Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2099: Tianshan


Five tentacles and five-colored swords were killed together. The demon singer and axe smashed the fire sword that Xu Mo stabbed. He pulled out a black and fuzzy figure in the air and slammed straight into Xu Mo.

At this time, the battles of the three tribes who had stopped underneath had retreated to the distance. Every monk knows that the victory or defeat of this war has not depended on them, but on the four and a half steps of the king.


The five-colored sword smashed five black tentacles and killed the demon sage.


The Mozu Sinjun screamed, and the black giant axe was in front of him. He smashed out and smashed the five-color sword that had been forced to the end. The backhand was an axe, and he turned to the front that had already rushed to the front. silent.

"Human, you dare to fight me!"

"Afraid you can't!"

The five-color sword in the hands of Xu Mo greeted the other party. The huge black giant axe and the five-color sword collided together, and a huge roar broke out. The intersection was rubbed out of the brilliance and brightened.


"Damn, how could it be unsuccessful?"

Xu Zicheng of Tianzicheng, the singer of Qin’s consciousness sounded the voice of Weiyang.

At this time, the vibration of the space in the valley has not disappeared, but it has begun to weaken, but the space has not shown signs of collapse.

The heart of the double hanging of the piano was finally put down, and the corner of the mouth was slightly bent, not paying attention to the sacred curse of consciousness.


Two large monks appeared in the sky above the valley, staring at the shaking and getting weaker and weaker, and the face was still worried.

After a quarter of an hour, the vibration of the space subsided completely. Two powerful people, holding their hands and hands, and then shot somewhere in the air.

A portal appeared in the air.


More than a dozen figures came out from the inside, and the double eyes of the piano pair were slightly shrunk. The person who came out of the lead was Xu Xuanxue. At this time, the body was very strong, but it was not very stable. The breath of the seventh layer of Xuantian nine days was screaming.

"There was a late nine-day Xuanxian!"

Qin doubled his eyes and flew toward the back hill. She wants to leave Xu home as soon as possible. It is estimated that it will not take long for Xu to search everywhere, although they do not think it is man-made destruction, but it is an accident. However, the piano pair still needs to leave this place as soon as possible.

Soon, the piano doubled through the Xu family and flew toward the piano. At the same time, it stopped the curse of Weiyang.

"I have done all the things that I have done. I have not destroyed the secrets of Xu, and it is not my business. Our transaction ends here."

"No, no success, no count. You must help me destroy the Xu family." Weiyang’s voice roared in the sense of Qin Double.

"No success, what is it about me? Is it my reason? Everything is done according to your instructions, so it is not successful. That is your reason.


We are just trading, put away the tone of your order. I have my things to do, not to be with you is wasting things that are not related to me. ”

Weiyang was silent, and at this time she had calmed down. As Qin said, this is her problem. She didn't think of a new way, even if Qin double wants to help, it doesn't work.

Sky Buster.

The body of the Mozu half-step fairy tumbling in the air, and an angry roar broke out in his mouth.

"Impossible! How is your body power stronger than me?"

"Because I am Xu Mo!"

Xu Moren swords are united and crossed the sky.


A black arm separated from the shoulders of the Mozu Sinjun and fell to the ground.


The huge black arm squatted on the ground and turned into a black mountain.

The Mozu half-step fairy king made a black line, rushed to the void, flew away. Xu Mo swayed the five-color light, but did not go after the demon sage, but rushed over to the demon king who was fighting with Ren Gao. The demon half-stepped the emperor, and turned his head and rushed toward the void.

Xu Mo and Ren Gao Lin followed suit and disappeared in an instant.


The Terran monks broke out of the sky and killed the enemy. The demon coalition army watched their own half-step fairy king escape, and the demon half-step fairy king was also smashed a left arm, where is there fighting spirit?

I made a cry and fled!

Tian Zicheng.


Qin double released the medicine garden, and Wei Qingjue was taken into the medicine garden, and then appeared outside the lotus cave house with the waiting area and the Guan.

The Houdi 煞 released the Xianjun 傀儡 鹤 crane, three people jumped and stood on the back of the crane, the crane gave a sound of cranes, wings spread, skyrocketing.

Ruyi Tea House.

Godsend looked up and looked at the doubles on the back of the crane.

"Two children!"


To the arrogance out of the tea house, looking at the distant double back of the piano, the lips moved, but did not call the piano double. There is a color of thought in the eyes.

"I don't even know the magic of the double body in the piano. Is the piano double completely stripped of the magic? Or is it the problem of the magic?

If so, she is better off. The Lord will not find her. ”

God-given eyes fell on the street outside the door, looking up at the arrogance of the disappearance of the crane.

"Sure enough, it came for the piano. What is his identity? What purpose?"

A month later.

Pick up Tianshan.

A crane fell from the sky and landed on a large rift. Three people jumped from the back of the crane. Looking towards the surroundings.

There was a snow-capped area around, the snow was constantly flying, and the temperature was so cold that the people who were in the body of the piano were feeling cold, but they were still within the range. Looking towards the Grand Canyon, the cliffs on both sides are thick ice layers, like mirrors, light to reflect people.

"It's just below the canyon." Guan said softly.

"Let's go down."

The double body of the piano is facing the Grand Canyon. The waiting cockroach picks up the crane and follows the piano pair with Guan Yu. Qin Double and others fell quickly, and the ice on the cliffs on both sides mapped their figure.

The lower the temperature, the colder the temperature and the light is gradually decreasing.

Suddenly, the piano double looked up and looked up. I saw more than twenty figures falling down the Grand Canyon.

The piano has a pair of eyes and a slight glimpse. She is not strange to the monk here. They can find it here and others can find it.


There are two people who came back with Guan Yu. Maybe the two people sold the news.

At this time, the top two people also saw the piano double three people, the two sides maintained a relatively safe distance, and fell to the Grand Canyon.


I am very grateful to the rainy night for the snow (1000), Zhao Yilin, Zijing (600), Liao Mubai (200), seaphay (100), Baizibing (100)!



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