Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2102: Capture rule

Waiting for the land and Guan Yu did not know what the piano is doing, they could not perceive the law, and they could not perceive the mystery of the piano. But after hearing the shouting of the piano, the two were still left and right, and the piano was protected. Get up and bombard the ice sculptures that are close.

Waiting for the cockroach to look calm, because he knows that the true strength of the piano double has not been released, that is, he did not take out a cockroach, to know that his storage ring is in the army.

However, Guan Yu was an anxious face. When he saw that the piano double stopped his body shape, he could not help but shout:

"Mr. Qin, don't stay, let's go!"

"Shut up!"

Guan Yu’s face was a stagnation, and the look hesitated. “When you are a friend, it’s too dangerous to stay here.”

"Reassured, there will be no accidents!"

In the distance, the twenty monks were about to disappear in the sight of the waiting place. The twenty monks in the front rushed back and glanced back. A monk could not help but laugh:

"The three idiots are surrounded by ice sculptures, and it is estimated that they can't live."

"They didn't die in white, they contributed to us!"

"Ha ha ha..."

Twenty couples of monks laughed and disappeared into the vision of the waiting area and Guan Yu. They began to chase the ice sculptures of the twenty monks. They turned their heads toward the Qinshuang and they rushed over, which made Guan Yu's face change. I couldn’t help but look at the piano pair, and I saw the look of the piano double at this time is extremely solemn.


The piano doubled a loose look and spit out a long breath, and she finally dragged that rule into her own heart. As consciousness enters the heart of the Tao, it sees that the law is constantly hovering around the spirit, and seems to be very close to the spirit.

"This is an ice rule! But the source is still the law of water."

In the heart of the piano, the joy is beating. Although she does not know how to capture this silk rule, what is the use for herself, can she use this silk rule, but even if it is only in the heart, can it have such a rule and let herself Close observation, sentiment, it is definitely a unique opportunity.

"The cellar, release the cockroaches, protect me in situ!" Qin double glanced at the scattered ice on the ground, no longer gathered together, joyfully screaming at the waiting place.


Waiting for a moment, nodded, and with a wave of hands, he released ten shackles and protected the three people in the middle. The relationship was seen one by one, and then I was relieved.

"No wonder the Qin Shijie and the waiting place don't care about the ice sculpture here. It has a flaw, and it is still a nine-day Xuanxian period.


Guan Yu looked at the endless, dense ice sculptures, and the face of anxiety appeared.

With so many ice sculptures, there are only ten cockroaches in the waiting area, I am afraid that it will not last long! And even if the ice sculptures are crushed, these ice sculptures will quickly reunite the new ice sculptures, endless, staying here, how many flaws are not enough! Why do you want to stay here?

Her gaze couldn't help but look at the piano pair, and she saw the double eyes closed and the dignity of her face.


The dragonfly and the ice sculpture constantly collided, and the ice sculptures were smashed. The mystery of the piano double spread quickly, and a trace of the law was wrapped and dragged into the heart.

One quarter of an hour.

Two quarters of an hour.

Three quarters of an hour.


An ice sculpture that was continuously washed up was crushed and the parts were scattered all over the place. The shocking color on the face just emerged, and it instantly became a surprise. When I saw the waiting wave, another cockroach was released, filling the broken cockroach position and protecting the three people closely. inside.


Guan Yu suddenly screamed in surprise, his face was incredible. Because she relaxed, she suddenly discovered that the ice sculptures that were crushed by smashing did not condense into a new ice sculpture again.

She hurriedly grabbed her mouth and looked at the piano pair.

Don't ask!

She knew that this must be done by Qin. Qin double must have discovered the secret of the ice sculpture, and must have taken away the treasures that were not found in the ice sculpture.

But she not only did not think about it, but she raised fear in her heart.

In the cultivation of immortals, it is not that you have no inconsistency, it will be safe. It is often that others do not want others to know their secrets and will kill those who see the secret.

For a time, she was terrified and uneasy!

Numerous ice sculptures surrounded the three people in the middle of the piano, constantly striking ten gongs to form a protective circle. From time to time, there are ice sculptures broken, and the piano will capture, wrap and drag the silk rule into the heart.

From time to time, there is a smashing of the cockroaches, and the cockroaches quickly release a cockroach to fill the vacancy.

Waiting for the land is released from the lowest strength of the cockroaches. When the cockroaches are broken into parts, the shackles that he releases are getting stronger and stronger. As the strength of the cockroaches becomes stronger, the speed of crushing the ice eagle is also accelerated. Let the spirits have no time to capture the law, and begin to form a new ice sculpture with broken ice sculptures.

The piano double minded the movement, the mystery inside the Yangshen and the Yuanshen also spread and joined the capture rule.


When the first silk rule was captured and entered into the sea of ​​knowledge, then the law of the smuggling immediately sneaked away, and did not stop at the sea. In the Qin double, the law was just let go, thinking that the silk would stay in the sea, the rule of the law. In an instant, I rushed out of the sea and returned to the ice sheet.


The piano and the sea of ​​knowledge were forcibly broken open by the law, and they were hurt and could not help but spit out a blood. Fortunately, the rule of the law is just to break away from the sea and not attack the gods of the piano pair. The damage suffered by the piano is not serious. The piano double took out a dark corner and took it continuously. A trace of warmth entered the sea of ​​the piano, and recovered the sea of ​​the piano.

"the host!"

"Mr. Qin!"

Waiting for the land and Guan Yu was shocked.

"I'm fine!"

Qin doubled his eyes and looked at them two eyes, then closed his eyes and thought.

Qin double transferred the four major gods and Yangshen into the Taoist heart, and then the four Yuanshen and Yangshen spread the only one of the mysteries in the body and participated in the capture rule. The rules of this capture have been dragged into the heart of the piano, and those laws are within the heart of the Tao, but will not go away again, circled around the spirit, a delightful look.

There are some things in the heart of the piano. The whole body of the spirit is the power of the mysterious, and there is no power of the gods. And the three toes have turned solid.

The law should be close to and fit with Xuan Zhili, so it will circle around the spirit and be close to the spirit. The Yangshen and the Yuanshen are not completely metamorphic, and they are not recognized by the law. This is also why, before the Yangshen and the Yuanshen could not perceive the law, but the spirit could perceive it.

"It seems that if you want to condense the law and break through the fairy king, you must metamorphize the Yangshen and the Yuanshen to be able to perceive the existence of the law. No wonder you can break through the fairy king, and the monks who fly into the fairy world are very rare."


Thank you very much for the Kelly season (500), a gust of james (200), seaphay (100), and no words at the end of summer (100)!



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