Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2101: law

"Don't fight with them. This method of customs clearance is to quickly rush out of this ice sheet. Once caught in a long battle, it will be dragged to death."

"Is there any treasure in these ice sculptures?"

"No! I just watched, the ice sculptures were crushed, it was a pile of ice."

“Look, the ice cubes are coming together again.”

Twenty couples of gaze gaze, they saw the crushed ice, rolling toward the middle, and soon gathered together, and formed an ice sculpture, chasing the past toward the piano.

The faces of more than twenty monks have become extremely ugly!

"Absolutely can't fight!"

"The three people attracted all the ice sculptures. We walked one kilometer across the road and then straightened forward. When the ice sculptures reacted, we should be able to stand out."

"Hey, those three people are really useful. Help us attract ice sculptures."

"When are we leaving?"

"Wait a minute, wait for the three people to attract the ice sculpture more thoroughly."


Several ice sculptures were shattered by a fire dragon released by the piano. The knowledge of the piano double spread quickly and enveloped the four ice cubes that collapsed.

"There is no treasure!" Qin double eyebrows thought: "But, what is the driving of these ice sculptures? And after what is broken, re-aggregate into new ice sculptures?"


The piano double blasted the dragon, and straight forward, speaking to the gods:

"Guan, you were not surprised at the beginning. What is the driving of the ice sculpture here? What re-agglomeration?"

"Of course weird, it was because of the strangeness that we stayed for a while and studied these ice sculptures. The result was caught in the encirclement of ice sculptures, and eventually six people died."

"So what did you find?"

"No, it was just a pile of ice, nothing was found."

Qin double wrinkled his brows and continued to rush forward while carefully re-scanning the complete ice sculpture and broken ice with his knowledge.

At this time, the piano doubles had already more than a thousand meters in front of them, behind them, the faces of the twenty monks showed a smile.

"The strength of these three people is good. Although the old man is very ordinary, but he is placed there, he has the strength of the sixth floor of the nine-day Xuanxian. The green-shirt woman is the fifth floor of the nine-day Xuanxian, but it can break out for nine days. The strength of the seventh floor of Xuan Xian. Although the woman in the red shirt is only the fourth floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian, she is able to explode the strength of the tenth layer of the nine-day Xuan Xian."

“It’s better to be stronger, so that we can help us more fully attract ice sculptures.”

Originally there were ice sculptures 100 meters away from them, but at this time, within five hundred meters of them, there were no ice sculptures, and they were all attracted by Qin double.

"It's us."

Twenty monks flew horizontally across the kilometer and then rushed straight toward the opposite side of the ice sheet.

At this time, Qin double has been suppressing his own strength, not only to suppress his own strength, but the Dao Fa has not come up with more powerful, but constantly continually sacrificed a fire dragon.

"There will be no secrets!" Qin double locked his brow: "There is no reason that these ice sculptures can attack themselves, and it makes no sense. If they are broken, they can reunite together!"

"Ground, what do you see?"

"No, they are not like you." The replied sullenly.

"Mr. Qin, don't study them. We must rush at the fastest speed." Guan Yu anxiously shouted.

"Master, those people are there."

Qin double looked at the horizontal distance, because of the attraction of the three people of the piano, the distance is almost empty, and the twenty monks have already had three people with the piano in such a short period of time. Go hand in hand. A monk shouted to the piano three people in a distant way:

"Three friends, thank you!"


At first, there were ice sculptures that impacted the past twenty monks. Qin double regained his gaze, still locked his brow, and his mind was moving. The spirit in the heart released the mystery and enveloped an ice sculpture.


When the piano is moving, her mystery feels the smell of a very delicate law.

Qinqin is different from others. In the spiritual world, ninety-nine percent of the monks do not know the existence of the law. Most of the monks will enter the level of Xianjun and will slowly learn that they want to break through. To the fairy king, you need the law of cohesion. And those monks who know the importance of the law in advance are big family disciples with inheritance, or monks with great chances.

However, even so, those who know the rules of the monks, nine out of nine of them, no one knows what the law is, but does not feel the atmosphere of the law. Even the vast majority of them are Xianjun, even the peak of Xianjun.

However, Qin double knew the law early, and it was the breath of the law. It all benefits from her spirit. There is a portal in the eyebrow of the spirit, and a rule is closed in the portal. Moreover, Qin double tried the law of cohesion. Although both Yuanshen and Yangshen did not succeed, they did not even feel the atmosphere of the law. However, the spirit was almost a success, not only the law was felt, but at the last moment, the development of cohesion collapsed.

Therefore, when the spirit spreads out of the mystery and envelopes an ice sculpture, it blurs the perception of the ice sculpture and has the atmosphere of the law.

The piano doubled and realized that the heart also violently jumped.

"The law! It is the power of the law! Only the law, after these ice sculptures are crushed, they can still be rushed into a new ice sculpture.

This is the power of the law! ”

"It’s no wonder that they find it. The law can only be perceived by the mystery. Is it just where the law is in the ice sculpture?"


Qin double sword smashed the ice sculpture in front, and the mystery instantly enveloped the broken space of ice sculpture.

"found it!"

With the naked eye, you can't see the law at all. Qinqin found the law with his mystery.

Not bad!

It is a trace of a very slender one.

Qinqin has seen the law chain, it is a nine-section chain, the same rule of the nine rings to construct a law chain.

However, the rule of the piano that is now covered by the mystery of the piano is only one ten thousandth of a part of the chain, but a slender one.

But it is this slender rule that is spinning at this time, and the countless ice cubes are gathered toward the rule of the ice to form an ice sculpture again.

"Ground, close, protect me!"

Qinqin sighed and screamed, and the spirit's mystery rushed out, wrapping the silky rule. The silk rule was wrapped in the mystery of Qinqin. It seemed that it was not good, so he left and right, and wanted to escape. The piano doubles constantly output the mystery, wrapping the silk rule one by one, and then dragging it into the heart of his own heart.


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