Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2117: Jade Crown's decision

The cold youth is still cool and said: "You are not here with your own strength, so you must have an assessment of your understanding. Through the assessment, you are the disciple of Frost Tianzun, and also my master. If you pass Then die. Are you still willing to accept the inheritance?"

"I am willing!" Yu Guanting replied without hesitation.

"Okay, it's a bit timid!"

"I have a shot, as long as you can comprehend a fur before you die, break the gun and you will pass."

When the words fell, I saw the cold young man sticking out an index finger and gently spurting toward Yuguanting.

Qin double and so on did not react, and did not see any power, but in the knowledge of the sea of ​​Jade Crown, he felt a big ice gun, stabbed him, with great power.

Yu Guanting closed his eyes and concentrated on the shot.

In the sea of ​​Jade Crown, the shot was continually stabbed. Although each shot was shot, it was far away from the **** of Yuguan Ting, and did not harm the **** of Yu Guanting, and repeatedly practiced for the jade crown. In the court, let Yu Guanting comprehend the meaning of this gun.


Every shot is stabbed, and Yu Guanting can feel that his temperature of the sea is lowered by a level, so that he will continue to stab. If Yu Guanting is unable to comprehend this type of gun in time, he will be frozen and know the sea. The **** of the gods was frozen and completely degraded.

Yu Guanting quickly deduced, and he was very grateful to the piano at this moment.

In the previous icicle forest, Qin double once gave him a December fruit, and now there is no past two months, Yu Guanting still has eleven times the comprehension.

Looking at the mystery of this gun in the sea, Yu Guanting is sure that if he did not eat the December fruit, he would never have realized the possibility of this kind of shooting.

The three people of Qinqin have become nervous because they know that if Yuguan Ting fails, it means death, and they still don't know, once the jade crown defeats, will this frosty gun leave them?

If you don’t let them go...

"Old town, if I fight this big ice gun, can this person's tower be unable to stand?"

"I can't stand it anymore. When he shoots, he will smash the tower of the people, and even bring you all into a slag!"

"If you borrow your strength?"

"No, you just built a tower of water and fire. I can only lend you the power of the law of water and fire. The key point is that the town demon tower is far from the top level. Now it is just a product. Live him. Even if you cultivate the four attributes of the Emperor Tower, I am sure to block him."

Qinqin couldn't help but lick the tooth flower, which really gave the fate to the hands of others, there is no monopoly!


The piano doubled away from the Emperor's Tower. At this time, there was no law pressure, and even if the tower was supported by this person, it could not stop the other party's shot. Why bother to support and waste the power? There is not much left in the original, is it good?

Qin double scattered to the tower of the people, the cold youth did not even look at it, just pay attention to the jade crown court standing on the platform at this time. The piano double sits on the ground and takes the medicinal herbs and begins to recover. Waiting for the ground and Guan Yu looked at each other and sat on the ground and practiced.

Since nothing can be done, then calm is good!

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

Qin Shuang and others are becoming more and more worried, and they are getting more and more nervous because they have seen Yu Guanting’s face sullen and blue.

This situation is very bad!

Time spent in an atmosphere of intense anxiety, and after more than an hour, I suddenly saw Jade Crown step forward, taking a step and pointing out.


A huge gunshot of the life, stabbed to the cold young man in the opposite air. The huge gunshots were bombarded on the cold youth, and they disappeared instantly. The cold young cloakroom did not move. The original excited double and other people could not help but look awkward.

"This is... failed?"

Yu Guanting opened his eyes and looked at the cold youth opposite. There was a strange color in the eyes of the cold young man, nodding his head:

"Good understanding!"

Later, I saw that the young man had turned into a white light and rushed toward the Jade Crown. He had not waited until Yu Guanting reacted, and the white light was shot into his eyebrows. Then he stood there motionless.

Everyone was shocked to look at Yuguanting, and they saw that the body of Yuguan Ting spread the extreme cold, and the surrounding air was born with a layer of frost, such as a fairyland floating.


The piano spit out a sigh of relief, and the eyes showed a relaxed color.

"Master, is he this?"

"He is accepting the inheritance, we just waited quietly!"

The nine days passed.

Yu Guanting opened his eyes and looked at the Qin Double Road: "Qin Shuang, I want to practice here, I will not go back with you."


Qin double looked back at the imaginary ice on both sides of the ladder, that is, the half-step Xian Wang is also difficult to pass here, and Yu Guanting is practicing here, there should be no danger.

After thinking about it, Wei Qingjue was transferred from the medicine garden and placed on the platform:

"Can you wake him up?"

Yu Guanting seems to be squirming with the frosty gun, and then he sees Yu Guanting's hand grabbing Wei Qingjue volley, then says:

"He will wake up later."

The piano nodded twice and took Wei Qingjue into the medicine garden and handed it to Yuguanting:

"Crested, take care!"

"Piano double, take care. Dear, take care."

" Take care!"

Qin binoculars looked into the ladder, and then looked at Yu Guanting, Yu Guanting smiled bitterly:

"You have to go back, I can't control everything here."

The piano nodded twice, releasing the tower again, shrouded the waiting area and the Guan, and walked down the stairs. Yuguanting stood on the platform and looked at the background of the piano pair. It turned into a black spot and finally disappeared into the eye. Then he sat on the platform and closed his eyes.

Qin double stepped down the ladder, put away the tower of the people, looked back at the ladder, took two people, and began to shuttle above the glacier flowing by the law. Concerned about the piles of banned treasures, the face is not envious of the color:

"Jade brothers are not lacking in cultivation resources."

"This is his chance. We will have our chance in the future." Qin said faintly, passing by the ice sculptures of the big monks.

Looking at the face of the piano, the old well did not wave, Guan Yu suddenly woke up: "I am in the phase, thank you Qinqin sister."

"Nothing, but the things in Guanting still need to be kept secret."

"I understand!" Guan said seriously.


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