not be able to buy it outside.


Ask for a ticket! Seeking a monthly ticket!



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