Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2113: Crystal vein

"Well, it can't be wrong. I can recognize it from the shape. If you break the law seal, your white tiger **** will immediately feel a kind of closeness. The monks of Jinlingen will have a closeness to the golden soul. People like the roots of water have the same feeling of closeness to the otters.

Don't hesitate, Golden Soul is good for you. It will constantly nourish your White Tiger God, let your Baihu Yuanshen undergo a qualitative change, and have great benefits for comprehending the Heavenly Way and even comprehending the Law. ”

Qin doubled his head and looked at the three humanities of Yu Guanting: "I have this thing."

The three men nodded immediately. Here is the piano pair with them. The five elements of the bloodline are also taken from the piano. They are very grateful, and naturally there will be no objection.

Qin double took a deep breath, and one-third of Xianyuan Li was infused into the law chain, urging the law chain, rushing out from the heart, bombarding the law of the ban on the Golden Soul.


The ice cubes are shattered, and the feeling that the piano is very intimate is floating in the heart of the piano.

"Sure enough, it is the Golden Soul!"

At the moment when the law was banned, the golden soul was released, and the three people of Yu Guanting were shocked. Just saw a golden misty thing, but now it has such a big momentum.

Qin double explored his hand, condensed the road, and caught the golden soul in his hand. When he thought about it, he accepted the sea.

Know the sea.

When Bai Hu Yuanshen opened his mouth, he sucked the golden soul into his mouth. Only in an instant, the piano double feels that the white tiger **** is more sharp, and the realm of the gods is slowly rising, catching up with the speed of the other three gods.

"Good treasure!"

Qin double heart is overjoyed, five elements and five treasures. At this time, she has already possessed it. It is the soil that Tu Linggen needs. She also owns it. It only waits for the derived Tu Linggen and cultivates the Yuanshen. At that time, the five elements were all there, and the golden woods and fires went hand in hand. The speed of her cultivation would be fast.

It’s time for fighting, and the power that breaks out will be stronger!

The harvest to the secret government is too big, so the monks can't keep their own guards. They must travel around. Although they have the danger of being degraded, as long as they don't die, the harvest is huge.

Four people left here and continued on, and they went on for nearly an hour. Qinqin stopped again, not only Qinqin, but also the other three people.

In front of them is a middle-aged monk with a stalwart body. However, it has also fallen for a long time. In addition to some treasures in front of him, there is a pile of things sealed in an ice.

There are a total of nine, each one is one foot in size, a one-foot-sized platform with a tiny dragon on each platform.

"This is the vein!"

Qin double eyes immediately red, to know that in her town demon tower, only three veins, it will create a holy place. And the three crystal veins are also ordinary crystal veins, one middle product and two lower products.


Nowadays, the nine veins placed in front of them are actually the best of the celestial crystals. I really don’t know the middle-aged man in front of him. In his time, what kind of power is there, will he get such a vein?

"It seems that the last chance will be here." Qin double whispered, Yu Guanting and others also nodded.

The piano will infuse the last metaphysical force in the spirit into the law lock, and push the law to lock. The law locks like a light, rushing out of the heart of the piano, bombardment on the law ban.


The ice cubes were broken, and the two hands of the piano were volleyed. They took nine veins and volleyed between the hands. Six of them were directly received into the town demon tower, and they were handed over to the town to arrange the rest. As soon as the crystal veins were pushed, they floated in Yuguanting, waiting for the front and the front:

"Everyone has a vein. But don't let others know, or you should know the result."

Three people nodded, and they were very clear in their hearts. Don't say that a superb vein is a lower-quality vein. They can all become a blessed land of ordinary families. As long as the veins are driven underground and locked into crystal veins, they will become family. Dragon veins, let the family gradually prosper.

Every family and sect, there must be a dragon.

But now they are getting the best crystal, that is, the 34 families of Tianzicheng will have the best crystal. They have the best crystal veins, as long as they are placed in the storage ring, when they are practicing, they take the best crystal veins. This is the best crystal vein that allows them to cultivate to the peak of Xianjun, no need to worry about the lack of energy. Of course, whether it is possible to break through to the king of the king, it is not that the vein can help.

How can such a treasure be said?

Yu Guanting three people rushed to collect the veins into the storage ring, but at this time the town demon tower is a cicada. After the town got six of the best crystal veins, it directly broke through the lock chain of the best crystal veins. The six veins were quickly enlarged in the town demon tower and became six huge mountains stretching for thousands of miles. The town used these six The best crystals set up a six-in-one array, forming a higher-grade holy place, and then he began to busy, transplanting a variety of fairy trees and herbs.

"Go! Go ahead, even if you see the treasure, we can only watch it." Qin double smiled.

Everyone couldn't help but laugh. Yu Guanting said: "It's also good to have an eye addiction. This trip to the secret government has exceeded too many expectations. I have already met."

Houdi and Guan Yu also smiled and nodded, and the two sides of the piano walked forward with each other and said:

"If you don't take it, don't take it. You have to leave some chance for those who come in here."

The people walked for about three hours, and on this road, they saw a dazzling array of treasures, so that the four people of the piano were heart-warming. But I can only watch it. Qinqin is not without a chance. As long as he restores the power of the spirit, he can push the chain of law. However, the dark corners left by her body at this time are only enough to restore the mysterious power of the spirit. I don’t know how dangerous it is. It can’t be used to obtain treasures.

The four people finally got out of this law ice sheet. When Qinqin announced that he had come out, Yu Guanting and others were relieved. However, then the face changed greatly, looking one by one.

Qin double is also full of shock, long time no words.

In front of them, there is a ladder standing alone. This ladder rises into the sky. The volley stretches toward the air at the first level. The width of the ladder is only one meter, and the two sides are empty. The ladder is so volcanic to the sky, you can't see the end. .

However, this is not to shock the Qin and other people. What shocked them is the void on both sides of the one-meter-wide ladder. On both sides, there are floating figures floating in the sky. Although not many, only four are seen, but they are Still able to feel the power of the four fallen monks. One thought jumped out of the hearts of four people.

"Half-step fairy king!"


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