Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2095: Old black tomb

"Qin double!" Seeing Qin double in the underground black market for an hour, and a pair of music in it. I am in a hurry.

"Don't delay the time, go to the old black tomb."

"Old black tomb?"

"Go in the direction I am pointing."

After half an hour.

The piano doubled into a street. The street was dark and there was no noise. There were pedestrians on the street. Everyone wore a black cloak and no one spoke. The whole street was quiet except for the footsteps.

The streets are not buildings, but graves. Although the graves are separated by a distance of 100 meters, they still give people a feeling of gloom.

The piano double walked slowly on the street while observing the pedestrians. It is found that those pedestrians seem to have goals, and their goal is one of the tombs on both sides of the street.

"That grave?"

"Just find one, I am not too clear."

Qin doubled a white eye, it seems that Weiyang only knows such a place, and is not very familiar with this place. Qin double came to a grave and stopped and looked at the stone monument in front of the tomb. The stone tablet is engraved with eight words.

Welcome, please touch me!

The piano double reached out and touched the tombstone, then put away his hands and copied his hands in the sleeves, silently looking at the tombstone in front of him.

The tombstone squirmed, but only a short time, it showed a face with eyes, nose and mouth.

There is no sound between the opening and closing of the mouth, but the direct knowledge of the voice.

"Guest, what can I do for you?"

Qin Qin double heart, it seems that the old black tomb this street is a high-level place in the underground black market, first of all, the secret of the secret will be done very well, no wonder the whole street has no sound?

In this way, she can also ask something that she does not want to know.

“Can you ask some questions?” Qin Qin’s voice.

"Yes, depending on the level of the problem, the charges are different." The tombstone is also known as a voice.

Qin Double knows that this tombstone is just a fairy. In the tomb, there must be a monk there, and communicate with himself through this tombstone. Continue to know the voice:

"Do you have any research on the soul?"

"Even if I don't study, but we have research people. Ask your question?"

The piano nodded, and the voice of the gods said: "How to find out the soul of the possession?"

On the tombstone, the nose on the face snorted and smacked, and then passed into the secret passage:

"If you are possessed by the soul, your soul is very powerful, I can't smell his breath."

The heart of Qin double could not help but sink: "Is there a way to peel off or seal her?"


Qin double heard a happy heart: "What?"

"10 million top grades."

Qin double took out a storage ring and looked at the tombstone. The tombstone said: "Put it in my mouth."

The piano double-fingered, the storage ring was facing the tombstone, and the mouth spurred away. The mouth is swallowed, and the storage ring is swallowed.

"Only one peeling of the dan will be able to separate the body of the soul from your body. A stripped of dan of tens of millions of top grades."

“Can you sell Danfang and materials?”

"Three hundred thousand top grades, and Danfang adds very much material."

Qin double took out a storage ring and bounced it to the tombstone. It was swallowed by the big mouth of the tombstone. Then, when the big mouth spit, it spit out a storage bag. The piano was doubled in the hand and the gods swept away. Received a storage ring.

"Does there be a way to seal the soul?"

"There is a soul-breaking card, but I can't guarantee that I can seal it, because I don't know the strength of that soul. I can sell you one of the strongest soul-soul cards, and 30 million top-quality fairy crystals."

"Give me another refining method and materials."

"200 million top grades, a refining method and a very good material."

Qinqin took out another storage ring and slid it into the face of the tombstone. Then the tombstone spit out a storage bag in the mouth and was taken into the storage ring by the piano.

"Qin double, what are you doing?" Weiyang’s voice passed into the Qin double consciousness: "Have you bought it?"

"No hurry!" Qin double voiced: "He has a lot of good things here."

At this time, Weiyang has asked for a double, and can't say anything. However, I think that Qinshuang is a seven-master. I definitely need a lot of things. I have encountered such a resource-rich place, and Qinshuang is not lacking in Xianjing, and it is not normal to buy. Then I went silent. It is already at a crucial moment to retaliate against Xu Mo. She does not want to offend the piano because of small things.

"Then you have a fairy that isolates the soul?"

"Do you know where he is in your possession?"

"In my left palm."

"I can sell you a glove with a soul. If you wear her, you will isolate her. She won't know what you are doing outside. Of course, it also isolates the communication between the two of you. You want to communicate with her. It is necessary to take off the soul gloves."

"Isn't that the seal of the soul inside?"

"It can't be a seal, because if she wants to come out, she can also break through the glove of the soul. It just consumes her and consumes a lot. It depends on what she thinks, if she accepts the soul. Gloves, willing to stay in your body like this, everything is fine. If she doesn't want to, then you have to find a way to greet her anger."

"What do you do?"

"No, once she broke through the soul gloves, it will be stripped out of your body. At that time, whoever wins and loses, depends on their own skills."

"How many fairy crystals?"

"This is not expensive, 50 million top grades."

Qin double took out a storage ring and slid into the mouth of the tombstone. Then the mouth on the tombstone spit out a storage bag and was taken up by the piano.

"Do you have the **** of the demon sage here for sale?"

"No, you are going forward from me, the eighth tombstone, there should be there."

"Thank you!"

The piano walked forward in both directions, counting while walking.


Qinqin stood in front of the tombstone, then touched the tombstone with his hand. The tombstone showed a face, and the mouth opened and closed, but it was a voice of God:

“Welcome, what do you need objectively?”

Qin Qinshen’s voice said: “Do you have the **** of the demon sage?”

"Yes, how many do you want, how many layers do you want?"

Qin double thought, the gods said: "One of the Yaozu, one of the Mozu, the early Xianjun can."

"Every billion top grades."

"Hey!" Qin doubled a bit of the tooth flower, that is, she, got a lot of bets from Shen Chongguang, otherwise it would cost nearly 3 billion top grades in such a moment, really no one can afford it. A storage ring was taken and it plunged into the big mouth on the tombstone. Then, the big mouth spit, spit out two gourds, and the piano doubled out and swept the storage ring:

"Thank you!"

"welcome again!"

The piano double turned away, and the big face on the tombstone behind it gradually disappeared.


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