Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2104: Icicle forest

Restored the Qin double of the mysterious force, began to weave the law lock again.

Inside the heart.

The spirit stretched out a hand, and the lock that hovered on the head of the spirit fell between the hands of the spirit. The spirit ten fingers flipped, and the law of the silk was taken between the hands by the piano, and the second lock was knitted. . As a rule of silk was woven, the piano double finally had a vague understanding of the law, and even entered the epiphany.

one day.

Two days.

The cockroach suddenly opened his eyes, his body shape floated away, and he was far away from the piano double. Then his breath suddenly soared, and the heaven and earth vitality swarmed toward him. At this moment, he broke through the seventh floor of the nine-day Xuanxian.

Half a day later, Guan Yu was also drifting away, and the breath suddenly rose. The strength of the heavens and the earth converge toward her, breaking through the six floors of the nine-day Xuan Xiandi.

Three days passed.

Qin double became extremely weak, pale, and sweat on his forehead.

Inside the heart.

The last rule was woven in, the two locks were connected together, the power suddenly multiplied, the temperature inside the heart was once lowered, and the two interlocking locks flew from the hands of the spirit. The head of the spirit hovered.

Qin double still closed his eyes and was immersed in the epiphany.

Half a day later, the piano opened his eyes and the joy between the eyebrows. Her Yangshen and Yuanshen were once again upgraded, reaching the fourth peak of Xianjun, only one line, and broke through to the fifth floor of Xianjun. Moreover, her Yuan Li Xiu was also unconsciously broke through to the late fourth floor of Xuantian.

What makes her most happy is that she has a vague sense of the law. She has a kind of perception, everything in the heavens and the earth, all built by the law. It's just how to build, but there is no clue. I don't even know how to capture the weaving rules. She used to capture and weave the law, because there are ready-made rules in front of her. In fact, the two thousand silk rules are not captured by the heaven and earth avenue, but the ready-made rules captured from the ice sculpture. It is the law that has been condensed by people.

That is to say, the piano double uses a semi-finished product, and then weaving it into a rule with a semi-finished product. The result is that the piano double does not even know the two law locks that we knit, how to use it.

However, the piano is not without a sense of use, as long as you go to see the four gods and the sun, all sitting on the shoulders of the spirit, perceiving the two locks hovering on the spirit head, Knowing the two rules of the lock, will give the piano a great advantage.

This will make the Yangshen and the Yuanshen gradually familiar with the law, and the perception of the law will gradually strengthen, and then gradually deepen the understanding of the law.


Qinqin spit out a long breath, and when a weak came, he took out the dark corner and began to take it, and restored his mysterious power. It took another one-fifth of the dark corner and it took a day to restore the power of Xuan to the peak. In this adventure of the secret government, there may be dangers at any time, so Qin double still puts the four great gods and the sun gods in place, and does not let them stay in the Taoist heart and understand the law.

Looking at the waiting area and Guan Yu, Qin’s face showed a smile: “Congratulations on the two breakthroughs.”

Regardless of grateful manners, "Thank you for the piano master."

Qinqin naturally knows that Guan is because he borrowed the light of his own enlightenment and got a breakthrough. So thank you. Put it in the hand:

"This is also your own chance, no thanks. After a few days of delay, we should continue."

"I lead the way!"

The piano nodded twice and waved his hand to the front. The three men went out of the valley and flew toward the iceberg.

After half an hour, three people stood on the top of the iceberg and looked down the mountain.

Under the mountain is an icicle forest.

Looking down from the mountain peak, it is a icicle of the same height and size. This icicle does not know how many, and the entrance is endless.

"We are here that someone suddenly disappeared." Guan said nervously.

"Is it in the icicle forest below?"


"Let's go see!"

Qin double took the lead to the mountain, and soon stood at the foot of the mountain, the icicle forest is close to the foot of the mountain. Qin double spread the knowledge. After about ten interest, Qin double took back the gods and released the mystery. So when she passed the time of ten, she frowned, and the confession was banned here. Even the mystery is suppressed so badly that it spreads less than a hundred meters.

"Suddenly missing?"

Qin double thought a little, and looked at the place and said: "You two entered my medicine garden, so the three of us will not be separated."

"Good!" Waiting and swearing nodded.

Qin double will sacrifice the medicine garden and put two people into the medicine garden. Then walked into the icicle forest.

After walking for more than ten meters, Qin double stood in the same place and slowly turned around, and the heart secretly:

"Even if there is no institution here, it is easy to get rid of it and disappear."

At this time, there are pictures of the double strings, which are reflected from a icicle. It is conceivable that if a group of people walk in, they will immediately find that there are crowds around them. It is impossible to tell which one is true. Going in the wrong direction, the end result is missing.

"Guan Guan, Guan Ting is missing here?" Qin double to the Guan Yu Road in the medicine garden.


"That seems to need to find it here."

Qin double thought about it and said: "I was out of this icicle forest at the beginning?"


"So what attack did you get?"

"Cold wave!"

"Cold wave?"

"Yeah!" Guan Yu’s voice carries a trembling fear: "The degree of each cold wave is the same, but the three days are not enough to restore the cold of the soul. When the three days pass, then The cold wave will come, so the cold in the body will be superimposed again and again, and it will eventually be like the green prince."

The piano nodded twice and then hit a icicle by his side.

"Oh la la..."

The icicles shattered and collapsed, and the doubles spread the mystery and quickly swept through the debris, but what disappointed her was that she did not find the law.


To her shock, the pieces were used in a very short period of time, and they converge into a icicle that was exactly the same as before.

"No! This must have the power of the law to restore the icicle. But why didn't I feel it?"


Qinqin was hit by a punch on the icicle, and the icicle was smashed into pieces. The mystery of the doubles spread out again, and nothing was perceived. Then the icicles recovered. The original appearance.

Qin double fell into meditation. After a few moments, Qin double was punched out. At the moment when the icicles broke, she shrouded the ground.


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