Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2118: go away

Out of the law glacier, three people stood in front of the snow area. Waiting for the land and Guan Yu can not help but look at the Qin double. The piano did not frown. At this time, the cockroaches of the cellar have been consumed, and there is only one left of her blood refining symbol. The ordinary plaques are only a few hundred left, which is not enough to protect them through the snow area.

Qin double thought: "Now you need to get through here quickly, and both of you will enter my medicine garden."

"it is good!"

The two did not have any conflicts. Qin double took two people into the medicine garden. Anyone propped up the tower of the people and walked toward the snow-capped area, and disappeared instantly.

Close to the horizon!

Qin double did not collect the law in the snow. At this time, she did not have a symbol, and she did not know whether her strength could support the people's towers in the snow area.

What she needs now is faster and faster.

I dare not waste a little energy on other aspects, and I can't see the figure in the sky. I can't see the figure of the double figure in the air. I can only see the double appear suddenly at a point, and then disappear instantly. The next time, it is already counting. More than a kilometer.

During the period, Qin double saw a few waves of monks moving in the snow area, but the speed of the piano pair was too fast, and in the snow, the monks did not find the piano double.

In this way, flying for about half an hour, the strength of the body of the piano has consumed 60%. However, Qin double has settled down. The snow here has become sparse, and the piano doubles up the tower of the people, releasing the stars and wearing the moon, flying toward the front.


Between the vagueness, the piano double saw a blurred figure in front, and it looked very vague. When the piano double thought about it quickly, he took up the star and wore the moon, took out a defensive symbol and released it on his body. A defensive shield. The facial muscles are squirming, but in an instant, they become a woman with a thick eyebrow and a fierce look.

The two sides are approaching quickly and see each other's looks. There are nine monks on the opposite side. When I see the appearance of the piano pair, the look is a surprise. There are such a woman who looks so fierce in the world.

"Why is this Taoist friend returning?" A monk bowed to the piano.

The piano kept pace, and the thick scorpion said: "The snow in front will get bigger and bigger, and it will not be able to pass, my companions are dead."

The sound is still echoing in the snow, and the piano double has disappeared. Nine monks face each other and a monk opens:

"Is it true?"

"If you go and see, don't you know? Go!"

The monks who led the head continued to move forward, and the remaining eight men followed.

"It seems that this secret news has been completely spread out, and because there are no ice sculptures and icicle forests, everyone will directly reach the snow-capped area. It is estimated that more and more monks will come here, and I am opposite to them. The direction, I will be suspected that I got what treasure, eager to leave, will block me. Even if I do not doubt me, will stop me, ask me about the secret government.

It is estimated that at this time, there should be no Xianjun coming, but only some low-level disciples will be sent to explore, at least there will be no half-step Xianwang.

Since they can't avoid it, they are scared that they dare not stop me! ”

Qin Double let Qinglong Yuanshen control the body, and then let the pressure of the fifth layer of the Qinglong Yuanshen Xianjun spread out, constantly making a slap in the face, flying toward the exit of the secret government.

Sure enough, shortly after the flight, I began to encounter monks, a group of batches, those monks as the Qin double expected, the repair is not high, and even Da Luo Jinxian. The monks felt the power of Xianjun, and they all stopped in shock, until the piano flew away, and then they went forward with horror.


Just as the piano pair is about to pass through the original ice sculpture area, a fairy greets the piano pair and sighs in the mouth:

"Do you want to stay!"


There is a gap in the crack of the piano eyebrows, and a trace of the Xianjun waterline spurts out and sighs in the mouth:

"Get out!"


The Xianjun rushed to resist the trace of the Xianjun waterline. The shape of the piano double had swept past him, swept out the ice sculpture area, and entered the passageway. The distance of hundreds of meters swept past. Rushed out from the gate.

The Xianjun looked back angrily and looked at the passage. He looked hesitant and finally did not go to the piano. Although he is Xianjun, but he believes that Qin is also a fairy, he does not have any advantage. Cursed in my mouth:

"A good woman!"

Turning to the depths of the secret government to speed up the speed and swept away.


Qin double feet on the ice, a figure rising from the sky, after the shackles, fell on the canyon, did not stop, flew away from the Tianshan.

After half a day.

The piano doubled in a white dress and white dress, restored the original appearance, walked on a trail, walked by her side, Wei Qingjue, Guan Yu and the waiting area.

"Boss, you really will give me a five-line golden fruit?" Wei Qingjue squinted and looked at the piano pair with a smile.

"I have said it to you, I will give it to you, and I will wait a long distance from the Tianshan Mountains. In the front five hundred miles away, it is Kunshan. We opened a cave house there, and then you took it there, we have several Give you protection."

"Then you will give me now!"

Qin double turned a white-eyed road: "The money is not white, you stop for a while. Also, since Guan Ting retreats in the secret government. The countermeasures that I discussed with Guan Yu before will be invalidated. We have never come to Tianshan. I took it back from the Tianshan Mountain and sent it to me. After I was sent to me, I was awakened. Then we went out to travel. We didn’t go to Tianshan again, and we never saw Guanting again. Do you understand?”

"Do not worry, I am not stupid." Wei Qingjue said awkwardly. Houdi and Guan Yu also nodded seriously.

"Thousands of people think, you must keep your secrets, otherwise you will be responsible for yourself. Your cultivation is growing too fast. Once you reveal the news, everyone will think that you have obtained treasures from the secret government, and most of them will chase them. you guys."

Everyone is in the air, not saying anything else, that is, they get the five elements of blood, which is enough to make others jealous.


Everyone opened a cave house, and the piano was set up in a double array. Four people sat in the cave house. Qin double was thrown to a star of Wei Qingjue. Watching Wei Qingjue finish the golden fruit, Qin Qin’s heart is moving:

"Qing Jue, give me the kernel."

Guan Yu looked at Qin Shuangdao: "Mr. Qin, you want to cultivate five elements of blood fruit?"

"Well, I want to try." Qin nodded.

"It's useless." Guan Yu shook his head and said: "This five-line blood fruit is born naturally, and the whole spiritual world is such a single. Dan Meng has done countless trials and can't cultivate it."


I am very grateful to the rainy night for the snow (10000), burning and swelling (2000), the cloud dance flying silk fairy (1000), the silent summer end (500), a gust of wind james (400), Liao Mubai (300), the oriental general photo ( 200), Bai Zibing (100), seaphay (100), blue without salt 1 (100), Xiao Han wants you (100), coolbreezeli (100), seaphay (100), Bai Zibing (100) to reward!



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