Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2103: Weaving rule

An hour.

Two hours.

Three hours.

Guan Yu has already seen numbness, and the waiting area has already thrown out more than 600 cockroaches, and at this time, the ten cockroaches around them are the strength of the eighth floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian. At this time, she is no longer Worried that I was killed by the ice sculpture, sitting on the ice sheet and practicing. She does not entangle the piano double will not kill her, anyway, she can not decide her own destiny, whether she can survive, how to decide how to play the piano.

Not to mention the piano double, it is to wait for these cockroaches, but also to kill her countless back.

not to mention……

On the ice sheet, which is all over the ice sculpture, she wants to escape. With her own strength, she can't avoid the result of being killed by ice sculpture.

Without choice, it calmed down.

one day.

Two days.

Waiting for a sullen look at the surrounding area, at this time his hard-working squadron, only two left, is the first refining of the white tiger and the crane. The rest have become parts of the land.


The white tiger slaps the last ice sculpture, the whole ice sheet is silent, and there is no more ice sculpture. About the silly look at everything around. When they killed their six monks and let them escape the ice sculptures, they were wiped out.

At this time, the piano double looked at his own heart, and his heart was shocked.

The twentieth rule of the silk, circled around the spirit, is like a hurricane around the spirit, and this hurricane exudes a huge power, that is, as the master of the spirit, Qin double feels in the heart.

The law of ice all the way, the temperature inside the heart has become cold. But there are also benefits, that is, the piano double heart is clear, and the suppression of the magic has raised the realm.

"Let's leave here first." Qin double whispered: "If someone asks, we say that we don't know the situation of the ice sheet. We were killed from the siege of countless ice sculptures."


In the heart of the heart, a long sigh of relief, Qin double since she can marry her like this, is not killing her.


The piano flew forward in two directions, and waved his hand and put away two skeletons. And Guan Yu immediately followed the Qin double.

After half an hour, the three people of the piano rushed out of the ice sheet, and in their field of vision, there was an ups and downs of icebergs. The piano eyes swept away and did not see the twenty monks. They must have turned over the iceberg. The eyes of the piano fell in an ice valley, and they swept away toward the ice valley. .

After entering the ice valley, the piano doubled out a battle, and the valley mouth disappeared and became an ice wall, as part of the iceberg.

"Rest awhile!"

Qin double said a word, he took out the dark corners, and mobilized the power to restore the power of Xuan. There was no consumption in the area and the two people began to search the entire ice valley. In the end, they did not find anything. The two people returned to the side of the piano and practiced.

It took a day for the piano to recover all the consumption of the metaphysical, and got a dark corner from the big fish, which was used by the piano for one-fifth.

Now, in the town demon tower, the water vortex formed by the big fish has disappeared, and no dark corners are born. However, it is not heartbreaking to kiss you, and compared with the dark corners of the loss, the 20,000-gauge rule is the most valued.

Inside the heart.

The spirit began to move, and both hands moved the fingertips. A trace of the law flowed toward her fingertips, and was woven by the spirit a little. As the silk rule was woven, the piano double gradually entered into the comprehension.

After an hour.

Qin double wrinkled her brows, her understanding of the law is still in a fuzzy state, as if across a veil, and the speed of spiritual weaving began to slow down and become difficult.

A lock has been woven by a fifth, but it has a tendency to collapse.

Qinqin quickly took out a December fruit and ate it in three.

That veil opened a corner, let the piano double see the corner of the world after the veil, just the corner of the world, so that the piano double into the epiphany. The breath of the epiphany radiated from the body of the piano, and the eyes and the scorpion were stunned, and the eyes of Qin Shuang were full of surprise.


It is an opportunity that monks are extremely difficult to obtain. Most of the monks will not encounter an epiphany in their lifetime, and this is not only an opportunity for the piano, but also a chance for the waiting and the border. At the time of the monk's enlightenment, the rhythm between the heavens and the earth will swarm, and the rhythm around the monk will be so rich. At this time, the people around the monk will be eager to gain more opportunities to comprehend the heavens.

The waiting area and Guan Yu looked at each other. Both people were filled with surprises in their eyes. They immediately closed their eyes, let go of their hearts, and entered into comprehension.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

Qinqin had a hard weaving of a lock. At the moment of weaving into a lock, the lock was able to exude a huge power. It was a surprise to Xiaoru who had been sitting on the Confucian book. A bang, into the Confucian book.

Qin double waking up from the epiphany, I feel that my body is transparent, a moment of silence, and found that his own Yangshen and Yuanshen have broken through to the fourth floor of Xianjun.

Moreover, the repair of Qinshuang was also unconsciously promoted to the middle of the fourth layer of the nine-day Xuan Xian. Originally, the piano was double-educated, and it was able to have a larger order and the fourth layer of Xianjun. .

However, after all, it is not the fourth layer of the real Xianjun. It only has the power of the fourth layer of Xianjun, but it does not have the understanding of the fourth layer of Xianjun. It belongs to the fourth layer of Xianjun. One.


Now the Qinshen's realm of the gods has been raised to the fourth floor of Xianjun, which is different.

Qin’s understanding of Taoism has reached the fourth floor of Xianjun. It can be said that the strength of the piano pair is now comparable to the real fourth layer of Xianjun, although at the level of the fourth floor of Xianjun, she is still the weak, but not the weakest.

Consciously staring at the law lock, at this time the lock is hovering over the head of the spirit, as if trying to enter the world of the eyebrows, but can not find the door of the crowd.

At this time, the spirit became very weak. It seems that the more condensed law is locked, which makes her consume very huge. After all, she is not a real Xianjun, but a fourth layer of nine-day Xuanxian.

The piano double takes out the dark corner and begins to swallow the power of the metaphor to restore the consumption.

It is also consumed by one-fifth of the dark corner, and the spirit restores all the power of the mysterious, and the joy of the piano is that the fourth toe of the spirit begins to solidify.


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