Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2116: Frost

"Don't worry, this power is just a single attribute, and I will lend you some rules."

At this time, the three people in Yu Guanting were panicked, and they saw that the tower of the Emperor began to be deformed. Maybe the next breath would be smashed.


The three people in Yu Guanting looked at the tower of the Emperor in surprise, and they saw that the originally distorted tower of the Emperor had begun to return to its original appearance and became stable.

"She... how could it be so strong?" Yu Guanting and Guan Yu looked at the piano double incredulously.

"My master is strong!" He smiled and became a chrysanthemum.

However, Qin double is not as happy as they are, because she feels that the power that descends from the ladder is getting stronger and stronger.

She has been climbing from the fly to the next step, so that after walking for nearly an hour, Qin double has already felt that his own power is almost consumed, and a large drop of sweat on the forehead falls. Suddenly her eyes lit up and she saw the end of the ladder. Although I don't know what the end of the ladder is, I can see that there are only less than a thousand steps left.

It’s just that the power is getting stronger and stronger. Now, every time the piano is on a step, there will be a lot of sweat flowing down. This is still the top of the tower of the people. If there is no one, there is no need for the imaginary wind, it is this power, it will be able to crush the piano.

A thousand steps, let the piano double walk for more than an hour. When she stood at the top of the ladder, she could not help but be shocked by the scene in front of her.

At this time, there is a platform at the foot of the four people of the piano. The platform is not large, and it is only about 100 meters. In front of the platform is a void, a smashing squirting gun in the sky. A rule of law chain hovered around the handle of the frosty rifle, forming a huge law vortex, the boundless power can be pushed to the piano double layer by layer.

The hovering law chain suddenly flew up, and instantly constructed a huge light curtain, and a huge battlefield appeared in the light curtain.

On the battlefield, countless monks are fighting, there are demons, demons, races, and a variety of pianos that they have not seen. And these races are united, they are fighting a powerful creature.

"Chaotic creatures!" The town gave a scream.

When the eyes of the piano are not shrinking, they can see the boundless monks and the equally boundless chaotic creatures fighting. There is a huge crack in the sky, and countless chaotic creatures are constantly coming in from the cracks.

Chaos creatures are extremely powerful, and countless monks are shredded by chaotic creatures.

An unusually large monk, armed with a large shot of frost, and each shot, there are countless chaotic creatures being frozen.

One person and one shot, between the chaotic creatures, is invincible.

However, more chaotic creatures went to the big monk and went on. The minds of Qin and others were completely immersed in the picture, and were shocked by the vast and tragic war.

I don't know how long it took, the big monk was tired, and the body began to have scars. As time went on, more and more scars, and finally the big monk was shredded by several huge chaotic creatures.

The frosty rifle penetrated the layers of space and disappeared into the battlefield.


Purple Star.

A white light quickly fell from the void and landed on a plain and disappeared.

Under the plains.

The frosty rifle exudes a layer of law, a space gradually emerges, and the plain gradually rises up, forming a mountain range, straight into the sky, as if it is connected to the sky.

Connected to the Tianshan Mountains.

The rod of ice cream is inserted in the void of the space, a ladder is formed, and there is no ice and fire on both sides. Then a silk rule generates an ice sheet. The ice sheet is expanding, the snow field is generated, the icicle forest is formed, and the ice sculpture is generated... ...


The picture disappeared, and the rule of law chained toward the frosty rifle. In an instant, all of them entered the frosty rifle. The pressure of the law disappeared.

The frosty rifle quickly shrank, and finally turned into a white robe youth, appeared in the void, his eyes looked sharply at the four pairs of Qin, and finally fell on the body of the piano, said coldly:

"I am the spirit of the Frost Gun, are you willing to inherit the inheritance of Frost Tianzun?"

"Predecessors stayed here, the establishment of this secret government, is to find a successor?" Qin double surprised.

"Not bad!" The cold young man looked at the piano with a strange look: "Is there anything weird?"

"This..." Qin doubled and laughed: "The ice sculptures, icicles and flying snow in front of them are also laid by seniors?"

"Yeah!" The cold young man said coolly: "Not everyone can get the inheritance of Frost Tianzun. Only through the assessment, there is a chance. If you pass, you will only die."

"But... your predecessor is too difficult to pass this assessment. It is impossible for anyone to pass. It is the spiritual world. It is only a half-step fairy king."

"The spiritual world?" The cold young man said in a mistake: "Isn't this the mainland?"

The piano snorted and said, "You don't know?"

The cold young man’s eyes swam and said: “I was beaten at the beginning, and I didn’t know where I was. I thought I was on the mainland. No wonder, no one has been able to come here for so long.”

Having said that, he looked into the eyes of Qin double to explore. The heart of the piano is a glimpse, but then the eyes of the cold youth become hot:

"You can bring them here, enough to prove your understanding. You are willing to inherit the inheritance of Frost God. If you want, I will conclude a contract with you. You will be my master in the future."

Qin double silently said: "Predecessors, if the younger generation is willing, do you want to discard other attributes?"

“Not bad!” The cold youth nodded. “Frost Tianzun practiced the purest ice heaven. Only by abandoning other attributes can you cultivate to the peak.”

Qin double shook his head and shook his hand and said: "Thank you for your predecessors, but the younger generation still wants to stick to their own way."

"It's a pity!" There was a glimpse of regret in the eyes of the cold youth: "Our cold roots are worse, but you can comprehend this supernatural tower, and you can see that the savvy is extraordinary."

Shaking his head, his eyes fell on the body of Yu Guanting: "Your spiritual root is the best, but I don't know how your understanding. You are willing to inherit the inheritance of Frost Tianzun?"

Yu Guanting’s face is full of excitement. He is different from the piano. He is a purely single spiritual root, and it is the root of the ice. There is no question of hesitation, and immediately hand in hand:

"Predecessors, younger generations are willing."


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