Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2109: Law everywhere

The four blood refining gods passed away and the piano doubled four more. Yu Guanting recalled the **** refinement of the piano that was originally photographed, and he was shocked:

"Qin double, have you realized the blood refining symbol?"

"Yeah!" Qin nodded.

Guan Yu was also amazed, then asked with envious face: "Qin Shijie, how many blood refinements do you have? Can you protect us from this snowy land?"

Qinqin shook his head and said: "I don't know, I don't have much of my blood refining. I hope this snow area will not be too big."

Everyone's mood is heavy, and even if they want to retire, it's too late. If they don't have the blood of the piano, they can't guarantee that they can return to life. Maybe it's closer to the destination at this time!

"Looking at the blood refining of the gods in front of the dome, we will resume repair as soon as possible." Yu Guanting took out a medicinal medicinal suit, and Houdi and Guan Yu also took the medicinal herbs.


This time, the four blood refining sacred symbols only persevered in the second mile, and they broke down. I haven't had time to release the string of the scorpion, but I have been cut out dozens of blood lines in the body, and I have rushed out four **** sacred symbols. Looking at three people who are also blood-stained, the piano doubles:

"The power of the snowflake has increased. Now there are nine days of power in the eighth floor of Xuan Xian!"

The three men nodded and could not help but look ahead, but could not see the scenery in front. Jade Crown Court looks at the waiting area and the road:

"My symbols are running out, should you two have it?"

Waiting for the ground shook his head and said: "I only have awkwardness, no symbol."

Regarding the nod, "I have dozens of..."

Yu Guanting snorted, and here, dozens of characters, and no similar. Besides, the symbol of Guan Yu is not a **** magical symbol.

The piano double closed his mouth forward. Whenever the blood refining symbol was broken, he presented a new four-character plaque, and saw that there were only four nine-day Xuanxian blood refining symbols in the storage ring.

The people looked up and looked at it, a snow fluttering, as if they could never reach the end, and a heart could not help but sink to the bottom. Yu Guanting spread the knowledge and suddenly said:

"There are still five miles away, and we can rush out. Qin double, how many blood refining symbols do you have?"


The face of the three people in Yu Guan Ting is a stiff face. At this time, the power of the snowflake has reached the ninth floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian. They also saw that the Qin Tian’s nine-day Xuan Xian period’s blood refining magical symbol is now Only one can stay in one place, only five left, it can be released once, and only enough to move forward. How do you leave the rest of the four miles?


The four blood refining symbols are dissipated in the air, and the piano has both hands raised. This time, she did not sacrifice the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacs. In the array, while protecting four people, bombarded the snow fluttering.


There aren't many common symbols left on the piano. At this time, she can't take the rule of capture, just ask for the distance of the four miles as soon as possible.


Countless laws and snow flakes hit the array, and thunderous sounds were heard. The snow fluttered rapidly, cutting the array and sparking.

After the piano double released the fifth matrix, the people finally took out the snow area, sitting on the ground one by one, each person's face is the color of the rest of the robbery.

Qinqin felt the extreme cold from the bottom of the buttocks. He couldn’t help but slammed it from the ground. At this time, Yu Guanting and others also squatted and looked around.


When the faces of the people changed, they saw an old woman sitting cross-legged with a painful color on her face. The whole person had been frozen into an ice sculpture, and I don’t know how long it had died. There is still a lot of things in front of her.

"I can walk through the snow-capped area, and come here, the repair will never be low." Qin double stood in front of the old woman.

"The piano master..."

Suddenly there was a trembling voice coming from the side of the body. Several people in the piano were hopping in their hearts. They hurriedly looked around. The heart was a shock. Looking forward, they saw one after another. It is a monk who is frozen to death.

Suddenly, Qin double felt his body stiff, looked down and his feet had been frozen.

"Qin double!"

"the host!"

"Mr. Qin!"

After a burst of exclamation, Qinqin hurriedly looked and saw that the feet of the three people in Yuguanting were also frozen, and they were spreading at an extremely fast speed, and even heard the sound of "咔嚓咔嚓" .


Qin Xuan’s mystery swarmed out, and Bin saw a trace of the law that was entering his body. It is the silk rule that freezes its body. The piano can be judged. When these laws spread to the whole body, it is the time when they died, and the old woman in front of them became an ice sculpture here.

These rules are twice as thick as the rules of ice sculpture, and the power can even give birth to a feeling of powerlessness in the heart of the piano. Suppressing the fear in my heart, the piano doubles the rules with the mystery and glimpses into the heart.


Those rules that entered the body of the piano not only did not enter the heart of the piano, but seemed to provoke something. Within the scope of the double-mindedness of the piano, they saw more rules rushing toward her, let the piano double The heart almost jumped out of the mouth.


Qin Xuan’s mystery suddenly expanded, and I saw too many rules of silk swimming around, and there seemed to be a connection between these laws.

This is why the Qinshuang wants to charge a stipulation of the law, which motivates all the rules.


There seems to be a flaw, and these rules seem to be swimming according to certain rules. Between the flow of rules, there are always places that are blank.

At this time, the piano is only frozen below the knee, and most of the body is still under her control. The water thunder beads on the right wrist fell off and turned into a long scorpion, which tied the three people of Yuguan Ting, and the two legs of the piano moved, with two feet that were unconscious and swayed. Falling in the blank of the law.

When the feet of the piano doubled in the blank of the law, the silk rule in her calf left the body and merged into those laws, flowing around the double.


Qinqin spit out a long breath and used the mystery to sweep the calves of the three people in Yuguanting. The rules in their calves also left the body.

The azure long cymbal flowed toward the wrist of the piano, and turned into a bracelet, which was ringed on the wrist.



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