Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2114: ladder

They don't know what the four fallen monks are, and they don't perceive them, but they don't know how, they have this feeling in their hearts. The four people are half-step kings.

The mystery of Qin double spread along the ladder, and did not find any danger, and did not find any force.

Slightly wrinkled his brow, and the mystery spread toward the void on both sides of the ladder.


The piano doubled and snorted, and two blood were found in the nose. She did not think that the void on both sides of the ladder had a kind of extreme cold flame. The flame was colorless and invisible, at least it could not be seen by the naked eye. However, even the mystery can burn, and then the piano's mystery is burned out.

The mystery of Qin Double's release is the lack of mystery in the Fire and Phoenix Gods, directly causing the Fire and Phoenix God to be created.

The piano sits on both sides, and all the remaining dark corners are served one by one, while healing the fire and phoenix gods, while restoring the spirit of the spirit.

The road ahead is too dangerous, the piano double must return to the peak state.

The three people in Yu Guanting protected the piano in the middle. They only saw that the piano was injured, but they did not know where the danger came from. Everyone’s face was armed with warning.

After about two hours, the piano opened his eyes, and after the dark space was consumed, the flaming phoenix **** of Qin double recovered and the spirit returned to its peak state.

"Old town, what do you think of the front?"

"There should be no imaginary ice on both sides of the ladder. If you can swallow your fire, you will be able to upgrade. But don't think about it, your fire is not an opponent of nothing."

Qinqin couldn’t help but smile. Now that the fire has not swallowed up because of the swallowing of the phosphorus fire, why dare to swallow what nothing is ice?

"This ladder seems safe now, but I'm sure that after you go up, the imaginary ice on both sides of the ladder will definitely attack you, otherwise there will be no four strong ones. Master, I I think you still don’t want to go forward, but it’s still time to return.”

Qin double indulged in a moment: "Whenever you come, always look."

The old town thought for a moment: "With your current strength, if the imaginary ice fire really attacks you, you can't resist it. Even your lunar moon will not work. If you sacrifice the town demon tower, you can resist it. However, in that case, the town demon tower will be exposed, and the owner must think about it."

Qin double frowns: "Is there no other way?"

"No, no!" said the old man: "I have a magical power here that can be taught to you."

The eyes of Qin double are bright: "What magical power?"

"People's Tower! This is the magical power of the Emperor of the Year, but you have not understood the law, and you can only comprehend part of the Emperor's Tower. Even if you cultivate it, you can't stop the attack of nothingness. But the town demon tower will It was refining the Emperor of the Year, and it was made according to the magical power of the Emperor's Tower. The two have some ideas. So, I can lend the power of the law of the Demon Tower to the Emperor Tower and let it Temporarily possess the power of the law to resist the ignorance of ice."

"People's Tower!"

Qin double stayed, as long as you listen to the name of this wind, you know that the magic tower of this person is so powerful, can not help:

"Why didn't you pass it on to me before?"

"Your realm is too low, and it is the current cultivator, the tower, which is extremely reluctant."

"Okay!" Qin was a little speechless, and was despised by the old man, but then he remembered something: "When I was in danger, why didn't you see the power of the law?"

The old voice of the town is full of helplessness: "The power of the law is that you can pick it up casually? That requires the magical power of the law. It is that you can't cultivate the magical powers now."

"Don't you say that the Emperor Tower is a magical power?"

"Yes, but you can't cultivate the law, because your realm is not enough. It is precisely because the town demon tower is refining the original shape of the Emperor's tower. If there is something in between, I will be able to put the town inside the demon tower. The power of the law is lent to the Emperor. If you switch to other magical powers, you can't afford it."

"Speaking of it, or my cultivation is too low." Qin said with a bitter smile: "You pass me the magic of the tower."

"it is good!"

A message was sent to the consciousness of the piano pair. The piano sat on the ground and read it carefully. The heart was shocked by the power of the tower. In all the supernatural masters mastered by Qinqin today, there is no doubt that the Emperor Tower is the most powerful, even surpassing the strongest heaven and the three styles before, which is the four symbols of the Qin double comprehension.

Of course, the four elephants are still far from comprehending the Xeon. As the piano continues to merge, the law will become stronger and stronger.

"Old town, do you still have a lot of magical powers?"

The old man was silent for a while: "Well, but the magical power of the emperor is very strong. I will give it to you first. You can’t understand it. It’s this person’s tower. For you, it’s also very stubborn. I don’t know if you can Comprehension, or how long it takes to comprehend."

Qin double transferred the town demon tower to the stomach, let the old man take out a dew fruit, pinch it into pieces, throw it into the stomach, and the comprehension of the piano double is instantly increased by twelve times.

With the help of the December fruit, Qin double began to comprehend the Emperor Tower. First, I read the emperor's tower magical power over and over again, letting his righteousness flow in the heart. After the meaning of each word is fully understood, Qin double began to think about the tower. Qin Shuang first used the Fengfeng Yuanshen to think about the Emperor Tower. Although it was only a single-property tower, it also made Qinqin feel the power of the Emperor Tower. It’s just that this single attribute is the Emperor’s Tower, and the power is only slightly inferior to the four elephants.

Yu Guanting, Guan Yu and Hou Dizhen stood aside and saw Qin double suddenly sitting cross-legged and began to cultivate, and could not help but wonder.

"At this time, how did Qinqin cultivate? Is it because I can't think of a way to pass this ladder?

The three men glanced at each other and spread the knowledge out of the same way, stepping up the stairs.

"No danger!"

The three men explored the gods on both sides of the ladder.


The three people snorted almost at the same time, hurriedly cut off the knowledge of God, but only a moment, their own knowledge was burned, and the burning still has a tendency to spread along their gods. After the three people cut off the knowledge of the gods, the rest of the face was robbed, and immediately sat down and began to adjust the interest to restore the affected god.

The four people did not move, like four ice sculptures.

One day later, the three people in Yu Guanting opened their eyes and healed the wounded three people. They looked at the piano pair in unison, and they saw that the piano double did not even breathe at this time, and completely entered the comprehension. I have used the fetal interest unconsciously, as if it had been frozen and fallen.


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