Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2115: King Tower

I wish my comrades happy May Day!

Three people looked at the piano from time to time, and soon an hour passed, and the four people gradually felt bored. One by one closed their eyes and began to cultivate and carefully polish their realm.

So seven days later, Yu Guanting suddenly felt that the temperature was hot, and opened his eyes to look at the piano. He saw a fiery red nine-story tower from the surface of the piano, translucent. The tower body, various patterns are woven into a mysterious pattern, which continuously sheds on the tower body.

When Yu Guanting looked at the pattern on the tower, he felt that there were countless ways to preserve it, and the Yuanshen, which shocked them, made the Yuanshen feel a mess.

"bell bell..."

Eight flaming bells hang from each tower, and seventy-two bells rang, making the three of them even more swaying.

Three people hurriedly squinted, no longer looking at the tower of the man, clinging to the gods, resisting the ringing noise. One heart is shocked.

"What kind of magic is this? Just look at it and feel confused. It's amazing!"

At the same time, Qin double communicated with the old town: "The old town, just a single property, can bear the law you borrowed? Can you resist the ignorant attack?"

"It should be okay." The old man's tone was hesitant: "The Emperor's Tower has various rules, and only the cultivation of the Emperor's Tower to the golden woods, the fire, the light, the wind and the thunder, the time and space attributes are all true, that is the real People's Tower. Now you are just a single attribute, you can only borrow the fire attribute rule of the town demon tower. I can't resist the attack of nothingness, I don't have much confidence. If you can integrate another attribute, you should grasp A lot bigger."


The Emperor Tower converges into the body of Qin Double, and Qin Double begins to fuse the water and fire properties to build the Tower of the Emperor.

Yu Guanting and others felt that the temperature had dropped to the original cold. They couldn’t help but raise their eyes and look at the piano. When they saw that the tower was gone, Qinqin still closed his eyes.

This sitting is more than a month in the past, and the integration of the attributes to build the tower of the people, it is much more difficult than the construction of a single attribute, this is still with the help of the December fruit.

"bell bell..."

Another ringtone came, this time they had a greater impact on Yu Guanting, so that they felt a burst of shackles, hurriedly clung to the Yuanshen and looked up at the piano.

Then there is a stay, a beautiful nine-story tower appears on the surface of the piano double, the entire tower is composed of two colors.

Flaming and azure!

The flaming red and the azure are intertwined to form a beautiful and mysterious pattern.

"Old town, can you do it now? If I let me integrate into the third attribute, I am afraid that there is no one year, it is impossible."

Business should be business."

"Ring bell..."

The ringing sounds in the sea reform of the piano, and she feels that an incomparably vast amount of energy is transmitted and superimposed on the tower of the Emperor.

The town demon tower was originally made according to the rehearsal of the Emperor's tower. There is no obstacle in the intercommunication between the two. It is only an instant, and the power of the law of the demon tower is superimposed on the tower of the Emperor.

The pattern on the Emperor's Tower has become more mysterious, the color is brighter, the power is rising to the sky, and the piano is indiscriminate. This kind of power must exceed the number of people who have released it.

"This power should be able to pass the ladder!"

Qin Shuang’s heart is quite stable, and his eyes turn to Yu Guanting’s three humanities:

"I don't know if I can pass this ladder safely. Once I step on the ladder, there is no turning back. It is not passing, it is death. If you don't want to take risks, you three people can stay here."

"Where is the owner, where am I going."

"I think this is my chance, I want to go and see." Yu Guanting said with a burning gaze.

"I have already come here, naturally I have to go and see." Guan said calmly.

"Okay, let's go!"

The Emperor Tower flew up and zoomed in the air, shrouded the four people inside. The piano stepped toward the ladder and went to the first step and lifted it up.

Just stepping onto the first step, the imaginary ice on both sides of the ladder spreads toward the stairs, like a sea tide that hits the tower.

The Emperor's Tower rotates in the air, blocking the imaginary ice fire. The nine-story tower is not solid, and it is translucent, but it can keep the horrible imaginary ice from outside, without letting a trace of emptiness Come in.

The three people in Yu Guanting were frightened and warrior. They could clearly feel the outside of the tower, the power of nothingness, like the tide of the sea, set off a hundred feet of waves, and slammed down to the tower. However, in the tower of the Emperor, it is not shocking, the security is abnormal, and all the power is blocked.

The three people of Yu Guanting have no doubt that once the tower of the Qinshuang can't stop the imaginary ice fire outside, they will be frozen into ice sculptures in an instant and fall here.

Do not!

Even if only a trace of emptiness and ice fire leaked in, it would cause them to die immediately.

The water and fire on the tower of the Emperor rushed rapidly, and the translucent tower of the Emperor swayed out of a circle, as if it would break and collapse at any time.

The duo and the four people quickly swept on the ladder, but the ladder seemed to have no end. Two quarters of an hour passed, and there was still no end. At this time, the power of the imaginary ice-fire attack is getting stronger and stronger. The dragonfly on the tower of the Emperor suddenly swayed, and it began to have a slight twist, so that Yu Guanting and other people were shocked and their faces became pale.

It took another two quarters of an hour, and the tower of the man was still as if it would break and collapse at any time, but it was still strong.

"A strong power!"

"What is this supernatural power?" Yu Guanting was shocked.

"Before returning to Tianziyuan, I couldn't hear the news of Qin Shijie. Instead, Lang Yu was so famous that it seems that Qinqin is just a low-key."

At this time, the piano double can not guess the thoughts of the three of them. She is also shocked and stunned at this time, for fear that the tower of the people can't stop the ice.

Flying for more than two quarters, the piano doubled in the heart, she felt the law power. A trace of the law of power, so that the piano can clearly perceive that the power of this law gives the piano some pressure, the pace of advancement can not help slow down.

The higher the upward, the stronger the pressure of the law, even the towers of the Qinshuang people began to shake, so that the piano double heart jumped to the eyes of the blind.

"The old town, the tower of the people must not stop!"

"It's not that the tower of the people can't stop it. It's your character's level of cultivation is too low. If you can integrate another attribute, it won't be like this."

"Don't say this, is there a way?"



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