Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2096: transaction

"Qin double, bought?"


"Great! Hurry up to the piano house, then you enter the town demon tower, use the time flow rate, make a broken space, and we can sneak into the Xu family this evening."

"Do you really think that Xu family is full of holes, anyone can sneak into it?" Qin double wrinkled and said: "You don't hurt me."

"You can rest assured that by the time you feel, as long as you feel a little unsafe, you can withdraw at any time."

Qin double left the underground black market, came out from the Dan shop, looked up at the sky, at this time in the darkest time before dawn, a **** moon in the sky.

“Is the Mozu really lucky?”

The piano double whispered, and the figure flew up. When the piano returned to the piano, the sky was not whitish. Qinqin returned to his Dongfu, and then entered the town demon tower, and then took out thirty-eight materials, God knows the voice:

"No, what do you do next?"

"I will pass you a method of making a fairy, and you should have no problem with your master's realm."

"it is good!"

A message was sent to the consciousness of Qinshuang. The piano was closed and accepted, and the eyebrows were slightly raised. This fairy charm was called a broken space. The **** piano was inherited, but the piano double was not refining. . Because that is the need for a great master to be able to refine.

At the moment, I carefully observed the broken space that was not taught to her, and then carefully checked the broken space in the blood. After half an hour, the piano is double.

The broken space that Wei Yang passed to her is a simplified version of the broken space in the blood-separating inheritance.

"Old town, what is the difference between these two broken characters?"

Subsequently, Qin double passed the inheritance of the two broken characters to the old town. About a quarter of an hour later, the voice of the old town sounded in the consciousness of Qin Double.

"Master, that simplified version of the broken space can be much smaller."

"So can it destroy a secret?"

"You want to destroy a secret? What kind of secret?"

Qin double said the reason for the matter to the old town, the town was silent for a while:

"I think it should not be. Xu family as the first family of the spiritual world, its secret must be the top secret, to be a lot stronger. This simplified version of the broken space can only make the distance of the Xu family secret vibration, just like the earthquake In general, it may ruin some buildings in the Xu family's secrets, or treasures, but there is no chance to destroy the secrets."

"Really?" Qin double lightly and relaxed: "Are you sure? If you are not sure, I will drag it for a while, I don't want to ruin the secret of Xu family. I and Xu family have no enmity. ”

"I can't be completely sure. Actually, I have a certainty of ninety-nine. You can't destroy the secrets of Xu's family. That's why I didn't think about it. She thought that the simplified version of the broken space can also destroy a mystery. I even suspect Whether this broken space can destroy the treasures in the secret, and at most destroy some buildings in the secret."

"I will be relieved!"

Qin double interrupted the exchange with the old town, and then began to make the fairy, and finally the two demon fairy gods, also into the broken space.

Looking at the broken space in front of myself, Qin double and Weiyang know the voice:

"Weiyang, I have seen the whole process of making Xianfu, you can see it, but still satisfied?"

"Satisfied!" The voice of Weiyang is full of joy: "Sure enough, it is a master of immortality."

"Don't say this, pass on the method of practicing the soul."

"That's what you have to do before you do."

"No! I made a broken space, which is half done, and you should pay for it."

Weiyang indulged in a moment: "Well, I have already taught you the method of condensing the seven scorpions. Now I teach you the method of birthing the soul. When you complete the transaction, I will teach you the birth of the soul and the soul of the earth." Law. So, your Yangshen has three souls and seven souls.

You also know that the Yangshen you cultivated are the projections of the three souls and seven souls of your body, just the vassals of your soul. However, when your Yangshen cultivates three souls and seven scorpions, it becomes an independent soul, that is, you cultivate a soul avatar. Even if you are flying in the future, this soul avatar can keep you alive. ”

Qinqin’s spirit could not help but look forward to it.

A message was sent to the consciousness of Qin Double, and Qin Double took out a blank jade and stored the message in a blank jade. After she was gathered in the Seven Miles, she learned it carefully. Reaching out and grabbing the plaque:

"Weiyang, let's be a villain and a gentleman. I made this broken space according to your method. You have also checked it. If you can't destroy the Xu family, then there is no relationship with me. You have to Pass the follow-up exercises to me."

Suddenly silently said: "No."

"Why not?" Qin double anger said: "It is your problem, it is not my problem. You must follow the rules of the transaction."

"It is because of the rules of the transaction that you can't give it to you."

"Then tell me what a rule?"

"In the beginning, our transaction was to destroy the Xu family secrets and the guardian family. Even if the ruin of the secret is not successful, it is my reason. But the guardian array has not been destroyed yet? Therefore, the transaction can not be produced."

"You can't let you take advantage of it." Qin Double said: "We should look at this transaction like this. I will make a broken letter, even if I complete a transaction. I know that I spent 2 billion cents. Crystal bought two Xianjun Yuanshen, plus other materials, you said that the transaction is not established, it is not established?

I will lose more than 2 billion top grades in vain?

Do you say that this transaction is fair? ”

"Unfair!" Weiyang said: "So, I passed the secret of the birth of the soul to you. It is a transaction at this stage."

"Speak well!" Qin double interface said: "Since we have completed the first stage of the transaction, then I will use this broken space to destroy the Xu family, regardless of the final result, as long as it is not my reason, this is even I finished the second stage of the transaction, are you right?"

Weiyang silently said for a moment: "Well, when you release the broken space, no matter what the result, I will pass on the secret of the birth of the soul. The method of birth of the soul is waiting for you to destroy the Xu family. After the big battle, I can give you."

"it is good!"

Qin double also knows that this is the maximum degree that he has won, and he has not been entangled with Weiyang.

"When do we start? I have to pick up Tianshan."

"Just at midnight today."

"it is good!"

Qin double closed his mouth, no longer speak, and Weiyang also went silent. Qin Double began to take out the jade slips of refining and stripping the Dan, and comprehend Dan Fang.


Thank you very much Liao Mubai (200), seaphay (100), Bai Zibing (100) for the reward!



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