Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2108: Consumption

The more you go forward, the stronger the law of snow flakes from the sky, the collision of the Taoism and the snow of the laws of the people, bursting with bursts of sound.

The snowflake power of each law is not so strong that it can not be resisted by Qin and so on, that is, the appearance of the nine-day Xuanxian mid-term, but when it is dense to a certain extent, the water droplets can be stoned, not to mention the nine-day Xuanxian mid-term. Power?

All four had to slow down, as if there were endless nine-day Xuan Xian, who rushed to them without fear of death.

Qin binoculars swept three people, and saw that three people had already seen sweat on their foreheads. Relatively speaking, Jade Crown Court was much easier. When Qin Qin looked carefully, he saw that Yu Guanting was not the ice root, for the ice properties. Use, more than a few people in the piano.

He released the ice blade-like ice blade, not directly colliding with the snow like a piano double, smashing it. Instead, using the hovering of the Moonlight wheel, at the moment of colliding with the snowflake, relying on the force to make the snow and other snowflakes collide, so that his consumption is much less.

Qin double thought about it, although everyone can still insist on it. Once it encounters an unexpected event and consumes too much, it will be difficult to reflect the response. sidewalk:

"Ground, let go."

Waiting for a wave, only the remaining two cockroaches were released by him. The huge white tiger was on the left, the crane was on the right, and the four people in the piano walked in the middle.

These two cockroaches are not only the Xianjun period, but also very huge. One left and one right, they will protect the four people in the middle and smash the snow flakes.

"Everyone hastened to restore strength."

After Qinqin finished, he swallowed a medicinal herb and continued to use his mystery to capture a trace of the law.

With the protection of two cockroaches, Yu Guanting and others have been a lot easier. After swallowing the medicinal herbs, they have the strength to start exploring the snowflakes.

In fact, they have long discovered that this overwhelming snow is not the same. Some snowflakes are ordinary snowflakes that fall on the skin, will not hurt them, and will melt. But there are some snowflakes, but like the ice blade, they want to explore how the two are distinguished.


What frustrates them is that they have studied for a short period of time, but they can't tell, how to see how it is the same. Only when they fall on the body can they experience the difference, that is, they use the gods to probe, but they can't find out.


The intensive metal percussion sounded constantly on the two skeletons, and the snow flakes that covered the law hit the sounds of the two skeletons.

Another time has passed. At this time, the snowflake power can be as big as the late nine-day Xuanxian. The key is that there are too many, that is, there are two shackles that cover most of them, or there are many missing snowflakes circling. He slammed the piano to four people. The snowballs of this kind of power are continuously bombarded, that is, the piano doubles also began to become difficult to move forward. The three people in Yuguanting have been cut and shredded, and a slim blood mark began to appear on the body.

The piano doubled his eyes and looked at the blurred front. Although the pace is difficult, the heart of Qin double is more determined. Even the usage is banned here, the owner of this Xianfu must be a fairy king.

Fairy king!

Not to mention them, it is an absolute attraction to Xu Mo and Hai Kuotian. Such a place has not been widely spread out. Perhaps it is only this opportunity to explore this time, and it will soon be excavated by those half-step kings.


The white tiger fell to the ground, and the commander of the earth commanded the crane to fly on the heads of the people, protecting everyone from moving forward.

The pain of waiting for a face is like watching his child fall down. It’s heartbreaking when you look at it. She saw all the cockroaches that had been destroyed on the way, but there were hundreds of them, and the lowest strength was the nine-day Xuan Xian. It’s just throwing away a big army here. If there is no income in this exploration, Qinshuang and Houdi can be considered dead.

Yuguan Ting naturally knows that Qin Shuang is here, just to save him. He also knows from the heartache and screams of the smashing smashing screams. He knows that the squatting place throws away a great army here and looks at the back of Qin Double. The lips moved, but in the end they turned to the ground and shouted:

"The cellar, after I go back, I will help you find the materials for refining."

"Let's wait and go and talk about it!" Waiting for the look of the cockroach: "The crane will not last long. This is the last one."

The hearts of all people are not sinking. It is necessary to know that this is the Xianjun period. Not only is the attack power reaching Xianjun, but the intensity of refining also reaches Xianjun. Even so, it can't resist the intensive snowflake and the continuous cutting. Once the cranes fall, they are completely exposed to the attack of snowflakes, relying on their four nine-day Xuan Xian?


The crane in the air was planted on the ground, and it was a heartache. Just as Yu Guanting and others were flustered, they saw the double-handedness of the piano, and they sacrificed four blood-smelling magical symbols, which turned into four nine-day Xuanxian demon, blocking each person and releasing them. Shentong, rushing forward, Qin double and others followed.

Qin Double now has one Xianjun period and fifty-six nine-day Xuan Xian blood refining the magical symbol, each of which is hard-working and hard-won. However, at this time, we can't take care of this, let the four blood refining gods pass the top of the dome and struggle forward.

The university is getting denser and denser, and the blood-smelling magical symbol only persists for less than a half-quarter of an hour. The talents are struggling to advance less than three miles, and the four blood-smelling gods are transformed into pieces.

The piano double hands raised four blood refining symbols, and they stood in front of them, covering everyone to move on. In the eyes of Guan Yu, the color of envy is not allowed.

This is the master's means! It’s just that it’s so expensive, and if it’s not finally obtained, it’s really dead. Guan Yu looked at the heartache.

Qin double did not feel heartache at all, even if nothing was gained in front, Qin double also felt that this trip to the secret government, earned a lot. It was only the law that was obtained before the ice sculpture that gave the piano a feeling of surprise, not to mention the fact that he later got the rule.

It is now that Qin Double is constantly capturing those rules. In Qin Qiao's view, he not only has no loss, but earns a lot.

Inside, looking at his own heart, he saw two rules of the lock hovering over the head of the spirit, and those slender snow flakes were hovering around the law lock, and the 30,000-plus rule circled like a Huge vortex. Moreover, these snowflake laws have not yet been woven by the piano, and the icy law released is attacking the heart of the piano. That is to say, they are much weaker than the rule of the mysterious heart. In addition, there are two laws that belong to the piano double lock, so that the heart of the piano is still stable.



I am very grateful to the rainy night for the snow (10500), the best bawang (1000), the babyvoxsu (1000), the small bookworm children (500), the cloud dance flying silk fairy (500), a gust of james (200), the name importance (200 ), Ye Weishan (100), Xiao Han thinks you (100), Fang Wu (100), maorix (100), seaphay (100), Bai Zibing (100), Bringner (100), Zhang Yushuang (100) reward!



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