Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2100: Ice sculpture


Three people in the piano are at the bottom of the Grand Canyon, and the ground is smooth ice. The three people of the piano doubleed in the direction of the lower part, and slipped over without the owner.


The twenty monks also slipped over.

The piano has both feet and luck, and the sound of the sound is broken, and the ice layer bursts.

"Oh..." An ice layer burst.

Light without temperature spilled from the cracks of the high canyon and landed on the crowd at the bottom of the Grand Canyon.

The piano double is surrounded by more than twenty monks in the middle, the piano doubles and looks around, the brows are slightly wrinkled, and these twenty monks are seven of them are nine days of Xuanxian peak, eleven nine days of Xuanxian early to late Not waiting, there are six Da Luo Jinxian late.

"Friends, are you also exploring the secret house?" A nine-day Xuanxian peak, gazing back and forth on three people, and finally fell on the waiting area.

The three people of Qinshuang are the highest in the area, the sixth layer of Xuantian in the 9th day, followed by Guan Yu, the fifth floor of Xuantian in the 9th day, the repair of Qinshuang is the lowest, and the fourth layer of Xuantian in the 9th day. Therefore, the nine-day Xuanxian peak, automatically ignored the Qin double, looking at the highest waiting area.

"Not bad!" Qin said faintly: "You surrounded me in the middle, what do you mean?"

That nine-day Xuan Xian peak looks a glimpse, did not think that the person who is here to be the master, is actually the lowest Qin double?

But it doesn't matter who is the master. There are only three people on the other side, and it is impossible to compare with oneself. I looked up and down the piano twice:

"Can we explore the secret together?"

Qin double smiled and said: "Yes!"

On the face of Xuantian’s peak in the nine days, he showed the look of time, and said with condescending:

"Then let's get started."

Qin double looked at Guan Yu and Guan Yu's face was tense. When I saw the piano double looking calmly, I took a deep breath:

"follow me!"

Guan Yu walked toward the slender depths of the canyon, and the monks who surrounded the three pairs of pianos let go, the piano doubles and the waiting quarters followed, and then the twenty monks followed.

The canyon is a trumpet, the narrower and colder it is.

Going to the end of the canyon, the width is only about three meters, there is an ice hole there.

Guan Yu took out the sword and held it in his hand. Qinqin and Houdi also took out the sword. Waiting for the place to look at the piano double, the piano double shook his head, waiting for the ground to pick up the cockroach. The three people entered a straight line and entered the ice hole in turn. The twenty more monks in the back followed and went in.

"These three people are interested in it." A monk smiled.

“What if you don’t know how to be?” Another monk said faintly: “If you don’t look at us in front of you, you will die in our hands. The road to the road may not die, you will not find the way, you will die. The smart people will make it right. s Choice."

They did not deliberately suppress the sound, and the piano doubles were very clear. There is a sarcasm in the corner of the piano and the corner of the mouth, only the tension and worry in the face of the front.

There was a long passage in the ice cave, but after walking less than a hundred meters, an ice door appeared in front of them. At this time, the ice door was opened, looking into the ice door, but could not see through the scene inside, the ice door was covered by a frosty white light curtain.

Guan Yu did not stop, the figure disappeared behind the light curtain, and the Qin and the Houji also followed in the past. Presented in front of Qin double and others is an ice sheet. There are countless ice sculptures on the ice sheet.

These ice sculptures are large and small and varied.

Some are human figures, some are the image of various demon people, and the image of the demon. The carving is vivid.

The piano looked up, the sky was blue, there was no cloud, and then looked ahead, the icefield looked endless.

"This is a small world!" There was a pleasant voice behind it.

The piano did not look back, but a slight side face, looking at the side of the body. About the voice into the secret channel:

"Be careful, those ice sculptures are alive and will attack people. But there is no magical power, pure ontological attack. But once they are concentrated, they will feel very cold. The number of hits is much, even if they are not killed. It will gradually be frozen and stiffened, and finally killed by ice sculptures."

"Is it awkward?"

"Unlike, they are very strange. Break them up, they will reunite together and form an ice sculpture again. So, we don't want to fight, don't think about killing them, keep moving forward, rushing through For the ice sheet, they won't chase us."

"There is nothing useful in the ice sculpture?" Qin double thinks of the ice core in the ice giants in the scorpio, which is a good thing.

"No! We looked carefully and didn't find anything useful."

"What are you still standing on? Go forward!" The monk behind him shouted.


The piano double snorted and the figure flew out toward the ice sheet, followed by the squatting and squatting. About the voice into the secret channel:

"Mr. Qin, be careful. We were here dead six people."


Qin double has passed by an ice sculpture, and the Guan and the waiting area are swept away, without making any stop. But just as they passed the first ice sculpture...


The ice sculptures on the entire ice sheet were alive, and as they moved, the entire ice sheet was shaking. A variety of ice sculptures of various sizes, surrounded by the piano pair.


Still standing on the spot, the twenty monks who did not move, looked terrified.

"What are these ice sculptures?"


The fire sword in the hands of the piano was thrown out, and a fire dragon was pulled out. It rushed straight ahead, and three ice sculptures were crushed one after another, which consumed the power.

Qin double heart is slightly loose, although there are many ice sculptures, but the strength is not strong, which is the strength of the early days of Xuantian. It’s just that there’s too much quantity. If you can’t rush out quickly, it’s extremely dangerous to be immersed in layers of ice sculptures, such as the tide of the sea. No wonder that they will die here six people.

The fire scorpion sword once again stabbed, and it was a fire dragon spurting out, and the body shape of the piano pair quickly exploded. Waiting for the land and Guan Yu, one left and one right, slightly behind, three people formed a small cone array, quickly breaking through. The time of the break has already rushed out of the 500 meters.

"They are straight ahead!" Twenty monks who still didn't move were watching carefully.

"The strength of these ice sculptures is also within the initial range of the nine-day Xuanxian. Perhaps the more forward, the strength will increase, but it should not exceed nine days."


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