Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2097: Xu Jiazhi

Tian Zicheng.

The sky is dawning and the sun is falling.

Godsend came to the box in the window and looked out to the piano house outside the window.

In the following, open the door to the arrogance, walked out, began to unload the window panel of the tea house, and quickly glanced at the piano house diagonally opposite.

"Don't you come out from Tianziyuan? Do you want to go to Tianziyuan?" Then Tianshen shook his head and sighed, whispering and cleaning:

“I am really ready to face her?”


I flashed a bit of anxiety in the eyes of the arrogant, and felt a little, and my eyes relaxed slightly.

"One year, why didn't the piano double come back once? Fortunately, the magic master wants to come here, it will take several years. Qin double, come back soon."


Qin double came out from the town demon tower, she has fully exploited the stripping of the Dan and the soul-sealing card, only the refining.

At this time, the piano doubled in a black night dress with a black headgear on the head, only showing the nose and mouth of the eyes. Like the same black smoke, he left the piano house and flew away toward the Xu family.

Qin double did not follow the road he knew well and went to the front door of Xu family. Instead, according to the guidance of Weiyang, he came to the back hill of Xujie. At this time, Qinshuang stood in a very remote and inaccessible place. Opposite her is the big array of Xu family. Qin double stood there, slightly frowned, because at this time, Weiyang had no sound.

"Weiyang!" Qin double God knows.

"Hey..." sighed softly, but he heard the piano double-turning back and forth: "This was once a secret passage that me and my brother died in the big family. My brother left a place here. The small array method can enter and exit the Xu family quietly without disturbing the big battle.

At that time, my brother and I often came in and out from here. Even the sergeant of the prisoner didn’t know, oh...just, I don’t know that this is still not here today! ”

"Piano double, I pass you a pattern, hitting three feet from your right."

A message came to the consciousness of Qin Double. This is a very simple pattern, just like the key to open a door. It is not complicated in itself. As long as there is a lock that matches this key, it can be opened.

The piano doubles the handcuffs, and a pattern appears in the palm, and then the pattern is gently pressed three feet to the right.

Without a slight vibration, in front of the piano double, there was a portal. Qinqin stepped in and looked back. The portal quickly disappeared.

"Sure enough... still..." There was a slight hesitation in the voice of Weiyang: "Mer brother, I still remember me in my heart."

"Do you want to continue that thing?" Qin Qinzhi knows the voice, if Weiyang can give up, that is the best result.

"No! Go on!" Not a moment, the voice became firm again.

Qin double sighed softly in his heart. Under the guidance of Weiyang, he avoided many bright whistle whistle. It seems that Weiyang is not familiar with this path.

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"Piano double, you are here to release the broken space, the broken space can find the place to own the space entrance, which is the entrance to the secret. Then we quickly leave."

Qin nodded, she naturally understands the effect of the broken space, as long as the release of a small world within a radius of 500 meters, the broken space will automatically find, and then burst.

In the double-handedness of the piano, the broken space appeared in the palm of her hand, inspiring the broken space, and then saw that the broken space disappeared in the palm of his hand and entered the air.

"Okay!" In the tone of Weiyang, there was a hint of excitement: "Hurry and don't alarm the old parents in the valley."

Qin double converges on all the breath, quietly retreating toward the road.

"No, what do you do next?"

"We will leave the Xu family first and then wait outside. I want to determine if the Xu family's secrets have been destroyed? Then decide whether to proceed to the next step."

"it is good!"

At this time, Qin double has sneaked into the back mountain, and is flying towards the back door of the array.


The roar of a space, the double space around the piano feels trembling, and the heart is shocked.


The shape of the piano pair is close to the mountain, flying to the peak, and the back door is behind the mountain. Qinqin stood at the peak and turned to look at the valley where the secret was hidden.

Sky Buster!

There is no cloud in the sky, not because the weather is good, but the original cloud is torn by the fierce collision.


Countless dense figures are killing, it is three camps. Terran, demon and demons. The Yaozu and the Mozu join forces to fight against the Terran.

Behind the Terran Monks, there is a mountain, standing on two mountains.

Xu Mo held his hand and looked at the three tribes under his eyes. The whole battlefield was like a huge meat grinder. Standing beside him, Ren Gao Lin is also a light look.

In the war.

The snoring, the collision sound, the sound of the magical power of the magical powers, the sound of weapons, the mourning, and the mixing, formed a heart-rending sound.

Xu Mo and Ren Gao Lin's gaze crossed the battlefield and looked across the battlefield, where they stood two figures. Very tall.

"That is the half-step fairy king of the demon and the demon!" Xu Mo said faintly.

"With the strength of our two, the half-step fairy king of the two demons, no one can be our opponent alone. I just don't know if I can take this opportunity to kill them."

"Want to kill a half-step fairy king, it's easy!" Xu Mo shook his head slightly.

"It’s really trouble!" Ren Gaolin frowned slightly and said: "If they don't shoot, we are here. I don't want to stay here all the time."


At this time, the communication jade hanging in the waist of Xu Mo suddenly shocked, and the frequency of the vibration made Xu Mo's face change. This kind of vibration frequency is only a major event, the family elders will open the emergency communication, this emergency communication will ignore the distance of the space, within a few minutes, the message will be transmitted to Xu Mo. However, it is very expensive to open such emergency communications. Just send a message less than three interest rates, it will consume a thousand pieces of the best fairy crystal.

That is the best fairy crystal!

Xu Mo’s knowledge quickly swarmed into the jade.

Xu family.

Qinqin stood on top of the peak, hiding behind a big tree and looking in the direction of the valley.

In the view of Qinshuang, the whole valley is collapsing, the big rocks roll down, the earth shakes, and the vibrations of the space in the valley gather, and they circulate once and again.

Numerous monks vacated from all directions in the Xu family and swept away toward the collapsed valley.


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