Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2098: Half-step fairy king battle

“Is there really no problem?” Qin’s two-way instrumental Lingzhen’s old voice was secret.

"No!" Zhen Laodao: "Weiyang should have entered a certain fairy house that fell from the upper boundary and got the method of making broken space. The broken space should not belong to the spiritual world, and it should be spiritual. The fairy tales of the world can't make it.

The Weiyang simplified the broken space, and went to her level, simplifying the mess, and the power has been reduced too much. She took it too seriously. I once told you that there is only a 10% chance to destroy the secret. The possibility of that 10% needs to encounter the secret. It happens to have changed, but it still changes a lot. The broken space symbol only serves as a primer to destroy the secret. Otherwise, it is impossible to destroy the Xu family. ”


The space is still shaking, and some buildings closer to the valley are beginning to collapse. The eyes of the piano are gathered in the valley, and the ripples over the valley are getting more and more intense, which makes the heart of the piano double hanging again.

"The town is old, is there really no problem?"

"no problem."

"If that happens to happen to the Xu family, what happened?"

Sky Buster.

Xu Mo put away his knowledge and his face became extremely ugly.

Xu’s secret situation has gone wrong. Although he does not know whether it is a natural disaster or a man-made, Xu Mo must rush back as soon as possible. The message only informs him that the Xu family’s secrets have changed, and now they don’t know what the outcome will be.

"Let's do it!"

Xu Mo’s hands were opened to the sides of his body, his clothes were flying, his eyes were glowing with five colors, and he looked at the demon and the two families and the half-step fairy king across the battlefield.

Ren Gaolin did not ask Xu Mo what news he got, why did he suddenly take the initiative?

He also hopes to be able to play against the half-step king of the opposite side, and also just take this opportunity to see if he can find an opportunity for further breakthrough.

"That the demon is handed over to me!"

When the words fell, Ren Gao Lin flew away, far away to the demon family half-step fairy Wang screamed:


The demon family is half-stepped, and the look is obvious. He did not think that Ren Gao will take the initiative to challenge himself. In the face of hundreds of millions of tribes, he will naturally not fight. After a cold cry, the figure will go to the sky.

Xu Mo on the top of the mountain, with one hand holding the handcuffs, and then pointing to the opposite of the demon sage.


A piece of sword sounds, you will see the dense swords floating on the head of Xu Mo, with Xu Mojian pointing to the finger, it is like a long river, pouring toward the demon sage.

Wan Jianhao!

The Mozu Sinjun sacrificed something like a black cloth bag, and saw the black bag unfolding in the wind, creating a vortex in the mouth of the bag, and putting a handle into the bag.

At the same time, the scimitar-like horn on the head of the Mozu Sinjun shot a scimitar-like light that crossed the battlefield and headed toward Xu Mo, above the peak.


The space was pulled out of a crack, and Xu Mo, above the peak, clenched his fist in the right hand and slammed it toward the front.


A huge fist, as if there is a world, affects the scimitar light.

Treasure boxing!


When Xu Mo’s big foot stepped on the peak, he walked away and bowed to the Devil’s Xianjun:



The scimitar light and the treasure boxing hit together, the scimitar light shattered, and the treasure boxing still rumbling to the devil.

The demon sage is a robed sleeve, and the figure is skyrocketing. The huge fist rushes under his feet and smashes a mountain in the distance.


Xu Mo and the Mozu Sinjun spurred toward the sky, and the two men separated by a thousand miles. Xu Mo and pointed to the sword, stabbed to the demon sage who was thousands of miles away. At the same time, the Mozu Sinjun slammed into the silence of thousands of miles away.

A huge golden sword, like a golden pillar, slammed into the opposite side, and a black pillar struck from the opposite side. A black and a gold collided in the middle, constantly colliding, continually killing, and crossing a thousand miles, like a bridge.

It is like a rainbow with only gold and black!


In the middle of the gold and black, a huge mushroom cloud rushed out and rushed into the sky. The golden pillars break through the black pillars and take advantage.

At this point, two people have already rushed into the air hurricane layer. Xu Mo suddenly slammed his sleeves and rushed toward the Mozu Sinjun.

The Mozu Sinjun also rushed over to Xu Mo, the two big hands were holding in front of them, and they held a huge open axe in their hands.

The opposite of Xu Mo's one-handed collar, a five-color sword came out of the body and was held in his right hand. The left hand is still pointing to the sword like a sword, facing the opposite side.

A verdant sword column struck towards the opposite Mozu Sinjun.

The Devil's body was suddenly twisted for a moment, and the next moment, he had escaped Xu Mo's wooden sword and quickly approached Xu Mo. Xu Mo glimpsed.

"Oh? I even realized the space magic!"

Then there was a hint of excitement in Xu Mo’s eyes, and the voice was clearly transmitted into the ear of the opposite Mozu Sinjun.

"This is not enough to bear the strength, come up with all your strength!"

The opposite face of the Mozu Sinjun changed his face and shouted: "Mania!"

Lifting the open axe with both hands, it is an axe to the Xu.

Xu Mo did not move the five-color sword in his right hand, but the left-handed sword pointed to the thorn of the Mozu.


The sea tide roared, and a blue-sworded sword slammed toward the Mozu Sinjun.

Five-line sword water sword!

The blue water sword hits the open axe of the Mozu Sinjun, and the water sword is circling around the open axe, letting the demon sage feel the stagnation on the axe, letting himself swing the axe, and become No longer smooth.

Xu Mo’s mouth curled up and once again pointed the sword.

A fiery red sword traversed the sky and slammed into the heart of the Devil.


The Mozu Sinjun screamed, and the open axe in his hands spurred the black air, like a dragon bite, tearing the blue water sword wrapped around the open axe. At the same time, five tentacles were raised behind him, and instantly straddle the sky and smack toward Xu.

Like five straight black rifles!

"The power of the law!"

The five-color sword in the right hand of Xu Mo finally moved, slowly traversing a mysterious trajectory in the air, and squatting toward the opposite side.


When the sword was thrown out, five figures appeared, each holding a sword and welcoming five tentacles.


That is the kendo-generating sword, each figure is an attribute, the golden wood and the fire, the vast kendo and the five tentacles collide.

Xu Mo’s figure followed.


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